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How would you rank the three vulnerabilites below for males?

Intellectual, sexual, physical:

Many insults target these three attributes.

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PontifexMarximus 8 Sep 12

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Oh my god, what is that picture showing?? & how does it relate to the question?

Carin Level 8 Sep 14, 2018

the vulnerabilities of man ... castration was a method of subjugation


When someone does a personal attack. It does not matter if it is directed at me or someone else If it is belittling in any nature. To me, the attackers I.Q. points drop drastically.


Where is "Emotional?" That would have been #1 in my estimation.

Deb57 Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

I think it depends otn eh persons age and mental maturity as to which would be most important to them. For most people at soem tiem of thier lives each one will be important.

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