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The Senate Votes Today on New HHS Secretary

sassygirl3869 9 Jan 25

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The foxes are totally owning the henhouse. ..get used to it Republocrats Rethuglicans are all zionists perpetuating war in Palestine and murdering Muslims for their oil.....if you want peace and healthcare vote Green Party not duopoly. ...HR 676 MEDICARE4ALL NEEDS 50 MORE VOTES


Drain the swamp my ass. He is stocking the damn swamp.


This just showed up on my e-mail memo from FFRF. It fits in with this question.
I constantly remind those on this site the importance of being attuned to certain groups as Freedom From Religion Foundation and the Humanist. These groups are also mentioned in the introduction part of

religiously bad bills from FFRF


Again , yet another varmint has been appointed to guard the henhouse !

Dougy Level 7 Jan 25, 2018

Anyone thinking Trump is, or will ever do something for anyone but himself is delusional.


He's not our friend...


He also is on record saying really nasty and stupid things about gay people, religiously based, I am sure. 😟

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