I've lived in an apartment, house, townhouse...condo...
I actually liked the setup of my townhouse best. Just a small outdoor area-- mostly concrete-- but most of the grounds were taken care of by the HOA. Easier to maintain, but less noisy than the apartment I lived in.
What kind of home do you prefer?
If my wife would let me I would prefer a Nice RV. I think I am part Gypsy cause I have always had the wander lust. I would be sure to be in the mountains of northern Montana in the summer, and the warm desert of Arizona in the Winter. Plus in between we could see our relatives back east.
I hate having neighbors, so a house in the country (or the woods, to get really remote) is my preference. I'd like to eventually build an earth-sheltered home into the hill on a woodlot I own (for a well-insulated, quiet, secluded space).
@NerdyOkieDude That would be kind of awesome but, no, a bit more modern than that. This is more along the lines of what I'd like: [earthshelteredtechnology.com]
@evestrat Well, in the model I like it's more like one-and-a-half sides: the full southern side and halfway along the kitchen. The idea is to let lots of light in along the south side and the design of the interior is supposed to help the light disperse toward the other parts of the house. I think sometimes the ceilings are domed somewhat to allow light to reflect better.
I have a cottage, behind my nephew's house. My main requirements are indoor plumbing, a roof that doesn't leak, windows that work properly, pest control, and central heat and air. I have far more than that, for which I am truly grateful, but I don't need much at all. It's easy to keep clean, doesn't take long to do a full cleaning, including mopping floors, everything works the way it's supposed to (knock wood), and I have numerous perks that I don't have to pay for. Plus, there's a pool. I'm livin' the life of Riley here.
A minimalist style is something I admire. I have to much stuff.
@Leutrelle I've lost everything I owned a few times. While it sucked at the time(s), it's a great way to learn that stuff is just 'stuff'. I absolutely have learned to travel light, and keep the accumulation of 'stuff' to a minimum. It also really emphasizes that you can live without most of what people think they "need".It helps to get you over being sentimental about material things.
@KKGator Hats off to ya for real. I just moved, I sold many things, and literally just gave things away just so I wouldn't have to move them. I still have more stuff than I can fit in this house. I was a mechanic and I still have so much stuff. I given much of it to my son who has shop. There is just no hope for me. Maybe my house will burn down
A giant mansion that someone else pays for and cleans
Who would say no to that?! lol
Well Silver... I want to live in the mountains like my wife wants. BUT, We are going to have to settle for where we live now... I don't like all the new businesses but it adds property value. It's paid for and I pay $160.00 a month for property taxes and water, sewage and trash pick up. Ive lived all over and theres nothing like owning your own place.
yeah, have to agree, I like where I am, but the big issue is it doesn't cost me a lot to be here.
@Rugglesby. It wouldnt cost so much if i lived outside the city limits. Maybe $50.00 in taxes and burn my trash and have a well for drinking water.
I prefer living on a boat. Seriously. I don't need to mow the lawn or trim the hedges. My back yard is as large as whatever body of water I happen to be on at the time and whenever I lie down I get rocked gently (usually) to sleep. I have the advantage of full sun when I want it and the sky is clear. I can get away from light, noise, and concentrated air pollution if I want. I have all the conveniences of any small home, and full control over who comes visiting because of locked gates at the end of the dock. What's not to like?
Now the reality. My wife hates the ocean -- or any body of water for that matter. That means I live in a three bedroom home in the desert. Oh well....
With no pool. That's a body of water too.
The house I have with an acre of land all paid for. We burn wood and no AC. My wife drives a mile to work and groceries are a mile and a half. Eight minutes gets you anyplace in town. The only drawback is how red it is but there are a few lefties to talk to. Once a month we drive 50 miles to the next larger town where we catch a movie and do what shopping we can't do at home.
A cottage in the wilderness, on the coast with a surf break, waterfall and such
Now your talking Ocean front -- nice
I live in what they used to call a 'patio home' back in the day. It's a small three bedroom, cozy living space, and a small private backyard. Perfect for my kids and me, easy to keep clean, and only two miles from work. Plus, I live next door to my brother and his family. It's the home I've always wanted.
I've only lived in apartments and houses. Both of the apartments I've lived in I had loud butthead neighbors.
The first house I liked. It was on a slab, but it had a very nice layout.
The second house was old 1928 I hated it, I was always fixing something in that money pit.
I'm building a site specific tiny house. Not like those high dollar ones mounted on trailers. The tiny house movement has become a haven for the wealthy people who think paying 30-40K for 100 square feet is somehow being 'responsible'??? No. Mine is more like a bug-out cabin, but I'm not a prepper; just a farm boy who is fed up with the way of life that has been dreamed up for me to live. I'm taking my life back
i love the way you word this very admirable sentiment: "... has been dreamed up for me to live. i'm taking my life back
". i also love the way you do this <3
Good for you...
Earth ship. Self sufficient. The entire southern face is a greenhouse. You can grow your own food 365 days a year.
House with a yard...grew up in a house with 4 mango trees, guava, limes... oh I miss it
Oh! To die for...
Out in the country living in a nice rock home with a nice fireplace. No close by neighbors for a good mile.
I like tiny house living now, as I don't need to care for a lot of space that is just sitting there doing nothing. And, i love having everything i need at arms length! I do need outside space, though...lots of it! I don't need to own it! Every stage of life kinda dictates our needs...I don't know where I would put 5 kids in tiny house?
My own place. I love Art Deco. Currently in a 55 and older low-income apartment complex. If I fart too loud my neighbor will hear me. BUT most of the residents being older are hard of hearing. I have excellent hearing and a very accute sense of smell and while the apartemnts and grounds are no smoking some people feel they do not need to follow the rules. oops I degress. I want to and am hoping to change my current living arrangements. I also find the tiny home very appealing.
Bio dome.
If you get that reference you might be old like me.
@silvereyes some of those Pauley Shore are still funny. They still hold up.
Small house in the woods with a wrap around porch. And maybe a 40 car garage.
lol The garage way bigger than the house. Typical male!
My funky old Florida house, that's uninsulated, and way too cold inside when it gets cold outside - but it's in an odd location on the border between populated and not, which allows me to be in the middle of town, or the middle of the woods in under ten minutes. And it's surrounded by a half acre of huge trees - thus providing shelter for all sorts of wonderful wild things - and my chickens. Not always practical - and sometimes work - but it's spirit is good, and it feels like home !