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Does anyone recycle?

I've been recycling for 1-2 months now. My local recycling center takes plastics #1 and #2, cardboard, paper, and tin/aluminum cans, but it doesn't take glass. Well today I found a center in a town I work in that does, so I'm happy I don't have to throw all my glass bottles/containers in the trash.

Now I need to find out what to do with plastics #4, #5, and cereal bags.

Does anyone else recycle? Are there recyclables that your center doesn't take? What do you do with those? Any funny stories about recycling?

joeymf86 8 July 27

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I recyle aluminum cans and other metals.


It's pretty much mandatory in NY. We have regular trash bins and then a recyclable bin. Pretty simple. No separating really. NY Sanitation Department picks it up once a week and twice a week for regular trash.


I should mention too that when I was married, the wife and I had some pet rabbits. After years of just throwing out their "waste" along with their straw bedding, uneaten hay and other food scraps, I decided to start a compost pile in the garden. That pile got almost as tall as me by the next spring. However I never got to use it as it was around that same time the wife decided she wanted a divorce so I had to move out.


It's the law in some states like Connecticut. We have to separate our trash in recyclables and trash.


I recycle everything possible. We have to take it to the dump, but they take plastic, paper, cardboard and glass. All of my leftover food goes to the pigs, I put egg shells, tea bags, and coffee grounds into the manure pile. We use that in the garden. I reuse all my straws, and also have bought steel ones. I keep my washed straws in the car. I take my own containers when I go out to eat, to use for leftovers, so I don't have to use Styrofoam. I use shopping bags so I don't have to get plastic ones. I only have to take my garbage to the dump every 2 - 3 weeks instead of every week. I was stuff that I can't recycle so my garbage doesn't smell. My clothes are either donated or used for rags. I talked one of favorite restaurants into using cardboard take out cartons instead of Styrofoam. One idea for paper or things like pizza boxes that have food on them so can't be recycled, is to put them down in your garden to keep weeds down. They will decompose.


I'm a "militant" recycler and get upset when I see stuff that should be in a recycling bin but isn't. I even built my own compost tumbler and rain collection system for my backyard. Don't forget that reducing and reusing are even better than recycling.


My town has a pretty good recycling program. Every residence has a recycling bin that you can fill up with paper, plastic, metal, and glass. You put it out on your curb once a week and they'll come by to pick it up. It all gets sorted out in the recycling facility.


I dig stuff (mainly metal) out of recycle bins to give those objects a new life as they are.


Single sort here so it's easy. Still some of it still ends up in the trash.


I sell my aluminum, and dump the plastics in a bin for the garbage men.

My sister recycles religiously. That is, she recycles stuff that has to be a huge loss for the recycling center so that she can feel good about saving the planet.


As a family we do recycle. My husband is really keen on it, so we follow. I have to admit, though, when I am lazy, I have been know to toss a few recyclables in the trash.


My city provides cans for metal, glass. Plastic, cardboard, and paper. No food or yard waste, but we use the recycle more than the trash!


I recycle every chance I get have all my life. Most places were I am at now only take bottles CRV, canes and plastic also CRV


Not really no

R3204 Level 1 Jan 14, 2019
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