120 16

Sin or not, if yes, why?

Why does every religious person say masturbation is a sin when there's noting written about it in the Bible and why would it be a sin if God designed me like this (so I have cravings) and also God gave me the possibility of pleasure? Answer this

Manka77 4 July 20

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120 comments (26 - 50)

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I think masturbation is important for mental health. Being raised on a farm, Ive witnessed most animals doing it. It calms them, releases pent up frustration. Plus you learn how to please yourself first, then you teach your mate how to please you. This intimate exchange is what makes us human.


God knew that I was going to jerk off before I even knew what jerking off was. Either A) it's part of his plan, in which case I am more than willing to go along, B) God is unable to stop me from jerking off, therefore he is NOT all powerful, C) he is willing to punish me forever for comitting a victim-less crime, in which case he is unjust or D) there is no God and a bunch of assholes are making up fairy tales to try and make other people feel uncomfortable over things that are none of their damn business.

I like D (and I KNOW how dirty that sounds.)


As it seems, every pleasure is a sin. I think we better to be happy and go to hell.


The idea of masturbation as a "sin" comes from the narrative of Onan in the book of Genesis. That same story is also the source of the prohibition against birth control in the Catholic church. God killed Onan because he "spilled his seed on the ground" rather than impregnate his brother's wife in accordance with some ancient pre-Moses law.


I never heard a religious person say that until I went to USA. Just seems completely bananas to me.

And it should, because it is bananas.


Because religious people are seriously dysfunctional!!!


No sin, because there's no god to sin against. Fini.


Puts on his God goggles

Masturbation is a sin because it is using sexual stimulation for something beyond procreation. We are supposed to "be fruitful and multiply" not "spill our seed on the ground."

removes goggles

Sin doesn't exist so go forth and rub one out. Or go first and rub four out for all I care. What you do to your own genitalia is your own business. Just, for your own sake, do it in private conditions.

So women can diddle, but not men?
Also means fellatio is fine provided they swallow?


The Bible is a book written by men to control the masses. Since the very first book it was shown that any sort of pleasure is wrong; however, since the Bible has so many inconsistencies and authors, a person can take any verses and make it be sinful.
In my experience, Christians say verses like Galatians 5:16, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5, 1 Peter 2:11, and the famous verse Matthew 5:30 (if your hand causes you to sin, cut it off). But then you have books like songs of Solomon which is like a bible version of fifty shades of grey and talks about sex and pleasure being a gift from god.
So with so many interpretations, verses, books, and authors you can make so many interpretations. Some interpretations say it’s sinful and wrong and some say it’s fine in moderation. So it depends


Probably one source is when god killed a guy for cumming on the floor instead of into his dead brother's widow because the kid would have been considered his brother's.


This idea is for mind controlled people. A possibility of control over a large segment of the population.

zesty Level 7 Mar 3, 2019

Shame, shame, shame.


In the Bible a woman is only one of two things: A virgin or an evil whore. Which is Bull!@#$


Religious people usually talk the most sh×t. Yet, it is they who get caught doing the sickest sh×t ever, like with child pornography, the men get caught in hotel rooms with underage boys, they cheat on their spouses, pay hookers for sex, etc.

They can't tell me what to do with my body!


I can resist anything but temptation.


Religion is a control system just like government. Both were designed by power hungry people to con people into following rules they instituted. Religion uses God to scare people into following their rules with the threat of damnation in the afterlife for disobedience. Government uses police/courts to inflict damage onto those who do not agree with said rules of society which they installed without our personal consent. So the real question that needs to be asked...just who told you that you were a sinner or an outlaw? If you do not cause harm to another...why is something immoral or illegal? 🙂


You can make almost anything a sin by bending and stretching the various translations of the bible. Its a sin as it opposes the Catholic churches need for fodder in the middle ages. From there it morphed into the overarching Christians obsession with non guilty pleasures being evil. Their is a logic to most things defined as sin. Almost all are about control. Large scale religions gained secular power through control, most often of woman for the benefit of men. Look at the modern Quiverfull movement. Their God is simply a Trojan horse for their obsession with control and their faithfuls wish to either take advantage of that control, have no real say as they are born into it, or find its structure the only way for them to deal with their lives. People talk about context and the bible and it makes me laugh as outside of historical relevance context all depends on what one wants from the good book. Its a myth used as a tool for control of reality. So saying this is what it meant has as much relevance as I saying THIS is what it meant. It means what you want it too or not that is the essence of religion and dogma. Arguing it from a reasoned POV is folly. I stopped long ago trying to argue what the Bible means.

Quarm Level 6 Jan 23, 2019

Historically you find religions that are concerned about the number of believers are the strongest against masturbation. Those seed better be fertilizing someone's garden. It also follows from an ancient belief that men had only so many sperm and that masturbation 'wasted' them -- as did homosexuality. So at least in the US there were insane attempts to prevent masturbation in the 19th century. Beds were made for boys with shackles on the sides to keep their hands away from their bodies. Devices that were very much like chastity belts were put on young girls for the same purpose. There were camps where people were exhausted physically based on the belief that healthy people would lose their interest in sex (although now we know the reverse to be true). Graham crackers and corn flakes were invented to provide a 'healthy diet' again so that the urge for masturbation would go away. And into the 20th century kids were told that if they masturbated they would: die, go insane, or grow hair on the palms of their hands. How frightened do you have to be of a behavior to invent the lie that it would kill you???

Don't forget sexual mutilation of children. . Amputation of 4 square inches of healthy prepuce flesh clamped and scalpeled off betadyne scalding the bleeding penis and urine soaked diapers loosening the dry scabbing tissue for days....dirty knife digging out clitoral and labia flesh of muslim girls.... religion MUST BE SUPPRESSED BY LAW AND FORCE to protect innocent victims from sex crimes like rapist priests also


Sin or not, it clearly doesn't matter to people in here. Remember what app is this, right? ?


Those religous idiots consider a lot of thing to be sin. I don’t really pay much attention to them anyway as they are delusional. I have a very religous friend who considers cursing and watching porn to be very sinful but has been married 5 times to 5 different women. Go figure.


Sin is an irrelevant concept to nearly everyone here. That said, why would anyone object to the quick stress relief that masturbation brings. Little wonder so many religious nut jobs are so sexually repressed and are a danger to so many people.


Isn't there some sort of "not spilling seed" verse in the Old Testament upon which they rationalize the argument against masturbation? Pretty much, the rule seems to be that if it's fun and you're not a priest, you don't get to have it.

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 5, 2019

Onan refused to rape his brother widow to breed at the alleged gawd instruction SO HE SPILLED HIS SEED ON THE GROUND....why he masturbated at all is another bizarre bible detail ....he could have comforted the widow reassuring her he would protect her for the sake of his dead brother and women are not the brood sow property of geebush jeehobah ghostholes


As someone said, no god, no sin

Exactly. Sin is typically defined as violating God's laws. Without God, you can behave unethically or immorally, but you can't sin.


Sin? What is sin?


There's some mentions in the Bible. Something about not spilling/wasting semen. Other teachings about not lusting in your mind... basically sex is never to be enjoyed, sex is strictly for procreation. I remember hearing Jewish married folks traditionally had sex with a sheet between them. And I knew a seven day Adventist that believed you would turn green if you didn't masturbate, or have sex.

True reports from Atheist commentaries on religious delusions

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