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Any smokers out there? I have found I am tired of this newest addiction. I started smoking for the first time only 9 years ago. It began with cloves and although I have also gone periods over that 9 years where I did not smoke for years, I seem to return back in times of stress like during break-ups, which is why I am currently smoking. Albeit, my breakup was well over a year ago and here I am, still smoking! A friend of mine borrowed my vehicle for the evening and I didn't realize my cigs were inside my car so now I am stranded too far from a store and without cigs. I swear, I would jump a midget for a cig about right now (chuckle) and what I hate most about this is that the Cigs Control the Ari and not the other way around. I loathe having something else in control of my emotions and my mental wherewithall. Ugh! My mind just keeps gravitating back to cigarettes. I feel like I need that service from the Stephen King movie "Cats Eye." The one with James Woods called "Quitters Inc." haha! I may end up with a missing pinky though! yikes!

Sadoi 7 Jan 10

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44 comments (26 - 44)

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I quit 4 years ago. Don't miss it and I smoked for 40 years. Just quit one day. Now, don't laugh but try some really strong 'Sleepy Time" or similar tea. Just sit and relax then tap your forehead in the middle up near the hair line. Fine things to do and not think about cigs.


So you would walk a mile for a Camel? ???? 😉


Anyone who wants to smoke marijuana is perfectly welcome to by me.
But, California has billed itself as the most vehement anti-smoking state in the union and yet thousands of people line up to buy recreational marijuana. Not " Medicinal ", but " Recreational" marijuana.
Anyone who's willing to tolerate the smell of his neighbor's pot can tolerate the smell of his neighbor's tobacco.
Anyone who smokes " Recreational Marijuana" has no business complaining about someone else's tobacco.

i smoke both. or at least i did. lol Im still friendly with the bud.


After a nearly 40 year pack-a-day habit, I smoked my last cigarette around Thanksgiving. The cigarette pack is still in my jacket pocket, about half full, but I have not smoked any of them since the end of November.

It was my 13th quit attempt in the last 6 years, and so far has been the most successful. I feel good about it. I don't want to smoke anymore.

Nearly two years ago, I quit drinking. Now I quit smoking. I'm running low on bad habits!! lol


Thanks to taking up Vaping have not had a smoke in well over a year and I'm down to 3 nicotine.


Sort it out, woman! x


Also, after vaping for half a month, the smell of cigarettes disgust me. So, it's a win win. I can breathe better after cutting down to 1-2 cigarettes a day, I get to stay inside, I can breathe. And honest to glob it smells and tastes awesome so there's that


Quite simply your addicted, have you tried vaping? It. worked for several of my friends.


I went from cigarettes to pipe and now it's been a year, my mind still strays to cigarettes now and then but so far I've been well behaved.

Dav87 Level 6 Jan 11, 2018

yeah, until ME! then you were back to smoking!


lol i gave up nearly 13 years ago after many tries.


I vape. It's much less expensive and it may or may not be healthier.


I find it funny all those people in California, lining up to buy marijuana. What Hippocrates! If anyone lit up a cigarette they'd all scream bloody murder. All those people rejoicing about legal pot have no business complaining about someone else's tobacco.
Cigarettes have been made a murder weapon, yet marijuana is a healthy cure-all? It's this sort of mental gymnastics and hypocrisy which turns people off of religion.
We've traded one smell for another. I suppose one day they'll throw you in jail for tobacco and marijuana will be perfectly legal.
There's a whole cottage industry built around getting government grants to fund bogus smoking studies.
Did you know there has never been a single study to statistically show second-hand smoke causes any harm to anyone? No matter what all the lies you've seen on TV.
But no, marijuana cures cancer,marajuana cures ADHD, marajuana cures PTSD.
Marijuana cures everything. Pot taxes will balance the budget and crime will be no more.
" Oh no officer, I'm not smoking, this is weed"!

