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I must say since I started going on Facebook which my daughter introduced me to it,I have had the privilage of making friends in other countries and most of all in the USA and now I have become a member of I am excited to be part of similar minded people and delighted that there are a lot of American Agnostics and Athiests such as myself especially after reading that 44% of Americans are religious.

PeterJohn 6 Jan 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Welcome. I wonder how many say they are religious just to get along. I also wonder does this come from the census bureau info or a random poll. American and Muslims need revamping. It has already been proven an aweful lot was left out of the King James bible that so many base their faith on/in.


They want to get their head straightened out, but do not have the courage to do it alone


Welcome aboard. Hope you learn a great deal from the comments!


44%?? maybe just those who go to church. But religious people are more than 80% in US




In the US, "christianity" is the default value. If you aren't Jewish, Muslim, or other, therefore you must be christian. My best guess is most people have never read the bible, or other religious text, and rely on what the pastor might have said. I think more and more young people are fed up with the conservative religious crap and the numbers of non religious in the US will be climbing.

That being said, welcome to the group. It's a great place to be.

I read enough of it to get butt deep in bull shit (or should that be camel crap).
Threw it down, and never picked it up again.
I do have to touch the filthy thing occasionally because they end up in my space.

I really came to the conclusion that religion was BS long before that. (about age 11)
remember looking at the "cute" pictures and coming to the conclusion that it was a fairy tale.


Welcome to the community of Freethinkers.

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