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Real beauty is not seen with the eyes...

Glamour can be as thin and transparent as rice paper, or as brittle as dry leaves, but the beauty of a gentle soul and a compassionate, energectic spirit transcend's any physical appearance and should last longer than a mountain's stance.
Look not to the illusion of the short-lived bloom, learn to search inside and you will be more likely to discover the true worth of their treasure.

SenseiBeck 4 Jan 13

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Those words are so true. We need to reach deep inside ourselves to unveil our true selves.


I was touched deeply by your post! 'There are none so blind as those who cannot see!' I hope I got the quote correct! Thanks for the reminder!


There are no ugly women, only women who don't know how to be beautiful.


Indeed....but the ugly girls are never asked out....and the not so good looking guys get rejected.

@DUCHESSA IMO the most beautiful face to observe is that of a woman with her lover when she believes that she and her lover are newly in love. Both lover's faces whether plain, ugly or catwalk photogenic take on a glow and "focused encompassing of the other" expression that I defy anyone in their right mind to describe as anything but beautiful.

If what you say was correct then I doubt that we would have the world population pollution that exists today. Frequently young men are led by their penises and young women by the illusion of the size of the future wallet.

@FrayedBear "" ...CORRECT WHAT i SAID? """Trust me, I have seen it happening / I have heard both gender prioritizing looks over heart / to hire looks n appearance over skills....I have many students calling their classmates"ugly / fat / big nosed / four eyes / big head / skinny / rabbit face / don't be near me, you are ugly....Unfortunately, we are a society trained to applaud beauty and to reject ugliness.

@DUCHESSA I suggest society is observant of how its supposed role models behave to people. We did not read of JFK marrying an ugly woman, Bill Clinton not having sex with an ugly woman, President Trump fondling ugly women or teachers having ugly classroom favourites. And if your students have not been respecting their fellow classmates by calling them the names you highlight who taught the students that and allowed it to go on?

I grew up in an age when buck teeth, badly repaired cleft palettes, rickets etc. were the unremarkable not the exception. We did not use expressions the way that you say they are now used and if any one did anything like that they were rapidly taught the consequence of failing to respect their fellow students.

So what do you do to stop your students being thuglies disrespecting each other and themselves? Vote for ineffective, criminal or corrupt politicians?

@FrayedBear Dear, I was expecting your answer. Who taught them to be nasty classmates? Their parents and society at large. Who allowed them to keep going on? A society that doesn't know how to deal with bullies.....besides praising beauty over heart.
Another thing....for you and for all those who think teachers must educate their kids: No dear, Teachers provide instruction in given disciplines and report wrong behavior. THE PARENTS ARE SUPPOSED TO EDUCATE THEIR KIDS. If the parents didn't plant the seeds at the proper time expect six y/o kids to be ferocious. BTW, I taught HS.Period.

@DUCHESSA So you now agree that the curricula was all wrong in that it failed to result in parents being taught how to raise their children so that the teachers do not have to educate them.
I note that in today's society parenting is largely being abrogated in favour of creche and kindergartens. I remember reading a book by a legendary time and motion expert. Each day he got up and scheduled what he would do that day in five minute packets. Each son was allocated 15 minutes of one on one time each day between six and six thirty pm. I was immediately struck with the thought "What happens if a son has a bleeding compound fracture of his arm at 9 am? By 6.15 pm he will be dead."
Incidentally my mother, a short hand typist who still used Pitmans in her late 80's even though she never worked after her first son's birth in her 30's taught all her children to read and write before they commenced school. Her father was a green grocer.


The idea of souls and spirit have artistic value at least, it’s the persons mind and actions that make them attractive, as well as physical beauty. Physical beauty is like icing on the cake, I don’t typically look at cake without the icing, but after you eat the cake many times, the icing should no longer be your favorite part, and be just fine without it. Yes, I compared people to cake.


So I reckon you believe that my death is not going to be the end of me. If you do... I agree with you.


You accidentally posted this on


Agrees with my findings of the world.

well i agree too

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