Maybe people can consolidate into coops and build something like Sundrop farms, pioneering solar-powered greenhouse to grow food without fresh water or pesticides.
'First in the world': Solar-powered greenhouse growing food without fresh water [] via @ABCNews
And who will pick the strawberries? Not any "self respecting" American. Since when did work become an anathema?
I live in the Strawberry Capitol of the country, and we've had plenty of them here this year, but I don't know about the rest of the country, or next year.
I don't know how many out there remember the "bracero" program, but it seemed to work very well a few short decades ago. Why can't we do something like that again?
@Condor5 The bracero program worked well except for the exploytation that occurred. Much agribusiness is mechanized currently. Nafta aided Mexico economically so less emigration occurred. I know folks who embarked on the bracero program. Mexico is a 2nd world country now & the northern part is prosperous compared to the southern half. 2 very differrent cultures. Industrialized north. Agricultural south.