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Are we still a primitive species?

While sitting pondering of my own lamentations ; just how primitive are we as a species ? Epcecially with Darwin’s concept of evolution and natural selection and how unskilled and unsuccessful I am with it and I couldn’t help but notice just how primitive the process really is even happening without us really noticing it and just how “raw “ this process this really is ( and no I’m not implying the use of force here) but a mere observation and it has been said “ you give a man a fish and he eats for a day but if you teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime ( couldn’t help but noticing how true these words resound) the reason I say this is we as a human species are still in a “ rat race “ to out do out shine and to generally beat or “ competitors “ in life ; but I see some things designed to help in this process ( which comes at a steep price) to me this still seems primitive; whatever happened to a civilized society? In my opinion I think we are still miles away from being “civilized “ if we have to charge for something that is natural but still very fundamental in life; why not show our fellow human without charging any fee( we still don’t know why they don’t understand this basic concept that should be innate and natural to us ) without the speculation but with hard concrete facts ( I’m not implying a cookie cutter method here) ; though it may still too late for me to understand it ( and to be honest I do feel like a piece of trash thrown to the side and rejected ; is there still hope for me ?( due to depression and ADHD)

AJimboShep82 7 Sep 24

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We are as advanced as we can observe.
We are getting better and very fast.
Think that any low class citizen of a minimum organized country today have access to better health, hygiene, food and even tools/leisure time than the richest king of 300 years ago.
Hunger is going down, literacy is evolving, production of knowledge is accelerating, violent death ratio is decreasing.
There are hiccups and stones on the way, but we are sustematically overcoming them.
The real problem is people that in the name of fear or ignorance try to push back and say that we are getting worse.
Go for the real numbers not your feelings.

This is not my my feelings ; sure observation may not equate to causation but however take a look around do comparisons to nature than tell me if we are as advanced as you say.

@AShep82 compare to what?
We beat up most of our diseases, the best natural environment (wild wheat on Babylon) can maybe provide for some families per hectare, we are in a civilization where 1% of people needs to work on food production the other 99% can do other specializated works.
We can use sources of energy that we didn't even could imagine 500 years ago, we are absolute top of food chain, we can hunt any other apex predators in their habitat. Actually we handicap ourselves and avoid actively using all tools on our box so it is more challenging.
We have cultures and we can beat our instincts based on racionality, we developed the scientific method and 300 years after we put the first object out of our solar system.
We use math and physics to find with precision pieces of rock light years distant.
We can "see" atoms that are smaller than light itself.
You feel we are not advanced because you look what we can be, but look where we were before

@AShep82 compare to nature where any animal can die of infection with a scratch, while we can fight again cancer with fair chances?
Or with any animal that can live In a very narrow climate area where we can live from the poles to deserts?

But I think you missed my point here; I’m just going to lay it out for you here in plain ; the point is that we as humans still exhibit remains of our evolutionary ancestors ( Animalism/primal) traits than compare that to wildlife nature ; I.E ( ADHD,finding a mate,anger) I could go on and on with other examples just enough for you to get the point.

End point Behaviorism

Basic psychology bro

Point blank now ; we still exhibit the characteristics of the “ eat or be eaten “ philosophy; now compare to wildlife I.E lions in a pride or any other wildlife in nature and our evolutionary ancestors compare to us now as a species ; do you not see this philosophy if eat or be eaten still oporating in today’s society.

@AShep82 ah, of course we will always be, culture will always evolve ahead of biology, and it will accelerate even more

@Pedrohbds yes science has the capacity to treat some things but not all ; you take superbugs for example you take antibiotics to kill these organisms and yet these organisms would adapt to the anti biotics ; sure we have the technology to use even atoms ( even weaponizing atoms I.E the Atom Bomb) ; we can make these advances but we cannot elimanate common ancestral characteristics such as anger and any other traits from our primitive past( just speculating with this but why not tweak with the Double helixes in our DNA strands and /or find something on a molecular level to do so ) I’m am definitely not saying for humans to become sociopaths but for the sake of our advancement why not eliminate all primitive aspects from our genes.

@AShep82 do we want to change the characteristics and imperfections that makes us humans and not computers?

