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QUESTION 10 Signs You’re Way More Intelligent Than You Realize - YouTube

Good luck convincing any one who ever catches you arguing with yourself, that it's because you are smarter than them...????

JayFlight 5 Jan 18

Enjoy being online again!

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LOL well, #8 was a bit of a stumper. I like sharing ideas and such, and I've had a lot of people call me intuitive, empathic even, but I've never enjoyed meeting new people, especially in groups.

Also #3 cracked me up. Talking to yourself... I always did that and was told ages ago that its when you answer yourself as if you were someone else that you have to worry.

AmyLF Level 7 Jan 19, 2018

I get 10 out of 10 but somehow I think this is Physiology designed to make everyone feel elation.


I don't think that could be discovered on youtube 😉


Awesome quiz-I was amazed.

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