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Well, I'm new here 🙂 so, hello. Would anyone care to share how they came across I saw an ad of Facebook, and I was like, heck yeah!

WineTurbine 4 Jan 11

Enjoy being online again!

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Geo hunt.



Duke Level 8 Jan 11, 2018

I'm not on Facebook -- did a Google search.


I saw it on Facebook. I still see it on there.


I found it on facebook also. Most of my friends know I'm an atheist, but i don't usually make it know to people i don't know well. I had a friend i told and she argued with me and said i couldn't be an atheist because i was a good person. I was deeply offended, but she was very drunk at the time so i let it lie, but that's one reason i don't openly tell people that i am an atheist.


Welcome to our humble abode. I saw an ad on Facebook as well and I was curious about the structure and execution of a nonreligious dating site. I wasn't actually planning on being an active member. Hah!


FB ad.
Welcome and enjoy!

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