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Is there anyone else who can control their emotions most of the time?

It would be interesting to meet a woman that can control their emotions like I can. No I’m not bashing women for their feelings. I would just like to meet a woman that can control their emotions and isn’t a pyscopath. lol Not saying that women are pyscopaths. Uh if you get what I’m saying let me know and we’ll see how close to controlling yourself like me you are. lol

GrantJohnson 3 Jan 5

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Wow guess I really hit the hornets nest with that one. While everyone is entitled to an opinion judging someone based on what they say and what you think they meant by assuming is just a poor show of character. No one here knows me and yet it’s assumed that I care if I’m better than anyone else. Nope don’t really care about competition or who’s better than who because the only point in competing is the challenge to better oneself not who wins. The need to feel superior is a pointless game of king of the hill where everyone ends up clawing their way back to the top. As for control I meant willing oneself from a negative emotion to a positive emotion by choosing to do so. And yes I took the time to read all the comments and most people where more concerned about how I stated my statement instead of what I meant with my statement. You might want to ask questions first before jumping to conclusions and bashing someone because you feel offended. I guarantee a stranger probably doesn’t care about offending another.


Your post comes across as condescending, patronizing, and reeks of superiority complex, as well as your comments to some of the responses here. Not so good for someone claiming to exert control over one's emotions.


I'm quite open with mine


I have been a therapist for some time now and that experiences has led me to believe that men do not control their emotions any better than women. Had I not become a therapist, and just had my own life to go on, I would probably tend to agree more with you. Also, as a whole, men are definitely worse at dealing with break ups and divorce.


Seems like a poor choice of terms. Nobody exactly "controls" their emotions. We all attempt to "manage" ours, to varying degrees of success. Controlling anything is process that requires conscious effort, and that self-awareness has to involve our frontal cortex, the youngest part of our brains, evolutionarily speaking. Our emotion centers are firmly mid-brain, so emotions generate at a level we can't control. The best we can to is respond to our emotions in a hopefully healthy way. You might repress emotions, but that isn't actually controlling them, because when you do that, they have a way of subverting into some other form and popping up in ways that are even harder for us to respond to rationally. Sadness and anger, for example, are perfectly natural emotions that it is best if we acknowledge and respect them and seek to find constructive ways to respond to them --or process them. Depression is a major example of a disturbed or unhealthy emotional state that is deeper than mere sadness or anger and often gets exacerbated by efforts to suppress emotions we don't like with mere willpower.

In the words of Madonna: "You think you're strong but you are weak. It takes more strength to cry; admit defeat."

Hint: Implying that most women are inferior to yourself at how they handle emotional life is surely not the best way of wooing one! LOL


Controlling your emotions is an unhealthy way to live, you would be wiser to learn to accept your emotions and learn to control how you choose to act on them.


Oh man, you want to be liked around here, don't you? I know what you mean, but there's probably a more diplomatic way of getting your point across. Especially without name calling. If only we had that edit (or delete) button...


I have yet to meet a man who doesn't have the superiority complex. I know 2 of my exes are psychopaths.

I am not superior just older and wiser then you. You need to ask your self why you chose two partners that were psychopaths before choosing another.

I didn't know they were until we ended it. Idc if anyone is wiser or smarter than me. I work and focus on myself don't compare myself to others or brag about it.

The word you need is "than" not "then."

@Sarahroo29 , of course it is but, I have questionable typing skills at best. People do not become psychopath over night, those signals are obvious very quickly to anyone that has even a little awareness, it is not something someone can hide.

Hiding that you're a sex offender, from your girlfriend (e.g. me) is wrong. His family hid that from me too.


It would be interesting to meet a man who can show their emotions without being angry or violent.

That would be me, I am very slow to angry and although I can defend myself physically if the need be I have learn to choose not to. I prefer to pity those that anger me. I have no problem expressing positive emotions at all and I have been told many time how much people love my hugs. I am sure that I am not the only man like me out there because I have at least two friends that are like me.

@HeathenFarmer Shall we get married then? Oh wait! You're the same age as my son. 🙂

@GoldenDoll , You have a 62 year old son?

@HeathenFarmer Oh bollocks I must have checked the wrong profile! Sorry about that! I've just checked again and I'm absolutely sure I've never read your profile - I would have remembered the honey. X

@GoldenDoll , I have been told that I don't look my age, thought you must have just looked at my picture; felt pretty good for a moment or two.

@HeathenFarmer Let me have another look. Hang on.

@HeathenFarmer - Yep you look pretty young, just a bit older than me!

@GoldenDoll , Ha Ha


I'm somewhat skeptical about the ability to control your emoitilons. It is best accomplished by sociopaths. Are you speaking of applying it to interpersonal relationships? There have been instances where I interpret someone's non emotional state as clear passive aggressiveness.

That is how I interpret a non-emotional stat as well, I had an ex that would act like that, and she was most definitely passive aggressive.

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