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LINK Report: over 300 Pennsylvania Catholic priests committed child sex abuse - Vox

FTA: The report, which is often graphic and disturbing, details widespread sexual abuse and rape by priests of both female and male minors, many of whom used the language and rhetoric of their office to convince their victims that their sexual abuse was “holy” or desired by God. The breadth of the accusations and the graphic specificity of the charges make the report a watershed moment in the history of abuse in the Catholic Church: one that will take the church decades to recover from.

zblaze 7 Aug 20

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I don't understand why people are still Roman Catholics after hearing about all of these charges. I say change religions, become a protestant or episcopalian or something. Better yet, become an atheist.


Kill them all


Extropolate (sp) if there are 300 in one state, how many in 50? 1500, in one country alone.


Be nice if it never recovered from it.


...still feel sick over
the Penn State scandal ?


The Pope has just left Ireland after a three day visit. The hope was that he would take action against all of those responsible for enabling paedophiles in his church. By covering up their crimes and allowing them to continue to molest children by moving them around. Apart from expressing the usual garbage it appears that nothing will change. The hysteria that surrounded his visit all but blotted out the huge issue of child abuse within the Catholic church. Huge numbers of my countrymen and women openly worshipping this man and oblivious to the terrible crimes done by his minions was too appaling to watch. He did say that those in positions of power in the church were culpable. Did he or those hundreds of thousands of his followers not see the terrible irony in what he said?


Correction: over 300 have been reported and protected by the church. Some of the reports may be false, but the odds are there are many, many more who've not yet come to light.

JimG Level 8 Aug 26, 2018
1 cancer;;; y are certain institutions
not open to any scrutiny
let alone public/objective/through?


Why is it basically legal to harm children? If the crime is not reported, or time runs out on prosecution then it is basically legal. Why?

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