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QUESTION Why don’t facts change people’s minds? | Varsity

If any of my fellow braniacs are looking for a good read....

ScienceBiker 8 Jan 20

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Wizard's First Rule by Terry Goodkind. “People are stupid. They will believe a lie because they want to believe it's true, or because they are afraid it might be true.” “Sometimes, making the wrong choice is better than making no choice.


I'm always fascinated by how hard people try to use logic and facts when dealing with some of these people.


Because the preacher preached a hundred times tbat the bible is the word... so they believed him...


Good review of cognitive dissonance. Upsetting a believer's version of reality doesn't always change minds. Facts and education are threats to them.


Prior brain development, for one! And reality is hard to take for some people. They can develop a fantasy way of looking at the world. The research shows that this personality will go against what would be in 'their best interest!' If I see someone in the act of hurting another person, with words or actions...I am going to speak up! Otherwise, I will 'respectfully pass and re-pass!'

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