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Slow Cooker/Crock Pot

What are some of your tried and true slow cooker recipes?

(Yes, I'm collecting recipes for the winter)

Crimson67 8 Aug 16

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Oscar's posole, but I've doctored the recipe up quite a bit.


Croc pot soups and stews are a fave. Look into the new pressure cookers to. Pea soup, lentils, curry dishes!


I'm trying to find slow cooker meals that address vegan meals for two; harder to find than I expected.


Boneless chicken breasts, one can of diced pineapple, and a bottle of BBQ sauce (your preferred flavor). Once cooked, fork-shred the chicken for a wonderful Hawaiian BBQ chicken. You can have it over rice. I like it on Hawaiian bread rolls. Delish!!!!!


ropas viejas


Cream of mushroom soup is my favorite. vegetable soup is good too. Chicken whole or leg quarters with onions and carrots. I use my crock pot 3 or 4 times a month in the winter and can make enough for a few meals. There are 1000's of recipes on line, Google is your friend.


Polish kielbasi and sauerkraut with a wee bit of cabbage. Mashed potatoes made separately.


Shoulder of lamb. Just put it in and let all the fat seep out. You can cover it with rosemary if you like.


Thie one is very easy, but tastes amazing.
Get a pork roast, around 3 to 4 pounds depending on how many will be eating.
Add 1 can of cream of mushroom soup.
1 packet of lipton french onion soup mix. (the dry stuff).
Don't add any water, the juices from the pork will do all that work itself.

If you don't like pork, a beef roast works just as well.
I usually put it together in the morning on low, and by dinner time it will be the most tender roast you've ever tasted.

I used to make that in a resturaunt for specials quite often.
It always sold out..


I use pressure cookers when making a pork shoulder. Like my food fast and delicious.


Chili and if you have 2 of them you cn make corn bread in the other

Oh! Cornbread in the crock pot sounds good.


Roast Beef- take a chuck roast, sear it in a very hot frying pan, place the meat in the crock pot, add sliced onion and mushrooms, deglaze the frying pan with water, dump the water in the crock pot and cook on low while you're at work. It will be delicious when you get home.

That sounds good. But I just put it in a regular pot in the oven set on low and get the same result

@Crimson67 I'm there with you sister!

@Crimson67 ok


I havn't used a crock pot in so long, which is sad because I love slow cooked foods. I just don't seem to have time these days to organize menu's, shopping, preparation and then cooking. BUT soon I will have more time to do all of those things so I will be keeping my eye on this posting to see if I can pick up some recipies as well. 😀

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