I spent most of my life never having smoked anything, cigs included. I was raised, off and on, by hippies since my mother was a hippie living in the Pacific Northwest during my childhood. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with cancer that I opted to take up smoking pot. I tried the first couple of months without it, but the misery was unexplainable and intense. I finally broke down and gave it a shot, what did I have to lose? I can honestly say if not for marijuana, chemo and radiation would have killed me because I already had severe digestive issues most of my life and the chemo/radiation that was forced upon me only expounded upon that suffering. I am so offended when people come after those of us who Do and Have smoked. After a portion of my stomach was removed and I was in remission, I continued to smoke and do to this day, daily, before meals, in order to not vomit 80% of my food up. It is a personal choice and so long as people are Allowed Legally to Drink in the US, i find it offensive that ANYONE gives a pothead grief over smoking a plant that Does relieve all manner of ailments. I work in the medical field and I have seen First Hand how marijuana Aids many patients with their suffering. I, for one, Defend the use of said drug because there are MANY MANY OTHER Horrific things people do to their bodies on the daily, for example, the fact that I smoke cigs. I am willing to put Myself up there on the judgement block by Way of my cig smoking, but to come down So Hard on a drug that Actually helps people is an ignorant viewpoint. Before I began smoking I was on a plethora of pills. I lost my gallbladder 2 years after my bought with cancer and that was DUE TO All the medication i was given throughout my life. I was born with something called Atrial Septal Defect, in my case, 6 holes in my heart, and I have had a pacemaker since the age of 19. I am also now allergic to 95% of antibiotics due to the overwhelming amount of synthetic pills I was forced to take. Until you walk a mile in the shoes of someone WITH serious health issues, it is absolutely ignorant and arrogant to judge the use of this Medication, because it IS as much a medication as all that BULLSHITTERY pill crap I was given a majority of my life. Since I began smoking, i have stopped taking ALL pills. All. Every, Single One of them. I am sorry if I sound standoffish and annoyed, but... I am blunt aside from my kindness and... I find this sort of rhetoric born of ignorance and I WILL Defend ANYONES right to smoke pot/weed/mary jane. If Dudes can run around like drunken baffoons, reek havoc in the world, why can I not enjoy a joint? I mean, drunkeness has lead to so much pain and grief from drunk driving accidents to alcholism, the abuse and the suffering that has been born of it... whereas a pothead?? Come'on now! The worst hes gonna do is loaf around on the sofa and EAT all your foodstuffs from the kitchen, but go out and get into fights, rape, drive drunk and kill others or themselves... dude... stoners don't want to go out for a cruise. They just want a damn cupcake, some doritos and a freakin soda. Lets get real here please. And YES IT IS A MEDICINE. I will stand by that and Take it to the Grave. Them's my two cents. Mmm hmm... feel FREE TO DEBATE ME ON IT IF YOU WOULD LIKE. Cause... here i am... snaps in z-formation Bring it ON if you want to... i can take it. 😉

And it Isnt a cureall. It is a reliever.

And i am Actually a health nut too soo... I am healthy and i take care of myself. Sooo... mmm hmm... pot helps Me to function the Best i can as a mother and as a human being and for me, that is a godsend and no way in hell would I ever stop doing it simply over judgements and preconceived notions about a product that makes some peoples lives doable. Try to tell me its wrong and that would be akin to trying to convince me there IS a god. its like that, buddy.


I smoke a pipe myself. Yes it is irrational and destructive but it is the social circle that is most compelling. I counted it up once that I have 3 times more gay friends than non-smokers. It is even worse now we (in the UK) have to smoke outside as thats where I meet everyone. As for addiction tales. My favorite is from "South with Shackleton". If you dont know the story Shackleton and his crew were trapped in the ice in the Antarctic in 1914. It took 3 months before Shackleton could effect a rescue. Here (as best as I can recall) is his account.."It was the smokers felt most sorry for. They had already broken up all their pipes but one to smoke in the remaining pipe and they were reduced to smoking seal skins. As I approached I threw a pouch onto the shore. They dived upon it as if they were street urchins, diving for pennies".


I quit like 10 years ago it took 6 tries to quit. I started smoking in the Navy (Marlboro Menthol lights) The rule was to be in the smoking square underway or at sea you need to be smoking or you did not belong there. I did learn something important about nicitione a few years ago. They now theorize that nicotine releases massive doses of dopamine from our brain making it difficult to quit.That woman are equipped with more dopamine to aid in the agony of childbirth and that could be one of the reasons it is harder for women to quit smoking.


I smoke and it really sucks ass. I think about quitting all the time, not just for my health or cost but because my daughter really hates it, she's 10. When I'm stressed it's like candy heaven for my soul, lol. If I know I can't have a cig, like being in the hospital for days or in someone else's car, it doesn't bother me. But if I know I can smoke, I do because my brain screams "Do it right now". Mind over matter is the cure, which eventually I hope to figure it out.


I went to Vaping. seems to help a lot and I don't wake up with that tight chest or hacking and coughing anymore.


If you are that bad, i wouldn't get on a long haul flight. Not just because of the time involved but because since smoking was banned on planes (by Clinton through a deal with the petro-chemical companies) the air inside them is foul - don't have to circulate fresh oxygen anymore. Tobacco has become the whipping boy for industries which polute on a massive scale. Your car (and mine) crank out more causes of pulmonary disease than your smoking. Which is why I try not to drive, or do as little as possible. So don't beat yourself up. Say to yourself. I am going to enjoy some really nice tobacco when these period is over. Its how my father survived a concentration camp in the far east. The thing is, that the majority of the men who didnt make it out were non smokers. I had something to look forward to my father would say. Although it was possible to get tiny bits of native tobacco if you could barter, it was accoding to my dad, awful stuff. So he would dream about how he was going to enjoy a real cigarette. Gave himself a future.


I’d met an ok guy, and been on a couple of dates, and I thought it was time to poop or disembark.

At my age, and considering how few appealing (to me) men live in my area, I felt pretty confident this guy might be my last best choice for male companionship in this life.

He smoked cigars and made sure I was aware that this habit was s part of who he was. Other women had asked him to stop, and he’d refused. In our two dates and many conversations, I hadn’t mentioned his smoking.

But on date three, if you have no desire to kiss, wtf are you doing really?

I just couldn’t imagine the taste I’d get from that stinky hole in his face, and I was not about to put my mouth on it.


Quite simply your addicted, have you tried vaping? It. worked for several of my friends.

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