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Look, I like Oprah as a person. She's nice. Likable. But, do we really want reality television stars and talk show hosts ruling the world? The U.S. president has an extraordinary amount of power and influence, and I feel like we are looking in the wrong domain when considering leaders. I believe it's time to start getting scientists, or at least scientifically competent men and women (especially women, and I admit Oprah would be a massive step up from where we are at the moment!) into the field of candidates. If not in the oval office, at least in cabinet positions that would greatly benefit from scientific experience and understanding. Our planet is in danger. #Politics #Science #NOprah2020

illegal_brain 4 Jan 10

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Picking Oprah to be your president makes as much sense as picking Oprah to be your brain surgeon, and for the same reason.

skado Level 9 Jan 10, 2018

I want no celebrities, big or small screen does not matter... No Celebrities in any ticket.


I personally believe Oprah is over-rated.


OK..Here it is: I would like to see anyone being in charge of the USA who isn't an "OLD MALE". As a woman I am so over watching old males wrecking our whole planet. But I can not complain about my own country. Who is our ruler? Google Prime Minister of New Zealand. Jacinda Adern.

NZVee Level 4 Jan 10, 2018

I completely agree, trying to elect her would be a horrid idea and in a way puts us (Liberals, since by and large they're the ones calling for this) on the same level as Trump supporters. That's a level I don't want to stoop to. If he's not too old, I would vote for Bernie again, personally.

Bernie was my boy too. He is the antithesis to Trump. If only he were younger....


Politics is demanding and sensitive. The stakes are high. People with political experience and demonstrated competency (at a bare minimum) should be entrusted with office.

Unfortunately, the field seems to attract people with certain less-than-desirable characteristics. Frustrating catch-22.

I'd still rather go with a career politician.


Thank you for your sanity.


We need a leader not a cheerleader for con artists. Oprah's endorsements of charlatans shows that she doesn't have the ability to choose true experts.

JimG Level 8 Jan 10, 2018

No, we don't need a celebrity president again. At least Oprah would know how to find the experts to fix things, unlike that orange thing who thinks he knows it all. Drain the swamp my ass. We need smart people who know how to work with people and know how government is supposed to work. And smart enough to know they aren't the sharpest crayon in the box.

Copied from Jimg, I couldn't agree more "We need a leader not a cheerleader for con artists. Oprah's endorsements of charlatans shows that she doesn't have the ability to choose true experts."


There’s been that idiotic, ‘is he someone you’d like to have a beer with’ question out there for years... Sure, but I doubt Thomas Jefferson or Abraham Lincoln would have gotten much from me… They voted for Bush Jr. because they’d rather have a beer with him than Al Gore..?

Now this celebrity crap. OK, I’d never even peeked at trump doing his ..unreality show. Then, finally, I looked over the “highlights.” A narcissistic nitwit ‘firing people’ as a powertrip..? That’s what America’d been watching? At least Reagan could deliver a line…

Opera… Again, I’ve not watched 10 minutes of her programs … but haven’t missed a presidential debate.. Democracy in the US is not working, folks ~

Varn Level 8 Jan 10, 2018

If only their were more like you.


its got to be better than the twat you have now. even my dog is.


We need a leader not a cheerleader for con artists. Oprah's endorsements of charlatans shows that she doesn't have the ability to choose true experts.

JimG Level 8 Jan 10, 2018

I refuse to partake of anything that Oprah endorses and that includes listening to her "experts", watching her channel, and eating her food. A few weeks ago I watched 60 Minutes for the first time in over a decade and found out she was a regular. I immediately turned the channel.


She's a woo-meister.

Many people are dead today because Oprah's promotion of The Secret, anti Vax Jenny, and Suzanne Sommers. Let's not forget Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil.

Utterly gullible. And dangerously so.

Hell no on Oprah. (though still better than Trump)

My dog would be better than Trump.

Yes. Well said!


No. Knowledge of government and law is critical.


She wants all old white people to die. She can go to her Hell.


Totally agree with everyone. #noprah


Unfortunately we have a reality POTUS. This could be a trend in politics. Major personalities may be our next candidates. They have to be strong and have name recognition. They are going to have to debate trump. Cabinet members should be experts in their fields.

If this trend continues the US will lose all creditability with other nations including their allies.


America suffers from a cult of celebrity, and learns nothing from even recent history. The rest of the world is laughing at the US now frothier elect of the great orange blowhard celeb Trump what do you think will happen if they elect another celeb in a row? Like WTF is wrong with you it isn't Dancing with the Star it is electing a chief lawmaker and Leader of the largest military machine on earth.


I hope this random nonsense blows over and is forgotten within a week or two. A terrible reactionary idea that shouldn't be fostered one bit. One random celebrity is not the countermeasure to the one that is currently in office. What are her policies? Where doesn't she stand on important issues? WHY her over one of the many other politically savvy individuals? Running a business or show IS NOT the same as running a country and handling foreign affairs. There are people who have spent many years of their lives climbing the political ladder (who aren't corrupt pieces of garbage) that people should be looking at and endorsing over some clueless celebrity who thinks lightning might strike twice.

It helps no one, especially the Democrats. You should have some political, judicial, or diplomatic experience if you even hope to contend for one of the loftiest positions in the free world. Many jobs have entry requirements, and president should come with rather strict criteria.

I could not agree with you more. It is very scary how important bare identity is to the voters in this country, and the disregard for real issues. I want to know what candidates ideas are.


Well... It's a warm and fuzzy for some people to giggle about but she can't win a debate against Trump even if she had the right answers.

I disagree, almost anyone can win a debate with Trump. Trump never won any of his debates. He just deflected and never really answered any questions.

@noworry28. Having the answers don't win the debate with the people of the USA watching on tv. He projected dominance and an in control posture about him that won those debates... you agree?


What you need (and us here in the UK too) is a change to how people are elected ie the system itself needs a route change as its designed to exclude 'real' people in favour of the 'rich' and 'connected'. The deals they have to make with the 'dirty money' lobyists just to campaign its so corrupt.

I hear so many Brits now complaining about brexit but 5 years previously we had another referendum to replace the 'first past the post system' with 'Proportional Representation' but it was voted down very hastily with little to no debate like both the 'main' parties wanted to sweep it under the rug as soon as possible. If we had changed the system back then the brexit thing wouldn't have been an issue.

Regarding the US as an interested observer looking in your two party system is even worse and don't even get me started on the link between 'professed' religious belief and political support, so much for the separation of church and state. Its a pity people aren't as vigorus in defending that part of the constitution as they are for the right to bear arms ??

Our democratic utopia is pretty much an illusion imho. We are more like a twisted mixture of Huxley's Brave New World and Orwell's 1984


It's not about who you want it's about who you think the average voter will vote for.You can put the perfect candidate up there and the average voter won't vote for him if he don't appeal to them. The presidency has turned into a popularity contest it shouldn't be that way but that's the way it is for now on.

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