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What pc games are yall playing?

I keep going back to DDO and fallen earth. I'm frostedjar on steam. I'd like to play with other ppl but i never can find the right game. I like rpg but am open to most any game.

ChrisFrost 5 July 1

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zynga Poker !


The last time I played one was in about 1986. I hear they're a bit more advanced now.

Jnei Level 8 July 1, 2018



I keep on returning to classics. Lately I've been playing Transport Tycoon Deluxe, which is one of my all-time favourite games. I've also been playing Elder Scrolls: Oblivion for many weeks, since it runs nicely on the crappy old laptop I take to work.

I remember saving lunch money to buy a new graphics card in anticipation of Oblivion! They actually made a patch called Oldblivion. I had to use it for a while! ? Great game, though. The story was a tad shallow, but open world games are awesome and it's one of the best overall

@DonThiebaut I ended up using cheat modes to get through all those bloody Oblivion Towers. So tedious!

@DaveMania I can honestly say that is one game I never cheated for anything but seeing how absurd I could make things get. I played it a bit more recently, and while I still enjoyed it, it did feel a lot more repetitive than I remembered. But I guess that's true of most games once you get past a certain point.


Angry Birds is my gaming speed. ?


I haven't played any PC games for a few years and my new laptop is not really very good for gaming. This is an interesting post though cause I'd like to find out what others are into in case one of them strikes my fancy too.


Kerbal Space Program mostly present.

I occasionally replay Baldur's Gate all the way through from level 1 at Candlekeep, through Tales of the Sword Coast, Shadows of Amn, and Throne of Bhaal. But that takes quite a while to do, I like the squad-level combat action, the storyline, and the turn-based system though.

The older games in theory I might have in playable form; they've gone. I have not a form I can reload most of those on current computers any more.

A few of them have turned up in enhanced editions under Steam; and run very nicely indeed.

Perhaps in a few years I will buy a new PC. Maybe another 10 years or so, it will be better then and that point I will buy the best I can afford then.


candy crush saga


I'm currently playing Subnautica like it's my job.


Currently playing Tony Hawk American Wasteland. I only have the chance to play games on my days off.

I got after work on Saturday and all of sunday...


Does anyone play Civilization V on Steam? I can lose half a day playing that game; I get so caught up in it that I lose track of time.

I play civilization all the time. I go between civ 4,5 ,and 6.

You can add me on steam. It should be the same user name as on here.


I just picked up a game called The Yaugh after seeing a blip about it on a show. It's on sale on Steam right now, though I haven't played it yet, so I can't exactly recommend. I took another crack at Mount and Blade last week. And I played Streets of Rogue last night, which I highly recommend, especially if you have a buddy or two for coop, but even solo is great


Currently The Sims 4.

I use to love playing the sims


Witcher 3 and Magic the Gathering: Arena (beta).


I keep going back to Heroes or Might and Magic. I love that damn game. Oh, and Majesty! The 90's are coming back to a PC near me... Lol


I have no interest in PC games with the possible exception of Bridge Base Online.


I'm really into VR lately, with my PS4, HTC Vive and Samsung Odyssey headsets. Skyrim and Fallout 4 remain favorites in this new medium, especially since the PC versions can still be modded. I also use the VORPX utility to view many compatible 2D PC games in VR. On the PS4 VR headset, you can't beat Resident Evil 7!


I wouldn't mind playing games again I bought Assains Creed but found the controls to pick up again. I need an easy starter and maybe something intriguing like Myst was. Have a PS3 that could do with resurrection. Any suggestions anyone? I like strategy.


That house flipper game was dumb, but I had to uninstall it because it became my job. Played it way to much.




Putt Putt Saves the Zoo


I've been dabbling a bit in some of the cheap $2-5 games steam has on their summer sale. Some old ones like guild 2 and stronghold, as well as some tycoon type games like game Dev tycoon and blueprint tycoon.

My main games have been Elite: Dangerous, Diablo 3, World of Warships, Wildlands, 7 Days to Die.

Recently my friends and I have been fulfilling some boyhood dreams of being Starfleet officers and playing Bridge Crew. I haven't tried it yet, but we are also going to try Deep Rock Galactic.

I have Overwatch as well, but for some reason my gaming computer gets bogged down with it and becomes unplayably choppy.


Guild Wars 2, Neverwinter Nights 2, and just started Battletech.

Funny story. I was playing battle tech back in the day on an old dell. I had borrowed my friends copy. Well i'm in game and i'm not sure why but I launched all my weapons at once. All that sound blew my speakers. I didn't know it at the time. I just knew the sound was different. I logged out and shut the pc down. While doing so the speakers still had persistent sound. With no power to the pc as it was fully shut down there was still a little bit or reverb coming out of the speakers. The sound stopped and I turned it back on to play in silence. 🙂


World of Warcraft.


I only play variations on Unreal Tournament never found another game I liked.


I'm not a PC person I actually am a PS4 person I've just got done in the last 3 or 4 months playing every open world game there is I'm waiting breathlessly for 2019 for the new Metro Exodus to come out I'm like a little boy waiting for Christmas I did just finish playing Inside a wonderful little indie game wonderful ending

@Omen6Actual unfortunately that particular game is not available on console

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