@Pedrohbds it does seem like sterilization; I am thinking of it as genetic house cleaning eliminating all the negative traits we no longer have a need for I.E our tailbone’s , do we really need it ? What purpose does it serve , anger do we really need it if we as a species have the capacity for logic and reasoning ; our brains have served us immensely from its infancy until now. Just several examples though as to make a point and not prattle on ( might as well write you a book at that point) lol

@AShep82 well if you have one of this traits, do not reproduce.
This kind of talk og eliminating some genes is dangerous can go to very dark places.

@Pedrohbds it makes sense to me to eliminate any Unnecessary genes from ( the ones we don’t need any more as a species ; if it means evolving to the next stage ; wouldn’t it make sense?

@AShep82 you might want to get rid of something, some people won't want, some people will want to have biologic children even having a way over average genetic problems, who can stop them?


prim·i·tive adjective
relating to, denoting, or preserving the character of an early stage in the evolutionary or historical development of something.

I'm no evolutionary biologist, but I'd say without knowing the endpoint how can we relatively know how far we are from the beginning?

From an evolutionary perspective; ( I could be completely inaccurate about this as far as what species of “ human kind “ from homoerectus to earlier variations of such as our “Measuring stick” from than to now being our starting point ( and perhaps human kind may not be finished evolving ) from than until now is the only point we can measure to ; but my point being here we still exhibit characteristics from than I. E ; the way we continue on our species ( we may not be aware of it happening; and even anger can be considered a primitive trait as well all part of that part of our brains ( it may still exist).

@Humanistheathen providing our species makes it to the next evolution point ; and yes I still think it is a continual process ; who knows our species may end up wiping it self out of existence.

@Humanistheathen and another point of this being ; If you were to look in the wild life there are multiple species that rely on “ an alpha male “ model ; and we are no different as humans I.E our presidents,priministers, emperors , over lords, and yes even the theists that believes in their god(s) still primitive in nature; and now compare this model to a pride of Lions and tell me that you see these same primitive traits and even us humans finding a mate is still primitive.

@Humanistheathen I think it is laughable how the theists still cling on to their ways ; the reason I use this is term is if you were to look at our “ distant cousins “ being erectus and other forms of human nature it is what may have been the starting point or our intellect at its base form ( while our intellect was still in its infantcy ) it is raw perhaps the same could be said about animalistic

@Humanistheathen and it could be seen with Said “beta’s “ in our society; the term “primitive” can still be applicable even in today’s standards I.E the beta’s could possibly be our anarchists in your example of how the beta’s would gang up to murder the Alpha.


It's interesting to note that our technical progress has been awesome and extremely beneficial to us as a species. But our social progress is miserably lacking. Our focus has been on being the biggest, best, richest, most powerful etc and our evolutionary societal growth has been largely ignored. It's about time to turn that energy towards creating a world where we value our people more than we value our things!

I agree ; we as a species has become materialistic; and what ever happened to altruism?

@AShep82 Oh, it's alive and well.. just ask all those "pay it forward " people..they will be glad to tell you just how many good deeds they do!?

I agree, and this will be our downfall. The key is to find a balance. Otherwise mass destruction is the only way that we will change. (Just my belief)

@Sharlee Oh yeah, we're there, working quietly in the backgound.


As a species, humans in general are not very intelligent (inasmuch as "average" is more of a legitimate measure than the extremes). Consider that the average (mode) I.Q. is only 100. If one converses with a person with an I.Q. of 100 one quickly gets the impression that one is talking to a box of rocks.

In short, you are expecting way too much from the human cannot "civilize" feces throwing monkeys. It explains how Trump got elected doesn't it.

We are not that smart, but our brain and culture developed a lot of tricks so we can mimic real smartness.
That's why is vital to have as many as possible humans educated, well fed and safe.
Our power is in the numbers, not in the individuals.
It's like a pc with hard drive.
The books and articles is the hard drive, the mind of scientists are the ram memory and our communication network/laboratories network represents the processor. We only work with the knowledge copied to the brains, and each brain has a very limited capacity and the laboratories can only be used by a limited amont of brains at each time.
So it is important to increase the network of laboratories and the number of brains loaded with information.

Humans are not strong as individuals, but as a species we can do awesome stuff.

