When I read this question, I readit with an implied caveat: that could easily be solved.
For me, the answer would be profiteering. Healthcare and food (as in, groceries) are two huge sectors of the economy where this occurs. The easy solution to this is to regulate their profits as though they were utilities; that is, limit their profits. I truly believe addressing just these two sectors of the economy would have a profound effect on society, in the US... and anywhere else it needs to be done.
Not Trump so much as nearly 63M people who voted for him because they have lost the ability to detect a con man, even though he bragged about it in The Art of the Deal. If our society is becoming that divorced from reality, then bad things are in our future. (Who knows, maybe someday some crazy man will declare climate change to be nothing but a Chinese hoax and people will actually believe him.)
We spend billions of dollars on political ads, but we still don't have universal healthcare and we still have homeless people.
Jeebus, do you really want to read a novel?
Declining empathy and respect.
Refusal to accept and address that climate change is happening NOW. Hurricane Florence is an example.
It bothers me that people like yourself, myself, and others are shamed for wanting women and minorities to have equal rights, especially when the claim is that we're the ones who are being "snobs" or "elitist", when in fact it's those accusers who are subconsciously (or otherwise) trying to get back to a position of privilege. I'm hoping that makes sense.
That the education system is bass awakwards and that people are discouraged instead of encouraged. That the government is retroactive instead of proactive. That technology is suppressed for capital gain. That information is so distorted that you have to do hours of research to find the truth.
That religious people want to impose theri beliefs and/or values onto the rest of us.
For me the struggle women face to gain equal rights is very depressing. What appears to me as common sense is challenged by the republican party and the women who are members of that party that do not seem to want equality.
Yeah, that too. There is a hell of a lot wrogn with our socierty... it is hard to pick just one.
It sickens me that women support these people who are forthright in their prejudice and basically anti-women. I’ve seen women wear Grab my Pussy shirts!
I agree. It would be so easy for women to get organized and take control. I do not understand why for instance it took 150 some years for women to get the right to vote in this country. Mindblowing how some women wants to keep status quo.