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I've noticed most on this site don't think Trump is a good president. No one has offered proof, only gossip. I just took this video from a friend on FB and wanted to put it here to see who thinks this man is right.
Who here would change their mind on Trump if he is correct? Since Trump is President, shouldn't we support him and give him a chance to prove himself>
Watch this video;

VirginCotton 6 Jan 22

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Shall we set qualitative boundaries to the definition of "good president"?
And the list below may direct your inquiring mind to whether Trump has been a good president or not.

I'll need you, @virgincotton, to investigate these yourself. If I just provide links, you'll likely won't read them. Simply research it yourself. Don't limit yourself to your own information bubble. I suggest you open your browser in incognito mode so that Google will provide answers that are not shaped to your browsing habits.

1: Economy. We can't take Trump's word for what is driving the U.S. economy, right? Because that will be like a Christian saying God exists because I say that God exists. We'll need to get a 3rd-party assessment on what's actually driving the economy up.

2: Jobs. I suggest you look at the companies, for example Carrier, that Trump claims retained their workers in the U.S. only because of his policies. Have those companies retained their workers or have they been laid off with the jobs going off-shore? Then research at the companies that claimed they'll give bonuses to workers simply because of the new tax rules that Trump's administration passed.

3: Foreign policy will be hard to judge. All western countries are having to deal with immigration. And no other foreign leader will ever bad mouth Trump. But would Trump bad mouth another foreign leader? The answer to that may be a positive or a negative for Trump and will depend on your view of the U.S. foreign relations. But compare Trump against other foreign leaders. Who would be more likely to bad mouth who?

4: Bipartisan leadership. You have to consider that the role of the president is to run the country, right? And because the U.S. is soo large with so many different people, the president will need to ensure that all Americans get the best compromise between the political parties. Right? Has Trump promoted bipartisanship between the parties? Again, you can't take Trump's word for this.

5: Lastly: His administration. How many days off for golfing has Trump taken compared to other presidents? How much have his administration spent of tax payer dollars on trips and accommodation for his staff while he moves from living in the White House and his various properties. I bet his administration has spent millions of tax payers money.


It's really frightening how many people this buffoon has fooled.
He's a classic narcissist, sexist, racist and bully, he's lied his way to the top, and sees the presidency as an ego boost rather than an opportunity to serve his country.
Fortunately people are starting to see through him, hence his lowest public approval rating of any US president.

gavlar Level 4 Jan 22, 2018

"Your last sentence is backwards"
Trump fans are forced to plead "alternative facts" because reality isn't on their side.

"it would not surprise me if Trump isn't named the best President in history"
Me too, it would not surprise me if Trump is not named the best president in history.
Or was YOUR last sentence backwards?


Maya Angelou offered some fabulous advice: "When someone shows you who they are believe them; the first time." Donald Trump is a shitty human being and has thus far made a shitty President and I, for one, refuse to support that or him.

@VirginCotton yes, I did indeed watch the video. It doesn't sway my opinìon.

Where are you getting that most Americans think like Trump? I knew the first time I heard him making racist comments that he shouldn't be the president. He speaks like a spoiled child. Anyone who would want a person like him in charge of our government hasn't thought about it very much.

"Trump is saying what most Americans have been thinking for years"
the evidence doesn't agree with you.
Lowest approval ratings in over 60 years.

@VirginCotton My Poe senses are tingling....


I think there should be a sign on the lawn of the white house that reads,"Racists and Sexists need not apply." He's not even good at lying. Politics is all about being a crafty liar. He is dumb and boorish and everybody knows it. You wouldn't be prankin' us's, would ya?

@VirginCotton I am not sure your atheistic qualifications are very relevant to your post. I akin your opening statement to someone saying, "Hey, I really like Sheisse Films, come watch this film and tell me what you think." No thank you. Not interested in watching feces spread around....hehe. And I do think that you are a head....what type of head, well, I don't want to be rude....bam...see what I did there?

@VirginCotton I DID and reported on it, with my accumulated information...but apparently you invalidated my response? !

