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How many of you dye your hair?

As we get older with gray hair is it a good idea to dye your hair? I have not died mine in 20 years, now that I'm getting gray I'm thinking twice about it.

Sheannutt 9 July 21

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I stopped coloring my hair about 6 years ago at the same time that I started wearing it short and have not regretted it once. I thought it made me look younger but there are some who thought it made me look older.....meh As long as I like it I am happy. 🙂

Did you have long hair? I haven't cut mine for several years. I used to donate it to locks of love but the last time I did I hated the cut. I'm thinking of cutting it short now. Not sure if I'll like it.

Love your cut and natural color. I get a lot of compliments on mine.

@confidentrealm I wore my hair long for most of my adult life. I did cut it short a couple of times but would eventually bow to the societal pressure to wear it long. When I went short 6 years ago, I had a chin length bob type style. Going short and natural just makes life so much easier when it comes to hair. The only down side is that I have to take a trip to the hair salon every 2-3 weeks to maintain but I like to wear it extremely short.

@confidentrealm, @Presley1209 So do I and mostly from other women which surprised the heck out of me. 😀

@Presley1209 By the way, I like your hair also. It is just so much easier isn't it?

Your hair looks great

@patchoullijulie I love your hair. I'm going to talk to my hairdresser and see what he thinks, how short I should go and how much he will charge me to maintain it.

@patchoullijulie I understand. I'm due for a cut as well.


Big fat sigh....I dye my hair every 4 to 6 weeks. Expensive and a pain! Too vain to go grey.

Me too.

@RapidCityKelly my mom stopped coloring hers at about 65 or so. But she had lovely silver white hair so she looked great. If it makes your mom happy I think it is fine. Just a lot of upkeep!


I had chemo last year and lost all my hair, so I'm just grateful it grew back, screw the color!

@Sheannutt Hodgkin's Lymphoma, in remission since August 2017. And a nice bushy head of salt-and-pepper hair to show for it!

You are a wise and beautiful woman Bleurowz. We'll celebrate your remission!


Just sayin. You really can tell if it's been dyed. For myself I like natural color, no fake eye lashes, just natural tasteful makeup and no silicon. Somewhat low maintenance. Shouldn't take an hour to get ready should it. The First Lady does nothing for me.

@Sheannutt There's so much more in life than vanity. We celebrate the wonder of life.


I decided I can be a feminist and color my hair. In my 30s, my hair began turning white. Have been coloring it since age 40.

"When did you start dying your hair?" a man rudely asked. "I thought you hair was red."

He was right: my original brown hair had red and gold highlights. Photo: age 25, stretching in the morning after spending the night in a tent. Backpacking in Olympic National Park.

Absurdly thick, my hair grows fast (and not just on my head). That's why I pay a hair stylist to touch up the roots.

Thank you, Annie!


I’m almost completely gray, but have never thought about dying it. At this point, I feel fortunate to have hair of any color.

Hermit Level 7 July 21, 2018

@Donotbelieve Thank you!


My hair died on it's own.

@Sheannutt Thank you. ☺


This is when it's good to be a man. I can wear my grey with pride. 🙂

So unfair 😟

@patchoullijulie Julie, I like your color and cut!


Surprisingly, I have very few gray hairs. I have not colored my hair in many years, and have no plans to start any time soon. My sisters have tons more gray than I do. I'm rather pleased about that.

I'll have more gray than both of my parents. It sucks being the young one with more gray.


I was born with a gray streak. It dissipated, but started coming back when I was 16. I started coloring my hair by 17. It was completely white by the time I was 30.
I stopped coloring a few years ago. It got to be way too much of a pain in my ass, and I just didn't want to keep doing it anymore. Having to color my roots every 3 weeks got to be straight-up ridiculous.
I keep it super short, and it's as white as it can be.
And I just don't care.

To each their own. Just remember, once you start it's an ongoing process.
Roots look awful.

One of my brothers was born with a white streak in his dark hair. I haven't seen him in over 30 years, he retired from the Navy and left his family and disappeared. So I don't know if he is all gray now or what. My grandmother went prematurely gray at 24, when the stock market crashed and the Great Depression began. I didn't get her hair color.


I'm just glad I still have hair


Wearing natural gray hair is a current fashion trend, I've read. Some models are even dying their hair gray.

I'll keep dying my hair until so many people are doing it that nobody will discriminate against me if I allow mine to go gray.

Right and that is the thing. There is a certain amount of discrimination and judgement that goes along with being female and having short and/or white or gray hair. Men, not so much.


Not me.


I'm considering a bright color, like bubble gum pink or teal. My hair is dark, so hopefully it will look like highlights.


I remember in cosmetology the teacher would say "It's color not dye because we don't kill our hair." I hate the chemicals and smell so I try to avoid it.


HA! I started coloring my hair when I was 16....I've been dark auburn, red, strawberry blonde, beige blonde and now silver. I say - have some fun with it. 😉


Mine all died, and fell out.....


I've had gray hair since I was 19. I'm 34. About a quarter of my hair is gray... when it's not died back to brunette. ?


Never have, and never will. I yam what I yam, and gray is what I'm going to be. It's coming in a pretty silver in places - I'm good with that!


It's not ''dying'' my's correcting nature's little mistake!


I hate my natural 'colour' so I've dyed or bleached my hair ever since my 20s. It grows in such a watery-looking desaturated almost-blonde/almost-brown that I can't tell if I'm going grey or not.


I am 63 and stopped dyeing about 5 years ago. In our unfair society, I'm not gray, I'm a silver fox. I'll take it🙂


I started going gray in my mid-30’s; dyed up til age 42. My hair is gray, silver, white, with strands of Auburn and light brown. Once all the dye grew off, I realized I like my hair.


I’m grey and loving it!


I've found the perfect solution for that problem...... go bold

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