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Where does the discussion of alien life fit in this forum?

This site seems great so I'm interested to see what comes of my joining. But I must ask this question. I'd love to hear a general thought of alien life from all religious and non religious backgrounds. I don't truly beleive we're the only intelligent life within all of space. What do you think? Agree, disagree, or shall we agree to disagree? Lol

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Kittkatts 3 Jan 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Perhaps you could suggest to Admin that they create a category for that topic.

@DangerDave Hope you get what you want. Personally, while I believe it's far more likely that there is life elsewhere in the universe, until they show up here and make their presence known, I don't spend a lot of time thinking about it.

Amen to DangerDave.


I'm not a voting person. Voting is an expression of the moment and might even lead to a stuck opinion and preconceptions. I prefer to stay flexible, without being stuck to one theory.
My thoughts are actually, if there are aliens that visited earth, maybe created mankind (by adjusting the DNA of available biological material) for practical, economical or whatever reasons and and presented themselves as almighty, they could be the source of many religions and many comparable creation myths. It would make sense if that is what happened through time.
But as long as we have no evident proof, for reason of conspiracy theories or whatever limitations, we will have to investigate, hoping that these kind of theories are confirmed or falsified as time passes.

Gert Level 7 Jan 22, 2018

Anonymous voting though. That's the key to a true and honest poll. I dig your thoughts here. Definately concur????

@Kittkatts Hey, I didn't mean public expression, I meant personal expression. I don't care what others think of me. When I vote, I make a choice. Even if it's for myself, it limits me, because I only want to vote based on my true opinion. Even if I can change my mind because of new information or relevant arguments, a choice tends to make me less open.


I'm beginning to think we should have an "Aliens and UFOs" category since there've been so many posts on the subject!

Jnei Level 8 Jan 22, 2018

@DangerDave Personally, I prefer cats. A decent alien discussion is always welcome, though!


It doesn't as a main topic. I don't see how this relates to being atheist or agnostic...


Kinda stinks that you can't pick 2. I think aliens must exist, but it's extremely unlikely that they have travelled here. Far to many stars to not have them somewhere, and far to much space between stars to make it to our corner of the cosmos.

Agreed. But if they exist, they must have the mental capacity for space travel which would most likely include technology that may have an ability to perform an expanded search for "life" to observe. I believe that if it isn't like the movie MIB(lol) with several different life forms and glactical laws already in place that we would be found quickly. The earth is so highly populated and polluted I'm sure we aren't hard to miss to a certain extent.


I'd say we don't have evidence, but logic just dictates we can't possibly be the only ones. The universe is too vast for this solar system to be the only one with life.

AmyLF Level 7 Jan 22, 2018

Since there are many universes, there is probably life out there. Some primal, some more advanced than we. To have it in this universe would really be cool, but it would probably be better for US to find IT first.


As of this moment, we have but one source for evidence of life. Earth.

I have little doubt we will find life elsewhere because the basic organics abound in space, on asteroids, in comets, etc. However, until such time as we turn up a living organism somewhere besides Earth, it is speculation. I have high hopes, but will not make an assertion without evidence. Just one alien microbe will change the entire picture.


Next to godliness. Side by side. At this moment survey says... 2 no shows with probability of rain somewhere.


its got to be possible because the earth was possible so in a never-ending universe it's probable but don't get excited as it could be single-celled life a billion light-years away.


It's really all just speculation, but I happen to think it unlikley that this planet is the only one where self replicating arrangements of matter began to exist and evolve.
I forget who said it, but the universe may be littered with the remains of civilisations that eventually destroyed themselves.


'All of space' is a lot. But much of it is far beyond any hope of exploration or discovery, if for no other reason that the speed of light is so woefully slow. So the chance of there being alien life out there, somewhere, has to be close to 100%. The chance of alien life that we can ever find out about is probably a lot less.


The universe is to vast for life to have not evolved on many other planets. Will it reach us or we it very unlikely is many parsecs between worlds.


