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Was sex more fun when you still believed in original sin?

To all former believers: was sex more fun when you still feared an all seeing, all knowing, wrathful God? For me, agnostic sex is still awesome, but without the fear of eternal damnation, it's not as risky or exciting. I also got a kinky thrill thinking the old guy in the sky was floating on a cloud, judging me. Thoughts?

EricTrommater 9 Jan 26

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Doesn't need that loads of fun

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 24, 2020

Maybe you should try it with an old dude in the room dressed in a puritan's outfit thumbing through his bible in a rocking chair spouting out scriptures about abstinence and hell in the King's English. 🔥😊


Have had all out fucking sucking sex in too many Catholic, Baptist, Unitarian, Methodist, evangelistic’s churches church of Satan in different states and countries, any were in the sanctuaries on alters, pews, organs, and rails also in Mormon temples and where the Mormon tabernacle choir sings, Jewish Temples an Buddha’s temples before I was seventeen, not with the same lady in every place or state!! If was fun not being caught,. There sure are a lot of ladies who have kinky ideas about their religious houses of worship! I worshipped the flesh what a way to be in tune with the universe!!!

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