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Do atheists observe Halloween?

Since, most don't believe in ghosts and other silly stuff that goes along with the holiday. Do we still observe some of it for the children. I rather ignore it like the rest of the religious holidays.

freedom41 9 Oct 6

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It's a good excuse to party and have fun. I celebrate all the holidays I can if it means getting together with some friends for a bit of cheer.


Maybe don't worry about it? The Halloween most in the US celebrate has no connection to All Saints' Eve which is followed by All Saints Day. Don't know many religious people that celebrate, who know the religious significance, or the fact that it has pagan roots.


I love Halloween!!!! It's one of the reasons I became an atheist. I was raised in and went to a WELS ( Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod) school until 7th grade. October 31 is also the day we celebrated the Lutheran Independence day.

We could dress up for school and have a fun day but 90% of the day was what was "Really important". We couldn't have any devil, zombie gross, ghost, Catholic costumes.

So like many kids I had one costume for school and then the creepy one for trick or treat.

I love the ghosts and goblins just like i love science fiction. I don't believe in them, but a day that allows me to eat and give out candy and try to scare or get scared is fantastic.


Just celebrate the first full moon after the autumnal equinox.


Yes. It's all in good fun.


I don't consider it a religious holiday..


Second most important holiday in my life! Halloween is a lifestyle!


It all depends if you want candy or not.


Don't think it is a religious holiday.

zesty Level 7 Oct 7, 2018

I'll observe all the holidays. If someone is going to provide some good food like candy, turkey on Thanksgiving, or roast on Xmas, COUNT ME IN! lol give me all the foodz.


Halloween has always been my favorite holiday and I will always celebrate it. But just like any other holiday I respect others choices in observing/not observing holidays.


I am an author. I write fiction. Sometimes my fiction is about the supernatural. I am an atheist. Enough said.


It has no real historical history behind it. I see it as a way for people to make some good money with seasonal stores.


I consider it to be a secular holiday for most these days. It's fun. So, yes, I enjoy Halloween.


Hell !
Free candy


I've never been much on samhain or the Catholic church changing the day -- but I enjoy the children dressed up as they want and giving out candy. I don't celebrate and of the deities surrounding the day. It's like April 1st -- has no value except for fun.


I participate in whatever holidays are upon us in myriad ways -- all except for the religious aspects -- whenever I feel like it. Trick-or-treating was fun when I was a kid, and I think my daughter enjoyed it when she was a kid. Sure, it's silly. But, fun, friends, family and gatherings are good silly.


Hell yes.

OCJoe Level 6 Oct 8, 2018

Halloween is my favorite holiday


I don't care for it much now other than that it's in the fall and the fall is my favorite season. I like the movies on tv during October because of Halloween. I used to like it as a kid because of candy and chocolate. I went to an adult Halloween party a few years ago as the Gingerbread Man. Other than that, I don't care much. It can be fun though.


You get to dress up, there is alcohol and candy involved, and the one day when no matter how silly or weird you are, you fit in. Why would you not participate?


It's a great excuse for breaking your diet and eating candy.


I love holidays even chrismas its more about family and friends than anything else.
But yes i love Halloween I love candy, dressing up, spooky stuff, and of course how happy it makes the kids. But I aslo love it out of spite bc my overly religious mother wouldn't let me celebrate as a kid because it was "the devils birthday".


All that candy and decorating. How can I say no?

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