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Im new to dating

How do i get a girlfriend im really not sure??

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defaultdan 2 Oct 15

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If you date someone younger you'll be too mature and accomplished for them, and if you date someone older you'll be in a different stage in life or be trying to catch to them. I say this making assumptions, but there is always a range on age like 3 years or so. Don't base your interests solely on age but a composite of values.....
also you find people by going to areas where people hang out that you also like to hang out. You'll likely find someone you can interact with then get a form of contact and see if you can hang out in the future.


you`re 21 what have you been doing till now? and generally speaking you don't get people


First: Have a face.

That's helped many of us.

this made me spit out the sip of water I was drinking as I read it. Well done, sir.


Find like minded people wherever they meet up.


no one can tell you the age of the person you should date. no one even knows whom you're going to meet much less how old she will be!

meanwhile, a girlfriend isn't someone to get. it's not like buying a tv. you make friends. some friends will be female. don't try to make someone your girlfriend. instead, find out whom you like and who likes you. then you'll get the idea of maybe doing some stuff together, like going to a movie or eating out or whatever. it's better to let it happen than to make it happen.



Umm... be around women, and be yourself. Really, you're probably better off not having the mindset of getting a girlfriend. But you need to engage with others, not necessarily just women, but where women are. I know it can be difficult if you're an introvert (I am one), but it was a lot easier mingling with people when I was your age.


Hi, Defaultdan, and welcome to the website!

Didn't you ever like a girl in high school and maybe asked her if she wanted some ice cream, or took her to the movies? Maybe you're on the asexual spectrum, since most cis hetero men know what they want, and go after it.

Young men who date older women are usually looking for someone with money and a house who will take care of them and will be happy just to have a "toy boy."

If you date someone your age, you will probably have to spend money to impress her..take her to dinner, or just for walks, whatever it is you both like to do. Then if you finally do move in together, even if she has a job, you will be likely expected to pay bills and take responsibility for household chores, fixing things, etc.

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Date someone with similar interests and values regardless of their age.

I mostly agree, but there is a point when age is a factor.

Post-college thru early retirement, no concerns.

College-age and earlier safer closer to own age, same with retirees... it's more a "stage of life" issue than anything else.

@camne right you are. Date adults with similar interests and values regardless of their age.

@ProudMary great! I never intended to imply 100% certainty...

@ProudMary Need another namechange? ProudCougar? 😛 bwahahaha

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