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Robert Mueller Seeks to Interview Donald trump

sassygirl3869 9 Jan 23

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Maybe tRump will have another hissey fit.


Douglas has the right idea when he says probe. That probe needs to be a cattle prod.

That did make me laugh out loud!


He going walk all over Robert. It's sad but true...


It's about time , they have been talking about it ,, beating around the bush about if it could be done or not . . . ? He is not above the law ! PROBE ! PROBE ! PROBE !

Dougy Level 7 Jan 23, 2018

Meuller is just getting all of his ducks in a row. Trump has no idea what he'll be asked, but Meuller already knows the answers and if Trump lies, he's at least got a charge of perjury on him. Trump is an idiot and he might just start babbling and bury himself.

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