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Do you think that Oprah could defeat the nazi buffoon in 2020? She is very intelligent, articulate, knowledgeable and TV camera savvy. A perfect competitor for a low life fascist charlatan, liar, mysoginist, and white supremacist.

Condorandino 5 Jan 8

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I've already replied once but I have further thoughts after considering the matter.

Oprah Winfrey is Diet Donald Trump. All the smugness, cluelessness, and inexperience. None of the bigotry and crudeness. I don't like the flavor of the original and I'm willing to fight however I can to avoid the low calorie version. We don't need another clueless tv personality in the executive seat. Just because she can hit all the right buzzwords with her golden globes speech and project a positive vibe doesn't qualify her for the highest office in the nation. She's still a terrible candidate that promotes a lot of new age bullshit that does way more harm than good. Those charlatans “Doctor” Phil and Doctor Oz and that imbecile David I'mGonnaChangeMyNametoAvacado Wolf are all her fault because she provided them their soap box to peddle their woo. Then there is her complete lack of experience. That's only the surface of why she is a bad candidate.

She also said, that she was waiting to hear from god if she should run or not. Scary!!

I took that as a dig on certain crazed fundamentalists running for office


The reason I posed this question was because politicians failed miserably to defeat DJT, a successful TV personality. Because Oprah is a successful TV personality, she has a good chance of defeating Trump based on being liked as opposite of being hated by the majority of Americans like Trump is. As a matter of facts, after I asked this question, believe it or not, CNN came with the news that Oprah is studying the possibility of running. Oprah's speech at the Golden Globes Award ceremony was so well received, mainly by women that immediately triggered the rumor of a presidential run. Charisma can only be fought with charisma. Political knowledge or political experience is not enough.


I'm unsure. I have a great deal of respect for Oprah! But do we really need another inexperienced entertainer in the White House! My opinion is that we should probably do our best to find a politician with integrity, knowledge and good experience. With this current joke of a president, I am leery of going so far off script. There must be some politicians with integrity and right mindedness. Joe Biden?? He would be absolutely great!


No I don't think she could beat him. The first female republican will be a female.
Most white women voted for trump because they felt it was in the best interest of their husbands so they are extremely unlikely to vote for a dem female for similar reasons.

They may however vote differently from their husbands if the female candidate was a republican.

Sadly, most of America thinks Drs Phil and Oz are great so her woo woo shit wouldn't be an impediment.

That should have read The first female president will be a republican.

Wtf sherry. Proofread your shit


There would be a whole lot of body shaming and a new brother movement.

Spiff Level 1 Jan 8, 2018

Yes she could. She would get the Black female, White Female, LGBTQ Community, Liberal Dems and being a celebrity would give trump a run for the money if he isn't impeached by the end of 2018.


Let's remove the loaded language:

Do you think Oprah could [win] in 2020.
A competitor.



He'd dive for the gutter Immediately (he's never left) and I'm not sure what Oprah would do then.


Personally, I despise and loath Trump with a passion. There aren't enough expletives in the English language to describe how I feel about him.

Although Oprah is very likely a person of much better character than Trump ever will be, neither Trump nor Oprah are qualified to be president of the United States.

Though Oprah as president certainly couldn't be any worse than Trump.

Could she defeat Trump in 2020? Probably so. Trump barely beat Hillary (technically losing the popular vote) and she was not even really all that well liked by a lot of people.


She has her own problems that would keep me from supporting her as a candidate. There are examples of her supporting pseudoscience and such that would make me leery of voting for her. Of course if it came down to her or 45 she'd get my vote. The zombie of Walt Disney would get my vote before 45.


While I think she could be popular with certain demographics, esp as a VP candidate (inexperience for pres has not gone too well), I think enough might go against, sadly, due to gender and race. If we want to unseat 45, the countering candidates will have to have solid, broad appeal.

Zster Level 8 Jan 8, 2018
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