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Agnostics/atheists do you require evidence for other things in life, too?

We require evidence to believe in god. Do we also require evidence to believe in other things in life? Better put, do some of us believe in things for which there is no evidence?

What am I talking about? All kinds of things: Astrology, Myers-Briggs, Organic produce, juice cleanses, the list goes on.

If someone pointed out that there was no evidence behind your belief, would you be willing to change it?

jwd45244 7 Aug 12

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scientific method demands it


While I may find a lot of things interesting, it doesn't mean I believe their claims. I need the data before I believe.


Yes evidence-based is best. Show your work, show me your numbers, give me some lovely and tasty numbers and data to crunch. 😀


I totally use the Scientific method towards every thing I want to know.
So, Yes,if empirical evidence that shows me something that I though was wrong, I would gladly change my mind.


Provide credible, verifiable proof of anything that I reject, and I'll reconsider my position.


Long time advocate of Skepticism and Critical Thinking.


Yup. I’m a natural born skeptic.


Yes, if evidence contradicts any of my beliefs I will follow the evidence.


I hold no beliefs other than the mundane navigational things we all use to make it through daily life without cognitive overload. I am an evidentialist when it comes to anything else.




I am not looking for evidence to walk a spiritual path. It simply makes me feel better. If religion,God, Jesus does that for someone else, good. As long as they don't push it on me.
I have participated in all that is labeled super natural. I enjoy it.
None of these things, spiritual walks not super natural are proven true ..but if it makes me feel better believing some of it, why not?
It harmless. If a good friend tried to talk me out of any..I would get new friends.


Simply put, yes. That’s not really all that common in my profession, but I wish it was. You can keep your rocks that you “charged” at that “vortex” in Sedona. It’s a rock. You can also keep your reiki and your reflexology. Show me valid research that supports the practice, and I’ll revisit the possibility, but until then: No evidence = No belief.

You mean all that Sedona stuff is b.s?!?!?
Then just think of the plummeting house values... 🙂 🙂


Well, of course! Unless Gwyneth Paltrow is vouching for the product, in which case I'm convinced of the rigorous testing it's undergone. ?



It was only a few years ago I learned how to not have a blind spot while operating my car. I was convinced it was a better way to go after trying for myself. I make sure all mirrors are pointed correctly now. It drives others crazy but the evidence was there and it is a safer way to go.

Give me proof of a better way and I will adopt it. Simple.


Yup. Psuedoscience is a total pet peeve of mine, can't stand it.


oh god yes. I'm the biggest sceptic out there.


If I pulp my thumb with a framing hammer I believe that hurts. Astral travel, zero point energy and seeing the everything and the nothing of the universe together I believe happens to me sometimes but I can't prove it. But it sure feels plausable. Is that what I should believe, that they were not real experiences?


Yes, I require evidence for my beliefs. It will depend on the claim for the amount of evidence.


Go vegetarian! Don't believe the stigma surrounding it!


Not only evidence but data to support/prove something is measurable and repeatable. This applies for everything. Of course there will be gray areas where one have to push harder to keep moving forward to get the right answers, the key is not to take the easy way out "God made it that way"


Yep. I try to research things before deciding if it's bunk or true. If I have accepted or rejected something without thinking to research it, and then am shown evidence contrary to my viewpoint, I will research that evidence and change my beliefs accordingly.


I need evidence for everything. Provide evidence on the other side of a thought of mine and I'm willing to change if it makes sense. Even had a major roaring argument with my brother who accused me of not trusting him. I told him that I verify everything and he should know that about me.

lerlo Level 8 Aug 13, 2018

Yes, yes and yes. So that's settled then. Thanks for the conversation.

Dietl Level 7 Aug 13, 2018

Yes. I wouldn't be much of a critical thinker if I didn't. That being said, the only thing I have faith in is myself. For everything and everyone else I require convincing evidence.

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