I do not think life is that rare of a phenomena. If Nature can do it here, it can do it elsewhere. As for a technologically compatible civilization within our reach, I have some doubts.


I think there is evidence of microbial life in meteoroids - but I don't recall if this was verified. Seems reasonable for life to exist elsewhere in the universe though..

jeffy Level 7 Jan 22, 2018

The evidence gathered in such weird places as undersea thermal vents, Antarctica, volcanic hot springs, suggest that life can evolve anywhere there is water and some sort of energy (heat in particular). Just my understanding so far..I therefore think that we will find advanced sea life on Europa (by advanced I mean bigger than a bacteria)


There is no proof as yet, but that shouldnt stop us from asking the question how likely is it that we find evidence of ife elsewhere.


We can actively seek the existence of a deep time "alien civilization" right here on Earth. The Earth, eons ago, was --for arguments sake--alien. Different orbital period; no moon (?); variant plant life and higher life forms; atmospheric pressure and climate. If a species had risen socially/spiritually/technologically...there would have been industrial pollution that concentrated in the mud and soft sand near industrial centers. Test shale to look for possible contaminates that could only have come from an industrial process.


Considering the first choice is only "may exist" I found the third choice rather confusing. The interesting question is whether we would even recognise it as such if it was sufficiently different from ourselves.

Kimba Level 7 Jan 23, 2018

Are we not alien? our world is an anomaly it seems to the vastness of space and if there is another lifeform, would they resemble us?


It's possible because we are here. We have found no evidence for life elsewhere, no do we have any understanding of how likely abiogenesis is. Until we find other life, or have a better understanding of abiogenesis, we simply can't say what the odds of other life are. We could be alone.


The way you pose the questions, I'm not sure how to vote. I DO believe in alien life forms. We may have examples of that on the moons of other planets. Do I believe in Unidentified Flying Objects? Yes, there are many things that have occurred that have not been identified. Have aliens visited earth? I don't think there is empirical evidence to say yes to that question. Our Milky Way galaxy is just one of many BILLIONS in this universe. Also, if the bubble universe theory is correct, there are probably many billions of galaxies in the other bubble universes as well. So, yea, there's a good possibility of intelligent, sentient beings somewhere other than here on earth.


People picking option 3 because they didn't read option 1 properly...


I noticed how weird Americans are about UFOs, treating people who have seen them like they are insane. Yet in other countries, they are seen often and taken for granted. We saw them constantly in Haiti, zipping around the sky, changing colors, hovering, zooming sideways, etc. We'd lay on the warm water barrels on top of our building at night to watch them, like a show.

We'd see them land, take off, and once one followed my husband and I in the early 1970s for about 300 miles when we were traveling to Florida from Kentucky, sometimes hovering so close it stalled our car. It acted like a friendly dog, frisking off to shine spotlights in the windows of houses we passed, then come back to us, changing colors, sometimes getting so bright it lit up the neighborhoods we were passing like a small sun, yet nobody seemed to notice it.

Sometimes it would go completely dark for a few minutes, then suddenly reappear..with multiple, changing colors running around the rim like a deep sea squid during mating season. When we passed a big military base somewhere in GA, it left us to hover over the base, then it seemed to turn sideways, and took off so fast it seemed to shrink and disappear.

When he was a ten year old hunting jack rabbits in Texas, my dad said he saw a small UFO drone thing about 20 feet away, running an extension arm along the power lines as though sampling the current.

Once, at a church camp in Normal, IL, in 1968, all of the camp kids, counselors, my parents, and my siblings watched as what resembled a ball of fire hovered over the trees one night dropping what looked like chunks of fire into the trees, then moving up or down and dropping more until the ball divided in half, one half sinking into the trees, and the rest of the ball also turned sideways and shrank away out of sight as though moving super fast.

Nobody volunteered to cross the pasture to check it out, and there were no fires afterward. The locals told us that they saw UFOs "all the time around here," and nobody seemed to take it seriously.


There's almost certainly sentient lifeforms on other planets but the distances are so vast that I have little hope that we'll ever encounter them.

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