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So IMPOTUS won't come to Britain till we stop protest. Do one you orange t**t.

Vic47 6 Jan 25

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we don't want that fucking wanker here.


If you take him off our hand's we will take nigel farage. Do we have a deal anglo brothers?

no lol


I’m sure he’ll come eventually but he’s probably to busy here in the US trying to fix the mess left by that idiot Obama.

@Vic47 -- It is my understanding that a substantial percentage of Brits don't want him there and that many of that number are in the government. Correct me if I'm wrong.

@Vic47 I don’t know why they would’t want Trump to come as he the best president we’ve had in quite some time and they’d be idiots to turn him away.

@Trajan61 -- I suspect for the same reasons many other countries would rather not host a visit from him. I would be interested in your explanations of how this man qualifies as the best president we've had in 'quite some time'.

Obama actually cared about people and this country. Dropped the unemployment rate, put net neutrality into effect, brought the price of gas down, got the stock market to stop falling and start growing. Trump isn't fixing anything. He's just lining his own pockets at the expense of the American people. He paid money to cheat on his wife with someone who reminds him of his daughter, he took away clean air, wants offshore drilling... Is trying to bring back coal while slapping tarrifs and other expenses on clean energy. He makes fun of people with disabilities and is completely racist! I could keep going on and on about both cases, but it seems that common sense is lost on Trump supporters. ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, if I ever wanted to find a sucker to rip off, I know to just find a Trump supporter because if they're dumb enough to buy his lies, they're definitely dumb enough to fall for anything.


Oh you lucky Brits....The Cheeto should be caged...


What's a impotus?


Keep it up, Brits ! Maybe you will be spared the displeasure of a Trump visit..


Hmmmm.... he sure messed things up over here.


Britain is SO lucky!


I'm surprised he hasn't declared 'fake news' on the contempt that the British hold for him. Or at least blamed fake news for that contempt.

I reckon everything is decided by spinning "The Wheel of Trump." It has four segments that decide how to deal with any difficult situation:

  1. Call 'fake news'
  2. Blame Obama
  3. Blame immigrants
  4. Go and play golf, and forget about it

It seems that the wheel called option 4 this time round.

What I strongly suspect is that he's going to be busy overseeing the construction of either a hotel or a golf course in Jerusalem.

It's just a shame that Spitting Image isn't still about to rip into him, like it used to with Reagan. Reagan (even at his most senile) seemed positively sensible compared to the orange guy. Certainly more trustworthy with the 'nuke' button.

P.S. I quite like SCROTUS. (So Called Ruler Of The United States.)

@astrochuck I think the two asterisks represent a W and an A.

I'll add "Blame crooked Hilary" to the wheel.

Twat is basically slang for vagina, though it's gender non-specific when referring to someone as one, and akin to calling them a dick. The origin of 'twat' supposedly traces back to 'pregnant fish', which is odd, since most fish reproduce externally, though a few (guppies etc.) do give birth to live young. Perhaps 'egg laden fish' is more accurate, reducing female genitalia to their reproductive function.

I didn't realise it was British English specific. I'm sure I've heard Rodney Carrington (a US comedian) use 'twat' or 'twot' to mean 'vagina.' In its most common British usage, it's a way of calling someone the bad C word, without actually using it.

Oh, we also have 'twunt' these days, which is a portmanteau of both words, but only seems to be as offensive as 'twat.'


Wish he wouldn't come HERE either !!


I love it.


"IMPOTUS". snort


I wish he would stay out of the US as long as there's a protest here. You guys are lucky.

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