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What do you think of prayer being brought back to schools?

[] I think it is completely against people’s rights and religion and school should be separated. I want to see all the people who think prayer is their only need to stop getting benefits off medical science. If it isn’t anything that pisses me off the most is when someone give all credit to god and refuse to give credit to medical scientist and the people that went years to school. I don’t think is why they think bringing god back into schools will fix anything. God couldn’t even succeed at saving those people during church, who were all shot and killed. What is your thoughts on this?

EmeraldJewel 7 Jan 20

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I would be in favor of a period of quiet time where kids could pray, meditate or just order their thoughts for the day. Group prayer in a particular faith? Absolutely not.


might as well put prayer back in school. It will make everyone upset and start pulling their kids out of the schools that do it, causing those schools to fall apart.

Sorry, had a long, hard, cynical day.


This makes me angry. My kids already get harassed regularly because they have begun expressing their non religious beliefs.
I am not against individuals praying or reading the bible in school if they are not pressuring others. Having prayer over the speakers should be absolutely off the table though.

MsAl Level 8 Jan 24, 2018



Prayer. I have often wondered how many "witches" were burned praying desperately to their god for deliverance or how many people have pleaded desporately with their god just before being shot in the face at a school. Prayer in school is meant to proprogate the belief in a Mythological sky daddy that has demonstrated that he has not stopped one school shooting.


Absolutely AGAINST and illegal to boot.. It is a violation of the establishment clause of the First Amendment.


not much. A moment of quiet once the kids are seated just to get 'em to calm down and focus but not to prey, oops I mean pray.

An appropriate intentional pun there Silverotter. hehe

Lol that was too funny.


Uh no no and more no.


I don't have an issue if it is a student centered activity, like a club...because I think all kids need to find their tribe...but will the schools be willing to accept all religions? If they allow a Christian club, they better be able to have a Pagan or Muslim or flying spaghetti monster club. I also think the administration shouldn't show special interest or preferential treatment to any of the groups.

I live in a rural area, my kids go to a really small school. I find it irritating they sing traditional Christian songs in choir and that the sport teams pray before games. Now...not everyone has to, but it's pretty alienating if they don't. To me that's inappropriate, that is being done at an official school activity. Since there is a separation of church and state, prayer doesn't belong there...

You should report those coaches prayer meetings to They will send a very pointed letter demanding the activity be stopped.


i hate the idea


Hi Emerald Jewel you are not alone,you have fellow freethinkers on for intellectual support.

2 my vote. Do away with all of it.


Bad news. We got some Holy Rollers elected here in my NH town years ago. Tried to get prayer or moment of silence in all public schools. Think and hope they are long gone.


The way it is now is ok with me.
Students are free to pray on their own as long as it doesn't interfere with their studies.

None of the faculty is allowed to initiate or require students to pray. This includes coaches leading prayers before or after sporting events.


No, No, No. Certainly support the separation of church and state.


Hi Emerald Jewel,my thoughts are the same as yours when I read of the news of those people murdered in that church where was their god,was it powerless to stop it,did it not care about those people the real answer it does not exist except in peoples minds.but perpetuated by priests and their kind.and I loathe those evangelists who on their soap box making millions of dollars out of the gullible.and the idea of bringing prayer back into schools is a step backward for knowledge,dumbifying the children.

I’m so glad I’m not alone.


The constitution says separation of church and state. The religious right is just trying to go after the most impressionable people in our country, our kids. The reason for this is religious followers are declining in number (Be it so slow). They know this, so they're trying to indoctrinate the youngest among us.

Hi Steve 148 good to read that religious followers are declining in the USA,but in New Zealand I feel they are on the increase,but I hope I am wrong.Mind you some of them are very good decent people that have been indoctrinated by other religious people such as if the parents were religious and church goers then they would have followed suit.

Hello Peter, There are many good people in the world that believe in god. However It's about fear of damnation. It really comes down to the belief in the reward of heaven or the fear of hell fire. I personally feel these people are blinded by their fares. But if I had to believe in a religion it would be muslin. It's all about the 57 Virgins or was it 59? I just hope those Virgins are not 2,000 yrs old.

@TheMiddleWay I think it's in one of the countries historical documents

@TheMiddleWay I believe the courts ruled on it. Ex removing the ten commandments from the Alabama court house

@TheMiddleWay Article Six of the United States Constitution also specifies that "no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States."

Jefferson's metaphor of a wall of separation has been cited repeatedly by the U.S. Supreme Court. In Reynolds v. United States (1879) the Court wrote that Jefferson's comments "may be accepted almost as an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the [First] Amendment." In Everson v. Board of Education (1947), Justice Hugo Black wrote: "In the words of Thomas Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a wall of separation between church and state."[2]

@TheMiddleWay The supreme court has enforced separation more then once


Separation of church and state.

TheMiddleWay -your mincing words. The idea of separation of church and state is clearly implied.


To be specific here, prayer was never taken out of schools. People have always been able to pray in school if they choose to. Requiring it was taken out of schools. Leading children in prayer and requiring them to participate is not allowed but, anyone is free to pray in public anywhere at any time.

Duke Level 8 Jan 20, 2018

Yeah, that’s how I see it, so long as there’s no coercion or ostracizing by their classmates, feel free. I was “introduced” to hourly prayers by the good nuns in parochial school, never thought about refusing, but I could imagine what would have occurred in school and when I got home. The nuns would also “lead” us in prayer whenever an an ambulance, fire truck, or police siren was heard, what a bore.

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