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Anyone find themselves angry at both political parties?

I can't stand Trump and the alt right. But sjws get on my nerves badly as well. Both the right and the left are losing sight of reason. I usually agree with the left but I don't like it at all when white people and men are hated on and it gets treated like there's nothing prejudice about it. That hypocrisy irritates me not just because I'm a white man. But also because it's a HORRIBLE approach for the left that is doomed for failure. And that's tragic. Because liberals have the best ideas and it makes it harder for those ideas to succeed.

MrControversy 7 Jan 5

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I have been thinking for a while that we only have a single party system called the Republocrats.


Whoever you vote for. The government always gets in.


One of my favorite atheist authors Douglas Addams. Has the president of the galaxy as someone who does not want the job. Because anyone who does would not be suitable.


Yes. Substitute "leader and leadership" for "politician and politics" and you'll realize what trouble we're in.


I am not happy with either party, but I have never experienced any kind of discrimination because I happen to be a white man. That just sounds like a bit of alt right propaganda to me. I have yet to meet a white person who feels they are discriminated against that would trade places with a person of color to be treated as people of color are beign treated.

I just feel that the right wing (republicans in the U.S.) have completely sold out to big business interests, and the left wing (democrats in the U.S.) have slightly more than half sodl out to those same interests. The problem is based in how political campaigns are funded, and the expectation that large donations will pay off big for those who make such donations. That is what is at the root of my frustrations with both parties...

So, I guess my upset isnt' really with the parties themselves so much as the system currently in place which corrupts both sides.

And who would change the corrupt system? The people who corrupted it!

@Benmonk Yeah, it is kind of a catch 22. You need to change the system to get rid of corruption, but the people in power are corrupt and don't want it changed.

The most significant change away from corruption (in the U.S.) took place under FDR. Let's hope it wont' take another major economic collapse to make peoel willing to install policies to reduce corruption in the future.


I will never again vote D or R. There aren't really two political parties. There is one, with two divisions. What is needed is more choices, but those in power are quite good at convincing Americans that voting "third party" is a waste of a vote.

Election laws have been set up to make new parties almost impossible. I think many of the laws were from fear of communism in the 30s, weren't they?


I come from Portland, Oregon....the liberal capital of the USA, it seems. I loved it there growing up, and I felt for a time I understood the culture of the city and its progressive and humanist values. And then it became a grotesque caricature of itself, almost overnight. It became the mecca for so-called oppressed subcultures. So I fully understand what you mean about SJWs. You can't swing a dead cat without hitting several angry white women in PDX, axes to grind for no other apparent reason than to commit political seppuku by chopping down the tree of true progress for women's rights. That's just one example of a dozen I could give. No matter how worthwhile a cause, if there are loud, angry, obnoxious people demanding to be heard it frequently does it more harm than good. I believe that is your point? And if so, it's spot on.


Very much in agreement. The political system should be about compromise and respectful discourse. The last election was a name calling match and hugely polarized. I find logic and reason on both sides but demagoguery takes hold and conflates good ideas with bad ones and argues irrelevant politically convenient points.


I find the attitude a bit damaging: to claim that all political alternatives (sadly in the US there are really just two) are bad is ignoring the fact that maybe, they are still not equally bad. So if a person is somewhat dissatisfied with the democrats and does not like the republicans and as a consequence does not take part in the political process, their vote are lost to at least prevent the bigger of two evils. Voting is simply about choosing what is most compatible with one's views and the expectation that a party will conform 100% with one's own views is just naive.
Having said that, I am just completely flabbergasted by the fact that somebody like Trump, somebody who always has been such an obvious moron, self-absorbed asshole, misogynist, racist and somebody who already shows obvious signs of mental issues was voted into the most powerful politicial position on this globe by so many people.
I have no explanation for this and I cannot really come up with an excuse for such an irresponsible choice. In my view, everyone who voted for him is a moron as well.

Neither conforms well with my views. I'm not educated on most political subjects enough to have a sound decision on anything, the news does not inform me, and the research required for me to make a confident decision is exhausting. If I could vote on single points I would, but me voting for secularism would mean I also vote for huge tax increases. Me voting for no death tax means I vote for an expensive pointless wall. I don't pretend to know the repercussions of higher taxes so I don't want to add to that same demagoguery. Lesser of two evils is not an easy decision to make. Nor should it be what our political system is about.

@Druvius didn't Ross Perot get the highest vote tally for a third party in recent times?

@Druvius Theresa May must be a close second or even a winner (yes I know she got back in but only by a squeak and that was against a rabid socialist). Such vote winning policies like changing the rules to make old people sell their homes to pay for social care and bringing back fox hunting.


Where I live, most white people are liberals.

I don’t know what sjws is.

I really don’t understand why being compassionate for others, is such a bad thing. Healthcare, food, and housing should be a given in our advanced world. To say a child born (without say), into a sickly, starving, cold world is just their lot in life, is torture—and inhumane.

I’m a solid Centrist, but I also think everyone could do something to help others.

It's a term used to demonise anyone who supports a person's rights where they may impinge on the speaker's

@Annaleda - I'm all for compassion for others. But free healthcare, food, and housing for everyone? That's socialism or communism. Systems which have been shown to fail time after time. Compassion and charity are good things, but they should come from individuals; not government.

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