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You voted what?

Would you marry someone that was completely opposite of you when it came to politics?

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SonderOpia 8 Jan 20

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That would be extremely difficult. Honestly, I don't see how I would ever fall in love with that person to begin with.

Duke Level 8 Jan 20, 2018

@SACatWalker Someone like that would bring out my southern "bless your heart". Then I'd move on.

@Duke lol! I wish us northerners had an equivalent saying.


I'm sorry but anyone who voted for Trump. It would be a difficult thing for me to get around. I suppose it would actually depend on if we excluded discussing politics but still someone who voted for that man, well, it shows certain characteristics, that for me cannot be by-passed.


The thing is.... I will never ever remarry. There is no benefit to marriage for me, in fact I would sustain a financial loss to remarry. I just want a long term shack up. My kids would be fine with it.

I need someone I can talk to about everything. Someone who is conservative or religious is just going to piss me off. I am amicable with my ex and we are together for kids birthdays, holidays, and now grand babies. We get along fine until he starts talking politics or religion, or quite a few other things. We have a few things we can discuss. I leave those extended family occasions thinking how glad I am that I (1) didn't kill him, and (2) am no longer married to him. Miss the money, not the man.


I really don't think I could do it. I like discussing politics occasionally and to know that my husband felt the complete opposite of me would make me insane.


My sister did this, and their fighting drives me crazy. I don't want to spend a significant amount of time with somebody that I disagree on such important things....

My bestfriend married someone who voted for Trump. He regrets it now however, she thinks he's an idiot. They're still married but they've been married so long she said it is not worth divorcing him over. To each their own.

Why is it so important to your life? Your measly vote means fuck all and nor does his. If you don't agree it's fucking pathetic to fall out over it.

@Zoidburg it's not about a disagreement over who the person voted for..... at least that isn't what I meant..... it's about disagreeing on important topics like Planned Parenthood and feminism and how taxes should be spent..... discussions about these things when you disagree wholeheartedly and passionately can cause for a great deal of discontent.

@Zoidburg maybe you should take a few deep breaths. It seems more people would not marry due to the conflict that this is causing. I Just asked a question about politics and marriage and it's already starting problems.

@SonderOpia I'll breath the way I choose, thanks.

@Zoidburg so Savage.

@SonderOpia You love it! 😉


I think I would have to find someone who would date me first.

I'm sure there's a lot of people out there that would love to date you you just haven't found them yet. You're so funny.


Since politics is such a large part of our lives & the social "conversation" I can't see how opposing viewpoints wouldn't eventually erode whatever other attractions might have been present at the start.


When you are married one of the things you commit to is supporting your partner in being the best they can be and advancing their goals in life. The only way I could do that would be to help advance things that are the exact opposite of what I think we should be doing and betraying my integrity in the process

It is a proven fact that if you disprove something that someone deeply believes they only believe it harder. If you're trying to change someone to think like you then what's the point in that? If they want you to change to think like them then what's the point in that? We do tend to be with people that think and act like us it's just human nature. If you marry someone that is completely opposite you you're in for one hell of a bumpy ride. The day-to-day struggle of trying to convince each other the other one is right doesn't sound very fun to me.


I would not marry anyone. I would not be with somone with opposing values. Many trump voters are sorry they voted for him, I did not vote because I figured no one would vote for trump, I hated both candidates but Hillary was the lesser evil, and my state did not have Bernie as a write in. I underestimated the ignorance of the masses.


I you let politics get in the way of love, you're a seriously sad and fcuked up individual...

I think you're less likely to fall in love with someone who has a completely different view than you do.

I agree, but when the lust runs out and your sick of em tell them you voted whoever they didn't vote for and bingo your gone but if they don't care your fucked.

@Wolfbat Hahaha, this is true!


"Opposite" of me politically is a deal breaker.


I would straight-up walk out of a date if they told me they voted for Cheeto the Hutt.


I married someone who like myself thought all politicians where mainly ego gangsters, and the ones that where on a magic mission to change the world where either eaten alive or took the money....


When we met, my ex-wife was a liberal hippie and I was middle of the road. In the army, we both slid right, her more than me... and now compliments of Trump and the Republican primary 2016, I'm a liberal... When I go back towards the center, maybe just right of center, I'll still date to the left.


I think I could. It would take some discipline. I think if someone was as interested in politics as I am, but totally opposite, it would be difficult. I don't know James Carville and his wife do it.


Why do we let our politics divide us so? I mean, on the flip side, do you think about someones political view that much if you love them? and what happens if someone changes their political views, do you leave them?

If I were already married to someone and they completely changed their political viewpoint it probably would affect our relationship. Now depending on how much so would determine if I left or not. Because I am pro-choice for Universal Health Care women's rights etc etc so that would mean my husband would have to turn into a complete and utter dick head. If he did that I would be out of there so fast.


I hate politics and arguments, but unfortunately politics is important. Plato: "One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors." I'm very disappointed that identity politics has become so pervasive. It is us vs them or tribal mentality and has resulted in prejudices and false assumptions. I hate labeling and categorizing of people because it is usually misleading.
I love discovering things I have in common with other people. Politically I have the most in common with libertarians.


I voted no way! In fact, since I have been back on the "scene" I try to find out certain things in a first meeting/discussion. Rabid belief in a supreme being, trumpanzee or not, racist, anti war and maybe others may come up during the discussion. I could not give in on these points even if I was hornier then the pope.


Why would you be attracted to someone who does not think similar thoughts? I know I wouldn't be.


I voted no but I do like having spirited discussions about issues of the day.


I wouldn't get married


Political view are what they are, opinions. I am all over the place in my political views and for someone to be opposite would be a something to see.


I said no, but it comes with an addendum.

As far as political pundits go, eh, maybe. Definitely not in this election, but some candidates are more polarizing than others...

I just couldn’t marry someone who took a completely opposite stance on every political topic, just because when you go deep enough, it becomes about personal philosophy, and I feel like longevity requires at least somewhat similar mindsets. At least for myself.


No, it would be a screaming match whenever the news came on. I just couldn’t even befriend a regressive , identity politics loving liberal. Especially the feelings over facts type. Sooo irritating.


Call me a politician call me a diplomat call me romantic and love me I love the same....politics are strategic moves by voters and incumbents. ...I dated a TrumpOLINI gal and we got along well because I was not trying to change her strategy nor her history that led to her vote. ...Billary is a criminal and I voted for the honest woman sadly my love died taking a nap watching her favorite TV show. ...congestive heart failure works that way ....low pulse low blood oxygen. ...sleepy patients don't wake up if not using CPAP + OXYGEN to increase respiration & occult O2...... I cherish the 2 months we dated 55 miles apart. ...I was notified by her friend the morning of the cremation that afternoon and cried missing the moment to say good bye she was 64

Sorry for your loss.

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