@Pedrohbds I do agree that we as a species can do greater things as a whole if we forget about the notion of war, genocide ,hate ,bigotry and over all ignorance ; thus my statement of genetically modified genes to do a little “house cleaning” of our animalistic/primitive traits that we no longer need.

@AShep82 Genetic engineering to create a "better" human is a dangerous road. Who gets to decide which traits are "good" and "bad" and how would it be implemented? In all it hints of Nazi era forced sterilization. Besides, as far as I know they have not identified a gene that is responsible for bigotry and let alone, "over all ignorance".


As a species we have gone beyond natural selection. Look at the most successful people in our society, the likes of Elon Musk or Bill Gates, and see how many children they leave behind? Are they prolific in passing on their genes, which used to be the evolutionary criterium for success? You’d have to say only moderately. Musk has 5 living children, Gates 3. My great-great grandfather was not wealthy or powerful but came fathered a family of 12 children.

But there are relatively few other pressures of natural selection which are driving the general population, either in the direction of a unified perspective on society or a specific form of genetics. It seems we have arrived at a period where there is some selection due to wealth and beauty, but there is a lot of chaos in the general population.

Exactly; we no longer procreate to populate but rather “ opps I forgot to wear a condom or even if I have a baby I can get paid from the government “ and even for the sake that they have a a huge bank account and they look good” but there is a huge problem with all of this; it really doesn’t give a chance to really get to know the other person and what they are all about and only to find out that they are a beater and thus comes the labels “ I hate men/women are bitches” it doesn’t seem logical does it?; and what was the definition of insanity that Einstein quoted?

@AShep82 much of what you say is Euro/American centric. Look at the rest of the world, especially emerging nations and those still under third world conditions.

We are still at the whim of natural selection weather we want to think we are or not ; take the mid to lower class in society ( some multiply more rapidly than others) and some are just left wanking off like it owes us money.


You are right. We need to go beyond the self centered notion that we only help each other for personal gain. I've always known that we will never evolve if we allow greed to rule is like it does.

Yes ; we need to help our fellow human out if we expect any positive mutation in the gradual evolution no matter how trivial the need be or what may seem trivial to one is another it may be a difficult endeavour; such as finding a mate in life.

@AShep82 I agree with that. My most interesting challenge, finding a mate.


I don't think we are a "primitive" species however we still haven't and might never grow out of our base instincts because we are animals first and foremost.

Dfox Level 4 Sep 26, 2018

As advanced as we are technologically; we still are as primitive as our ancestors; which does sound like a contradiction in itself ; until these traits are weeded out via evolution ; we are still a primitive species.

I think that as advanced as we are technologically; I still think we are ; and here is why I think we are : 1. We still seek the “alpha “ in our society ( president,prime minister , government...etc) 2. Look at the wild life in nature particularly the Lions even with procreation; what do you notice with their behaviour? And compare it to ours a human species;3. Our propensity for conflict;4. Our means of providing for our “clan” . But this is just a few examples .


Yes we are still a primitive species and we shall remain so until we evolve and learn to; a) put aside all of our petty differences, understand that we ARE ALL members of just ONE species b) evolve beyond the need for superstitious beliefs. such as religions, etc, and that, c) the Universe existed long, long before humans ever came into being, the Sun does NOT rise and set at our Behest, c) the Universe WILL continue on long after humans are nothing more than atoms and molecules of the elements that once made us. We MUST evolve and learn to live as ONE peoples or we shall end up going the same way as the innumerable species that preceded us millions of years before we existed.

Well said and spot on!

@Sharlee Thank you.


As a guy with more than a touch of ADHD himself - yes there is hope for you. You just have to figure out a way to harness it, embrace it, and make it work. It's in our collective gene pool for an evolutionary reason. I got lucky and dumbed into a career that allows me to make it work most days. Would like to say I planed the path out, but that would be lying to myself.

And also yes - we are a somewhat primitive, and extremely tribal species. It's hard for a few millennia of civilization to undo millions of year of evolution and societal development.

Here’s hoping the Jiu Jitsu I’m taking up will help with the focus aspect of it and even the hyperactivity ( though I am taking concerta for the ADHD) I can definitely see multiple benefits to Jiu Jitsu aside from the self defence , I think it could help with exercise, even finances ( wanting to be sure I have enough in my account to afford it , confidence and perhaps a sense of pride of learning new things and successfully doing each thing taught; definitely loving it so far.