@VirginCotton ok...

@VirginCotton I was just givin' you a good ribbing on your assumption that you are ahead of the curve on bible learnin' on this here site. A bunch of smart cookies in this group, and it is absolutely fun to disagree with them, because they can dish it out and give you a full course meal of thought. I said "I am not sure your atheistic qualifications are relevant to your post." Not "please reiterate your atheistic qualifications because they somehow enhance your opinion". And my head is a bit stuffy today....sinus issues, you understand. Thanks for asking!


What do you mean, no proof? His own recorded words condemn him as a sexist, racist, egotistical buffoon. Wow, have you not been watching the news for the past year?

@VirginCotton And, that, dear Virgin Cotton, qualifies you as a bona fide ignorant troll here to do nothing but cause trouble. NO, I didn't watch the video. I can answer your rhetorical question without watching that imbecile speak. I avoid hearing his voice at nearly all costs. Thankful that @admin created a block button. Will be even happier when it works 100% of the time.

I'm with you @BlueWave.


I'd not dishonor my self by supporting an accused racist, self acclaimed groper, racist schmuck for anything. Change my opinion? He would have to be the leopard who changed his spots and he would have to do a LOT of that before I even considered it.


What! You must be kidding about proof. His sexual abuse was enough for me. Then health care. He's changed the subject so much that the 10 things he was going to straighten out has turned into 20 things people hate about him. None of the issues have been taking care of. He's got that side stepping ART IF THE DEAL working for him and some people don't have a clue that hes doing it to us.


This video is based on erroneous information. Can you show me proof that Liberals are ramping up the war in Syria? Trump campaigned on eradicating ISIS and I don't think you do that with an cease fires and an exit strategy. I can go on and on with how Trump continues the policies in Syria that Obama has done for years. It really looks like a highly produced propaganda video staring a soft spoken, hippie-looking guy that claims he has never voted Republican......give me a break!


No one has offered proof? The man is an obvious embarrassment to the country. You just have to listen to him speak. He is a 70 year old child.


I listened to the whole video I have to tell you that this guy, first of all was reading from a
teleprompter. Nothing he said was factual, It was all opinion. It's likely he's being paid to do that video and most likely written for him. I could spend the next 30 minutes tearing apart his statements, but it's just not worth my time. He's a fraud.


A wandering amalgamation of a few good points and many points of misinformation and misinterpretation. He does not even attempt to deal with Trumps Egomaniacal, lying, characterless, and sociopathic behavior. That video is not of any value.


I think you need to define what you mean by a "good president" before we can give you proof that he is a shithole.


First I might say...I have been keeping tract of trump since his 20s, (one of his wives came from GA) he simply is not a 'straight shooter (an upright person). And this alone would turn me off. Second, you need some experience with personility disorders, so that you can see, where trump, is coming from! The most imporant part, is his lack of understanding of the 'common man,' as in humanity! As for passing laws, he has passed only one, the tax cut, which benifits mostly the rich! The rest have just been Obama, reversals, doesn't matter if they were a benifit or not! And, lastly and more importantly, he does not make decisions out of his own mind, he is swayed by the people who are blinded by power and that can change from one day to the next! A country is not made up of power, and money! It is made up of PEOPLE who have power and money! I might add here, that I never use drama to determine serious matters. And, I make a point to get my news, without drama! I go to the movies for drama! I need my feet planted in reality, to decide anything that is as important as governing a Country! I am not convienced...trump is not my president! I guess, 'shiney' objects have NEVER held much appeal to me! But good luck in your persuading others...

@VirginCotton When has trickle-down economics ever worked? It didn't work under Reagan, it won't work now.


Your post bothered me so much, I have to post another response. To say that "no one has offered proof, only gossip", is a straight-up LIE. His record speaks for itself. That anyone, including you, was able to look past all the unscrupulous, and completely illegal, things he's done, shows how gullible you and they are. He is undeserving of any support, or any more chances. What he DOES deserve is an orange jumpsuit and a prison cell. Posting that video is a pathetic attempt to justify your support of that con man. It also makes you a hypocrite, as you have engaged in precisely what you have accused others of. That video is chock-full of opinions, gossip, and agenda. It's glaringly short on facts.

