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I suspect a scammer in my messages, what should I do?

Some warning signs pop up when a person claims to have a higher education but uses incorrect or weird sentence structure, repeats words like “interesting”, person says “dear” or “sweetie” and “hugs and kisses” or “xoxoxox” assuming you don’t have a problem with it. They claim they have the freedom to relocate anywhere because of “contracting” for their job. They attempt to redirect questions. Then they get all righteous and butt hurt with you because you want to be honest letting them know this sounds familiar and claim they may sound like a scammer.

What should be done?

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MyLiege 7 Jan 18

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31 comments (26 - 31)

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It really depends. If they’re being rude, block them. If they’re just obviously not what they claim to be, call them on it.


Accidentally hit block, meant report. Do not pass GO, do not collect $200.


lead them on as long as possible, let them think they got you then flood them with all the scams they ran before. Sometimes what I do is tell them I have their IP address and that I am going to turn it into their government for a reward. For identity theft makes them scramble.


You should block them and report them. It's just a waste of time if you play into their little game. Plus if you're already questioning them then what's the point of having them in your life? You don't trust them now why would you trust them later?

What she said.


Report, english is my second language so I will fucked up this language a lot but... better safe than sorry. Report.


I will give someone the benefit of the doubt, and then I might toy with them, and then I shut them down.

Your Savage AF. I like that. LOL

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