I'd really recommend the book Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari.

A good read.


"Civilized" really only means living in cities.

That may be one of the definitions ; but I’m referring to the definition that pertains to : “a : a relatively high level of cultural and technological development; specifically : the stage of cultural development at which writing and the keeping of written records is attained” ( from Webster’s Dictionary)


Modern humans have only existed for a couple hundred thousand years. Our common ancestor with apes dates back to about 8 million years ago. In between there were a number of lineages small populations that evolved in relative isolation, occasionally interbreeding, all except our own strand eventually going extinct. The biggest anatomical changes in these populations involved changes in brain size and cranial capacity. When one body part evolves faster than other parts this is sometimes called mosaic evolution. It was not the whole brain that changed. The cerebral cortex expanded the most, while the brain stem is essentially the same as it was in our early vertebrate ancestors. Some people refer to this primitive part as our "reptilian brain." Actually you could just as well call it our fish brain. It's this primitive part that drives deep-seated anxieties and knee-jerk reactions. Are we still a primitive species? You bet!

I like your reasoning.. makes sense and explains some still present primitive behavior in others!


I believe we are still very primitive. We exist at a point socially, that we haven't much built on in the last few millenia. Technology is this newfangled amazing tool, with unlimited capacity, yet we use it in ways that benefit the species RIGHT NOW, with hardly any foresight of the future. I imagine the species, today, as a four year old with a driver's license and a vehicle. We drive, and we smash and wreck the roadside around us, running over anything in our path. We have given ourselves the capacity to live beyond the past, but still lack the wisdom to move our species beyond the past.

I believe, another social evolution, like the cognitive or agricultural revolution, is needed before our species can mitigate the sectarian and cultural differences we inanely focus on now. I don't think this will be a good event. An incurable, fast spreading super disease, a global natural disaster, the unrampant effects of human causes climate change, will provide the impetus.

It seems our species always sits on the edge of a cliff, only creating balance when we are about to fall. I feel we need to fall. We need a kick in the ass, globally, to move beyond our current limitations socially, and start cooperating as a species, instead of using our longitude and latitudal differences to culturally separate.


We have all this high technology but are still living in the Dark Ages.

Humankind developed science and reason but, when it comes to religion and other things, most people on this planet push evidence and reason aside in favor of faith! Faith is illogical, irrational.

We have people buying essential oils and vitamins to cure cancer. People are still superstitious.


Yep. Cognitive dissonance, greed, ignorance and pride get in the way of society progressing forward.
It is depressing.
I am close friends with a Baptist family.
Our debates are very few to keep the friendship tolerable.
I feel like a traitor to my LGBT+ friends for not cutting them loose.
I also get frustrated when I can't deal with their patriarchal thinking


We apes, and cannot help the fact.


We certainly have remnants of the genes. ADHD is one... think of how hyper chipmunks are - it was a survival mechanism. But humanity has reached the point where our heightened intellectualism can override our remnant instincts. Sometimes... some of us...

godef Level 7 Sep 24, 2018

Yep, ???


Yes , very ! The French have a saying the more it changes, the mire it stays the same. We are encoded with agression which remains in us in perpetuity.


Yes, for all the reasons already posted.


We are still small tribe savanna based mammals. And most of us are trapped by the genetics of "us and them." The initial advantage of loyalty to the group now results in billions indoctrinated into believing absurdities that no longer support wellbeing of the species.


Miles away for sure and I can prove it. Chimpanzees fling poop at each other. Humans now have hand dryers that fling fecal matter up to 20 feet away.

Humans are just slightly more advanced poop throwers!


Relative to our ancestors? No, but we still have primitive tendencies. We have advanced ages with our technology, but our mindset is still lacking in terms of social progress in my opinion. I think this might be true in general for humans, but more specifically with our "leaders" who seem to be further on the sliding scale of psychopathy.


Yes and no. The biggest diffrence between us and most other creatures is our use of tools, comunication and writing. Yet we still respond to threats or stress with violence. Many still adhere to tribalism(this site could be an example)
Also, we are not done evolving. Time will tell what becomes of humanity.

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