And the winner for best response goes to KKGator. My brain got overwhelmed with response so all I did was point out the shutdown lies at the feet of trump.


Every single reason I have for loathing 45 is deeply rooted in FACT. I've been watching that miserable piece of shit for over 40 years. I wouldn't support him for any reason. That he has managed to occupy the Oval Office is nothing short of an abomination.


No! tRUMPy doesn't deserve support, a chance, a hand across the aisle or anything but to be removed from office. It isn't about his policy, who the fck even knows what his policy even is?! He doesn't.

tRUMPy's use of dogwhistle politics, his beyond reckless foreign policy and his temperament make him a danger to the American way of life. He must be removed from office. The moment tRUMPy referred to nazis as "very fine people," he declared himself so biased, so myopic and so fundamentally unfit for the oval office, it is the moral imperative of every American to see his policies stopped.


I'm considered conservative and I don't think Trump is a good president, but then again, I don't think anyone is capable of running a Democratic republic well, given the mountain of evidence that corroborates my lack of faith.


The man on the video is obviously a very nice guy but he is very naive. As far as I can see, everyone thought that Trump, once he became President, would show his true colours and become sensible of the job in hand. People sat back and watched. What we have seen since is a man who has proved himself to be an ignorant narcissist who is of limited intelligence and he has had his chance. He blew it.

Nemo Level 3 Jan 22, 2018

I don't even going to give you a chance for thinking on posting the video here.


Troll much?


This guy is real big on removing hate from your life, hate for a long list and not once says republicans. Actions speak louder than words, trumps actions are the problem not the solution. This vid had to have been done b4 the current shut down. trump was given his wall and still walked away from a compromise deal, he is responsible. Mexico has ceased buying U.S. corn, they are going to S. America for corn. 40,000 tons of pork slated for overseas consumption, canceled. The trade deficit has grown in 12 months under trump. I do think the trade deal he got the U.S. out of is good but he is aliening too many allies and promoting hate.


The first time I took notice of Trump, I said; "That is the worst comb over I have ever seen." My opinion of him has gone down hill ever since. Search Narcistic Personality Disorder and you will be reading a description of Trump. Until he is out of office, I am going to do something I have never done before,vote a straight democratic ticket.


Trump is the President of the United States. That fact has been verified, no need to discuss it. This a great forum to deal with worldly issues and other worldly assumptions. Politics is a small part of this and has its own topical keyword. I would also note I have seen little discourse in this forum regarding bicycle safety. There may also be good reason for this oversight. I noticed it does even get its own to category.


@VirginCotton Here are my points on the video:
1: He ended the TPP. I'll give him that. Personally, I don't support the TPP or any of its previous and possible future iteration that the corporations came up/will come up with to protect themselves. E.g. suing the government if their policies cause that corporation's losses. HOWEVER, I can't give credit to Trump's negotiation skills for that. Seeing him perform poorly in public, WHERE he's suppose to be at his best, suggests that behind closed doors, he is much worst.

2a: Middle East policy: Debatable. HIs Israeli-Palestinian policies are very devisive - dismissing the Palestinians point of views.

2b: Syria: Firstly, You can't argue for Trump by presenting poor comparisons like Clinton and Obama. But, ok, I'll follow suit and compare his time with Obama's.

It is reported under Trump from Jan 2017 to July 2017, there's been 360 civilian deaths per month due to U.S. strikes. That's 6 months. Under Obama, between 2014 and 2016, there were 80 civilian deaths per month. Here's a UK report: []

As per your comparisons, it looks like Obama was better limiting civilian casualties than Trump.

2c: Russia: Do you know the geo-political environment in Syria? Russia entered that war late, remember?. Was Russia actually interested in defeating ISIS or supporting the Syrian government? When you find out, let us know. Again, browse with incognito mode so that Google doesn't return search results that its algorithms pick that you will like.

