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Life long learners, what is something you learned in 2017?

One factoid I learned last year was that lunch makes a difference in our legal system. When prisoners apply for appeals...there is a correlation between the ruling and lunch. This was just a reminder that people doling out these judgments are just as human as the rest of us...

"at the start of the day, the judges granted around two-thirds of the applications before them. As the hours passed, that number fell sharply (see chart), eventually reaching zero. But clemency returned after each of two daily breaks, during which the judges retired for food. The approval rate shot back up to near its original value, before falling again as the day wore on."

This is not a new fact either. But, I first heard about it last year.

What's something you learned in 2017?

silvereyes 8 Jan 8

Enjoy being online again!

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I learnt that there were 5 different versions of homo on the planet at the same time and that we have between 1 and 9% neanderthal in our dna. oh and disney changed the end of jungle books . The real ending is really exciting


I learned (again) that, no matter their perceived identities, people are more alike than they are different.

skado Level 9 Jan 8, 2018

Wow! Thats interesting. I learned some cool stuff last year. This site was one of them. I learned that we all don't think alike even though we're members in here. I'll leave it at that. I am reminded that im still a people person. My wife is the total opposite from me. I'll start a conversation with anybody and talk as long as they do. I'll stop with what I've learned and say how much I appreciate this forum and the people in here...thanks .


I learned that way too many people give up on learning as soon as they are no longer obligated to learn.


Simple stuff: discovered You Tube and The Ted Talks, Google and how to back up a post, and Downloading from Facebook.

TED Talks are possibly the only reason I have any faith in or hope for humanity.


Too many to list. Would like to know more about Aristotle`s grave the info seems limited. The Asians were on the coast of America long before Europeans discovery. There is another stonehenge much more massive than the obvious one. Amajuacas indians of South America ate the bodies of dead enemy warriors and their own old people. That there are things that travel faster than the speed of light. It is proposed that there may be hundreds of undiscovered elements out in the universe. There is a potential planet that is earth like many light years away. many other things.


I read that news article and it makes sense! Likewise, our patience and tolerance threshold drops when we have not had enough sleep.


The Lunch and judges article was a great nugget of information. I wonder if the proximity of lunch produced similar correlations for other selection processes (job interview, etc.)?


I learned that although I did think Trump would use his position to enrich himself, his family and friends, he managed to exceed all of my worst expectations of his ineptitude and corruption.


I learn the digital synthetic world has taken over many of our skills and Imagination to learn new ways of thinking.

The over stressing has forced many of us onto disability. There is always a positive side to all this, like Yin and Yang, still working to get a better handle on it.

Can not find a real flaw in the book of Tao.

So optimist, things will get worst, then will get better.


Hmm. I know I learned a lot I just cannot recollect what is new.


I have been learning how establish myself as a religious institution as per the IRS to be tax exempt and qualify as a 501,c,3 entity so as to be able to accept tax deductible donations. I have become ordained as a minister in the Universal Life Church. I have obtained an IRS entity identification number for a religious charitable organization. My next steps are to develop the basic tenants and belief documentation for my institution along the lines of agnosticism and begin building a dossier of good works. I recently applied for and received an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree from the ULC based on completing their prescribed study guide of the world's more commonly practiced religions. I have started a website for the business will showcase all of the work that I have been doing to accomplish my goal of becoming tax exempt.

@silvereyes I will explore and advise universal life principles of living a life that does not require a god to be complete. Sometimes this is referred to as human secularism. Humans can still nurture their spiritual side in a world where god doesn't exist. Good can still triumph over evil without the existence of a heaven/hell dichotomy. Agnosticism does not mean without spirit, it just means without a god. Thanks for asking.


I have learned that at our (humans) very core is the necessity for us to capitalize on where we are, I.e. take advantage of whatever is around us to further ourselves. We, as a species, are in a constant struggle to live. I have also began to gain an understanding of the very nature of knowledge that humans have. For example, we have it within ourselves to understand the very nature of our universe.


I learned replacing black cotton fabric on the ceiling and wall next to a projection screen with black triple velvet creates a much better viewing experience.


I learned this in 2015, but it seems apropos. The first definition of factoid does not imply or hint at any actual fact. "an invented fact believed to be true because it appears in print" (

In 2017, I learned that mysql, mariadb and Aurora have dramatically different query optimizers and how to work along the differences. I also learned how nodejs pretends to be single threaded and how libraries inside pretend to be multithreaded and why. I haven't learned anything I can think of that I can put in terms a 6 year old would understand though.


I learned I didn't have to pay for audio books which I listen to every night before I drift off. Library card, library and you can listen any time for free.

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