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Do you think non-believers are less into trends and fads than most?

I won't say I've never liked a trend that comes about, but it's more atypical. I have never been the sort to get excited about the latest trend. We're against the grain religiously, are we also against the grain of trends?

Sometimes trends are based on a product or service being quality stuff. Other times, it's the power of marketing or celebrity persuasion. Like the band aid Nelly wore on his face-- and then the people who started copying it.

How do you feel about trends? What have been some of the best or worst trends you can think of?

Bad trends, I'm starting by mentioning glitter. In hair. In beards. In vaginas. Just, no.

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silvereyes 8 Jan 15

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I hate being one in a group. I love individuality, and free thinking.


Some trends are okay , but I don't follow the crowd either . Most of us don't because trends are designed by & for the religious . They don't even realize it , they can't see the forest for the trees I guess . . . Evangelical notions can sneak it's way into any fad .

Dougy Level 7 Jan 16, 2018

I’m not interested in trends. I like to do my own thing..


I believe atheists tend to be more skeptical, and therefore less gullible. Therefore, less likely to fall for foolish health and lifestyle trends.


I've always done my own thing though sometimes fashion suits me.


Fashion works in a circle. Best advice I've been given is if you remember this fad from your younger days, you're too old to wear it. Other fads I'm unsure , depends I guess.

@silvereyes lol me too!


I hang with a lot of younger non believers, 50% of them are into trends as much as anyone.


I'm not 'anti-trend', but I find most of them pointless or against my general way of thinking. A lot of trendy things are followed just for the sake of popularity, and I don't care if other people are impressed by me (and I'm certainly not of them)...I often think to myself, 'If that guy lived alone or on a desert island, would he bother to have man-bun or be a cigar aficionado or craft-beer snob?' I don't need to jump on the next bandwagon like all of the other sheeple. I'm a big boy, and I'm capable of making my own decisions....


I think its time to bring back beatniks !
Where are youu Maynard thing Krebs. Lol


Unless you counting the 60's trend.... lol


I could give a shit less about trends of fads.. I go with whats feels good for that day. As long as its somewhat decent and not really bat shit crazy, then I wear it. Never have been into following the flock.. 🙂


I would love to start smoking some marijuana after supper... what a trend for me!


I think trends are for robots and I would rather do without than follow some group think ideas. But sometimes I like things and then find out that it has become a trend, bummer.
I love British period pieces. I watched the first Downton Abby long before it became popular.

Fashion trends are the worst (like bell bottoms).


I'm reminded of this post on FB from a few years back:

"There's a rebel lying deep in my soul. Anytime anybody tells me the trend is such and such, I go the opposite direction. I hate the idea of trends. I hate imitation; I have a reverence for individuality."
—Clint Eastwood

My opinion: "I'm sorry, Clint, but if you always do the opposite because you hate the idea of trends, you're still being controlled by them. You're reactionary. That's not individualism; it's just being contrarian."


Silly trends: fashion for dogsand cats, bobbly things hanging in rear view mirror, toe rings.

Best trends: vitamins, lower salt foods, flavored coffee creamers


I started growing my beard out before there was Duck Dynasty / "Lumbersexual" / Hipster-beard trend, and it kind of pissed me off when beards started cropping up all around me, but even so I didn't trim my beard, because I liked my beard and wasn't going to be pushed around by the fad. So, I'm waiting it out. I might eventually trim my beard down, but it will be because I want to, not because faux-hillbillies and hipsters annoy me.


I March to the beat of my own drum...
Just about all of these apply.


Oh, wow, me too @HeyHiHullo! That makes me feel kinda good, so thanks! 😀


Best trend I can remember was when I was young in High School. I was totally into Jnco or Paco Jeans and ti dye shirts. I was into Korn, Deftones, Kittie, Snot, Coal Chamber, basically Oz Fest, was all about the children of the corn.


Trends trigger my "I'm not a follower" gene.

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