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Believe in karma?

I see some rational thinkers believe in karma. I think that is pseudo rationalism. Your opinion?

Vignesh 3 Sep 26

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NOPE. If I did, it would mean that I believe in some sort of "cosmic justice" and such a thing simply does not exist. Sometimes things are just shit and we have to suck it up.


Nope! Unfortunate things happen to "good" (whatever that is) people every day, and vice versa.

SCal Level 7 Dec 12, 2018

Definitely! Helps to keep our moral compass going in a positive direction


Karma? Let's see. I'm a life long fan of Sharon Tate. She was 26, sweetest human being you could meet, by all accounts, and horribly and brutally murdered by strangers. Her murder mastermind, Charles Manson, lived in a protected environment in prison, died at 82, given all medical care to the end, and not once regretful of his actions.

Karma? What Karma?

Ps. To the comment, "Karma doesn't work like that." I say, well, how the bloody hell should it work?



Wishful thinking of a sore loser.


Karma what goes around comes around x

sunnn Level 4 Sep 28, 2018

Social karma, yes. If you treat people like crap they will usually respond in kind.
Cosmic karma, no. Given the nature of life, I find it unlikely there is anything reacting to our behavior.



gets struck by lightning

Still nope.


Hell ya! it's a universal constant. Just saying....

@maturin1919; Energy can not be created or destroyed. You put negative energy out there and its got to go some where?? Its a no sum game. Then add to that, we all live our own personal dream and there is no where for the negative or positive energy to go except to our understanding of the personal dream we create and live in. Basically, if you shit in your mental back yard, you clean it up or your going to step in it some day. Just saying...

@maturin1919 Bahaha, If the idea I spoke of hit you in the face you still would not get it. Everything and anything in this universe is energy. Each and every person experiences their our personal universe. So one can not escape the energy they put in to their universe. They are bonded to the energy they create. High levels of detail do not clarify things, they just confuse the issues. You can either pick apart the details or you can free your mind and live in bliss. Just saying. Take care.


it depends on what you mean by karma.

do I think that my actions affect the way I interact with the world, and that that effect will color things that happen to me in the future? absolutely.

do I think that if I steal, at some point in my life I will lose things to theives? no, absolutely not.

do I believe in a reincarnation where my karma will affect my outcome? no, I don't believe in reincarnation at all.

the word "karma" means different things in different teachings, so it is important to know what someone means by it before determining whether their thinking is supernatural or not.


NO. I think it's wishful thinking. If there was really karma, old Mango Mussolini would be locked up and raped in prison. But the rich and powerful seldom pay for their crimes.


Karma is just something people invented to make themselves feel better about the "unfairness" of life.


Some westerners might not think they believe in karma, since that’s eastern mysticism, but all my life here in the U.S. I heard
people say “what goes around comes around.” Which is just another way of saying karma.


There is no reason to believe that Karma in any context exist.

the buddhist wrote of karma as a psychological construct, in which those things you do will affect the way you view the world.

as an example, if you choose at some point to steal, then the next time stealing is a possibility, you will be less averse to it, and the more often you do it, the more it becomes just another tool you use, with less and less reservation. this has been borne out by modern study, that we form habits of behavior and things we once thought wrong become normalized by repetition.

"in any context" is pretty broad.

@HereticSin Thank you I have only heard of it spoken of a metaphysical context which by definition is not real. I will study up on it!

@HereticSin Just wanted to add this, but I couldn't have explained it better!

Also, karma seems to be dependent on the person's cultural background and beliefs about what's right or wrong. An Italian psychology professor (Giulio Cesare Giacobbe) once explained it in one of his books with this example: in a tribe where it's considered normal, or even something to be proud of, to kill your enemies and hang their heads outside your hut, karma would not affect you negatively, unless you believe, consciously or not, that what you are doing is wrong.

@HereticSin - What has this to do with karma?


if you mean karma the way most people describe it, namely, what goes around comes around, then no. that's bunk. if you mean karma the way i understand it -- the cycle of cause and effect WITHOUT any regard for justice as in... you know, the butterfly effect, for example -- then yeah. but that's not what most people mean, alas.



Seriously? "Rational" thinkers? Please quality that assertion.

Karma, Dharma, Brahma, Ganesha ... what difference does any of this Hindu 'woo-woo' make?


nope attributing some cosmic justice to a localised wrong is weird

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