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Do you think this site would be a good place to post open job postings to atheist friendly employers? I for one have been discriminated against because of my atheism.

RobCampbell 7 Jan 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Employers are not allowed to ask for your age because of the tendency of age related discrimination, are they really allowed to ask about your beliefs? That's even more a base for discrimination. People should start to sue these employers.

Gert Level 7 Jan 27, 2018

Try working at Hobby Lobby if you believe that

@RobCampbell I don't say I believe that, but do you want to work at Hobby Lobby? Knowing its history? I don't! But I'm still a customer though, unless it's Sunday 🙂. I guess a lot of employees like to work there because they have at least one fixed day in the week off. Personally I'm very ambivalent that shops are open all week. I like that I can do some shopping when I like it, but I also miss the time when everything except museums were closed on Sunday, regardless the fact that it is a Christian-church-day.

I would never work for or shop at Hobby Lobby for any reason. That is kinda why I posted this string. There are many 'christian-owned' businesses that wear their faith on their sleeve. It would be nice to know employers that are hiring through this network that don't have that onerous problem of 'faith'. I also RUN away from any business that advertises themselves as Christian. I have found them to be mostly sleazeballs.

@RobCampbell I don't care actually, as I don't want the fact that a business or employer is a Christian, Muslim, Buddhist or whatever, controls my life and limits my choices. I don't make principle choices for which I only have one argument: It's religious.

@Gert 'controls my life and limits my choices.' That is your perception? I think of it in terms of making smart choices. Why would I want to work for or even patronize a religious business and thus assist (even in an indirect way) abusive practices, theocracy, control, etc...And one thing I've learned about such businesses - they DO tend to at least attempt to 'control your life' if you are employed by one. I DO make principle choices based on that one argument you mentioned - and for very good reason.

@RobCampbell Hey, don't think I patronize you because of your opinion. And my reply was not about working there, I already mentioned that I would not. But not buying there because of that, I don't want to limit my choices as long as there is no alternative. But when there is a reasonable alternative I surely weigh this in my decision where to buy. And in that case the choice will probably the same as yours.


Don't broadcast your beliefs.


Not sure the membership is sufficient, however the idea is great. I haven't been discriminated for being an atheist, but I have been for not having gone to a Catholic School, and another time for not being a Christian so a Hindu, Moslem and such would have been treated the same.


It's difficult to see where such a subject should have to come up at all, except maybe if the company led everyone in prayer each day, and in my case, I'm always glad for a chance to meditate. Otherwise, I simply don't comment on religious conversations, or, if asked, just shrug and say I don't believe the way I used to, or murmur, "Um-hum" in a distracted way as though thinking of something else and only being polite. If you are consistent, you can train people to stop bringing up that subject by using that last technique.

Yep, worked for a painting contractor in Kansas that required morning coffee at a local shop, that I attended once - it was nothing more than buying the boss breakfast while he led a half hour bible study. Complete BS...I was the only trim hand so stayed on until he could find a few to replace me.

@RobCampbell Yikes. I didn't know that people would do that to their workers. I tend to confront people early rather than late if they are seriously annoying me and I'm willing to leave.


I don’t see a problem with it. And about you being discriminated against, I’d be looking to file a lawsuit.

I only had sufficient evidence in one circumstance, and wasn't the kind of company I wanted to work for anyway


Gotta ask @Admin. My tag should get them to look at it.

Thank You!


I have no problem with it. I would support it. It is sometimes very difficult to find our place in society, for sure! I hope I never find myself discriminating against another human being.


Not a bad idea.

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