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LINK Ultra-Orthodox Jews Delayed a Flight (Again) by Refusing to Sit Next to Women – Friendly Atheist

If people don't want to sit in their assigned seat for religious reasons, especially reasons that are sexist then they should be removed from the plane immediately so other passengers can get to their destination on time.

Surfpirate 9 July 3

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Sounds like their choice....what's the big whoop?


if they're that bloody orthodox, wtf are they doing riding in such a modern contraption like a plane?


Can any scholars of Judaism enlighten me to the reasoning behind this misogyny? I think any man who belongs to such a religious grouping with these views should be called out and ridiculed. by society. If we spoke up we would be called anti-semites because religious beliefs, no matter how offensive, are sacrosanct. All these extreme Jewish men who feel this way and can't interact in a normal way in society should be exiled to some remote island where they can practise their misogyny in seclusion......these self titled “chosen ones”!


To compensate, I'd like to welcome any ladies to sit with me next flight I have to take. I'm a perfect gentleman.

Hope it’s me....we could have a great chat and we would find the time in the air fly (no pun intended) by so quickly we’d be at our destination in no time!

I'm relieved you don't think women are the work of the devil, here to lead you into sin and degradation! 😀

@MsDemeanour. I am!

@MsDemeanour Well, maybe it's just that I have no problem with sin and/or degradation if anyone wants to lead the way 😉


It wouldn't have been difficult for them to purchase adjoining seats, that way the only people they would be sitting next to were their fellow sexist morons. They pull stuff like this so they can call attention to themselves and effectively shout, "Look! Look at how devout and special I am!"

Of course, when they return home, they can stand up in front of all their fellows and say, "Look! Look at all the ridicule and oppression I had to endure, and I still held my ground! I'm a better religious twit than you guys!"


That's right!

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