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Please Help Me Not Call My Doctor a Pompous Bloviating Ass

Of course, he is. A condescending prick. Luckily, he was only my doctor at a walk in clinic.

My problem is that while what I really want to do is bitch-slap the man to kingdom come, I actually think it would be better if I could trigger him to think about his behavior. Thus I want to write him a letter that will not piss him off, at least, only a bit. I am a very good writer but also not all that good at containing my anger.

My mother and I both have very specific health problems, one of which is that we repeatedly get bacterial infections which make us quite ill and need antibiotics. This was fine back in the day when doctors gave ABs out like candy. But once they decided to quit doing that and only give them to people with strep throat (which both my mom and I have had so many times we were long immune by our 30th birthday), we were both at the mercy of how much a doctor is willing to trust their patient to know something about their body their doctor does not know. When it comes to a male doctor and a female patient, this fails pretty often.

As this time. On Tuesday my mother was very ill with, yes, a bacterial infection, and I brought her to the doctor. The doctor, being a woman, listened to my mother with me at her side, actually comprehending that my mother, having been inside her own body for 84 years, mom got be right, and gave her an antibiotic, which soon helped.

I took every possible precaution but was not all that surprised Thursday night to get a bit of a scratchy throat, have a feverish night, and during the day on Friday develop exactly the same symptoms that my mother had had.

In to the walk in clinic Saturday morning. A pompous bloviating prick of a doctor came in and let me know that I had a cold. I told him I know what I have, and explained how. He told me my mother had only had a cold as well. Luckily he condescended to humor me by sending me home with a Z pack of ABs. The conversation was far longer than that, and I was hard put not to smack the ....

Anyway I started the Zpack and lo and behold, within 24 hours I was a heck of a lot better. “No duh” as it were.

So first I wanted to write to him and let him know he was an ass to treat me like that and was dead wrong. I since decided it would be better to be more mild about it such that I can gently suggest to him that he be less condescending to his (presumably women) patients.

But every time I start to write, it turns into a searingly sarcastic slaughter. My pen is indeed dagger sharp, as is my tongue.


LionMousePudding 6 Sep 17

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Have you tried genetic testing?
Do you know about ethnicity?
I recommend checking your genome.
Humans might not all be the same species.
People often unwittingly poison themselves... It could be as simple as cutting one molecule out.
Have you ever tried an all meat diet? All veggie? Paleo?

Is it enviomental? Do you have cats? Dogs? Rats? Pigeons?

Doctors can only know so much.

Back when I went to doctors I used to get mad all the time... Then I became my own doctor


On letter writing (such as in this case), my boss, an attorney, once advised me to write and review it as a "disinterested third party" in order to temper the flames being thrown -- and increase the likelihood of it being not only read, but well received. If anybody else could look at your letter and think "Wow, she's out of control or perhaps didn't take her meds today," then it's time to reword some statements.

Exactly my problem ??


Sounds about right to me..fuck him and his bloviating bullshit..


Hey Pudd'n, Just a thought about something they gave me in China in addition to the AB and cough syrup. It seemed to really shorten it! Tastes terrible but good stuff and has some preventative efficacy. It is available here but not sure if one needs a physician to administer it as a sacrament.

It is called 'Pudilan Xiaoyan Koufoye'. Google it. I still have some and took the name off the vial. Good luck.


I think they say let a sleeping dog lay. He could cause you problems putting notes on your electronic record.


Got a foot in both camps. Maiasaura is correct in my view especially because repeated use of the same AB is known to strengthen pathogens over time; something not good for user or others.

That said: Guilty here of the same habit and I don't plan to change it for selfish reasons; such as I'd prefer life for me now and for the future to do the same for itself on the macro level as it usually does.

From your description, it appears we share the same chronic susceptability to what starts high in the nasal/throat area and creeps down into the lungs.

Agreed! It is often a 'cold', viral and not directly treatable with AB.
What happens to me is the coughing and other cold connected inflamation of tissue 'opens the door' to opportunistic infections secondarily. When that happens (most of the time) the cold/bronchitis can worsen even morphing into pneumonia. Then guess what?

Not only do they get a positive culture; you get the z-pack or similar strong AB plus two or more days of injections and at least a couple of weeks in bed with something that can kill you. (admittedly because it might be one of those AB over-use 'super bugs'😉

So prophylactic AB use (physicians also do it) can cut to the chase and reduce immediate risk of secondary infection so maybe we can survive a little longer until 'Modern Medicine' either expands beyond symptom treatment itself or that day in the future when some super bug finally takes us out.

Checked your location and you're surrounded; isolated from easy access. Circle the wagons with your mom and try to contact a friend or relative close to Mexico or China. They can obtain z-packs easier and cheaper. Have them send a few to keep on hand.


I can only guess that doctors get tired of patients who think they know more than them (as do I, in my profession).


When you tell your doctor what prescriptions to write, they cease to be a doctor, and become a simple drug dealer.

There is no point in doing a five year degree course in Medicine if patients believe they know better than the doctor.


on march 10, 1995, my father felt sick so my mother took him to the e.r. on the way, he told her "i feel so sick i could die." he was 71 years old and had had a massive heart attack 13 years earlier, requiring triple bypass heart surgery. his heart was still not right by any means. at the e.r. they did not bother to do an ekg. they told him he had a cold and sent him home. he died the next day.


@irascible i wasn't there, so i cannot say what my mother did or said, or whether my dad was even well enough to advocate for himself. his age alone should have prompted an ekg.



..He literally said the only bacterial ENT infections people can get are strep and ‘pneumonia,’ as though pneumonia were a bacterium ??????

where did he go to med school... sears?


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