2d: Democrats are not shouting: Bomb Syria! Bomb Syria! They're intent is to Bomb ISIS. Also, even if Obama was a war president, wasn't Trump calling for war in his first 6 months in office. He was goading everyone to war, if I remember.

3: Mainstream media: Yes, the consolidation of news media is a problem in the U.S. Do you think Trump will pass laws to restrict and regulate one billionaire from owning several newspapers, internet providers and radio stations together to stop that one billionaire from "controlling the media"? Isn't Donald Trump against government regulations?

3 addendum: Again, simply because of the media's failings (e.g. of Sanders, and Ron Paul, etc.) doesn't make Trump a good president. Is Trump actually making the media better while he is deconstructing it?

3 extra: Liberals not caring about Haiti or "the millions of children kidnapped every year". Because you're a critical thinker, can this be true? I suggest you substitute the label "liberals" with "People" as in: "Half the people of the U.S. do not care about Haiti ..." I really can't believe that video essayer simply painted whole groups of people, liberals, as not caring about human trafficking.

3 about Kutcher: Do you know that clip of Kutcher is about the app that he built to help fight human trafficking - specifically sex abusers, AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP OR THE MEDIA? This is a very definition of "cherry picking". Put simply, that video essayer, An0maly, has put that video on their to sensationalise his video - not to promote Kutcher's altruism.

4: He's draining the swamp: HAHAHA! Comey wasn't unanimously disliked. Ummm. He was respected by both Democrats and Republicans. And why is he in this "draining the swamp" argument and not Betsy DeVos.

4 about drugs. Will Trump regulate the pharmaceutical companies to stymy their over-supply of opiods to small towns? Is Trump for regulations or against regulations?

4 powerful and rich people governing themselves. You know what happens when the powerful govern themselves? Look up the LIBOR scandal and what the banks did to enrich themselves at the expense of their customers. ALSO an international body placed restrictions and penalties on those banks after they were indicted. And do you know who waived those restrictions and penalties? Trump did. That's just one example of what the powerful do when they govern themselves. (As an extra point: Do you know why Trump possibly waived those penalties? Because one of those banks is Deutsche Bank? Maybe because Trump owes them millions.

4 india planting trees...outside the Paris agreement. I don't think you know what the Paris agreement on Climate Change was about. Again, An0maly is presenting India's tree planting program as a direct opposition to the Paris climate talks.

4 "politicians sign a deal that literally does nothing" in regards to the Paris climate talks. WHAT? Hahaha! Sure they are not "laws", but they are agreements to meet lower carbon emission targets. They do mean something, maybe not to the politicians, but to their constituents.

5: Ending political correctness. Hahaha! Regardless of whether someone is being political correct or not doesn't change the fact that, very likely, they are being derogatory. But I digress.

5 Back to the video: "smiling to the press when talking to another world leader THEN going to war with that world leader and then lying about it to the press after" has nothing to do with PC. It's simply world politics.

My assessment: An0maly is misguided at best. At worst, he is purposefully misleading.

@VirginCotton Not a chance.

@VirginCotton if you think I assessed that video's points at 50-50, you're mistaken. My count is 1 point PRO Trump an 5 points AGAINST - with the discalimer that some of An0moly's points simply don't make sense and has no bearing on the "Is Trump a good president or not?" argument.

For a more qualitative assessment of whether Trump is good or not, read my previous reply a few comments below this one.

And I doubt his family is any more qualified than him. But that's beside the point.


He makes some good points, but being so old the video is out of date. For instance the ceasefire in Syria didn't last, though America is still not boots on the ground.

I think one of the big issues with Donald Trump is the bad that comes with any good; his open bigotry, the growing evidence of collusion with foreign powers to undermine elections (yeah, American elections are probably corrupt in many other ways anyway, but do you want to add more to the list?), the dismissal of appropriate expertise, denial of data etc.

In principle there is nothing wrong with wanting a perfect president, even if no such thing exists, but Trump is a very long way from decent, let alone perfect.

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