21 1

Just curious about political affiliation.

I would like to have an informal poll as to how the group's political affiliation falls. It seems like there are a lot of liberals, but I know there are conservatives as well. Just like to see the numbers. Please be honest.

stomato 6 Feb 1

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I'm unaffiliated now.
I can't identify with Republicans at all.
After the prick job the DNC did to Bernie Sanders... They can rot as well.

@dbaecht Yeah, I know. And I agree. But the odds of an independent winning are astronomically low.
But, he didn't have a chance with Democrats either because of the screw job the DNC had cooked up.
They like talking about the popular vote in the 2016 presidential election... It's ironic because Bernie was at the top of the polls before the DNC nomination was selected.
Karma really is a bitch.

Sooooo true! I went to vote in the primaries with 3 coworkers. We all voted for Bernie.

Out of the 4 of us, 2 were told that their vote might not count for reasons that the polling volunteers couldn't even see. And eventually only 1 of the 2 votes counted, but they weren't told if it was going to count or not until a couple of weeks after the election.



Very liiberal... I have reluctantly joined the Democratic Party of my county (which has been an awesome experience thus far). I, and I know I'm not alone here, feel that the Dems are just kind of wimpy right now. I feel like most social justice warriors, like myself prefer "Liberal" to "Democrat."


My son tells me I’m a hippie-dippy liberal. No one else would ever apply the word hippie to me.

I’m so far left that if the world were flat I’d be hanging on by the fingernails.

Hippie Dippy! Groovy!


For 36 years I was a proud Democrat. Now I don't know what I am. I guess I might be a Justice Democrat- a movement that backs only Democrats who pledge to not have super PACs


@phil21 yah. Check them out.

I get that point of view. Citizen's United must end ... immediately!!


I'm Liberal / centre-left in politics. Some of my views would be slightly more to the right but as I get older I find myself having less truck with the right-wing and having more compassion for the vulnerable in our society. I'm also a life-long scientist and I find a lot of the right-wing policies are very anti logic and science. As such I also supported the vote to Remain in the EU because they have always supported science and engineering and consistently brought in policies to protect the rights of low-paid workers, the sick and vulnerable.

Although I voted Labour in the last election, it was a tactical vote because the LibDems in my area had no chance of winning a seat. We almost got rid of the Tory but he hung on and is now a turn-coat supporter of the campaign to Leave the EU. I'm not a fan of Jeremy Corbyn though because I find his policies too far to the left - especially his support for Brexit, flying in the face of the fact that 60% of his supporters voted to Remain.


I consider myself a progressive and am registered NPA


Our are different, our Liberals are extreme right wing,
but truth be told, our main parties are almost identical with their decisions.
I have been a democrat (left here) a green (more left maybe) and a National, (whoa, very right wing), I change my allegiance depending where I live, what the local issues are and how I can best get what I want. I currently liaise with the Secular (previously Atheist) Party and the Sustainable (population) Party.


No affiliation, but the older I get, the farther left I go.



I hate the neo-liberals in office just as much as I hate the fake Republicans in office. Our political system keeps moving further and further to the right. Can anyone guess where that's eventually going to lead? Lol

I respect people like Cynthia McKinney, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich, Bernie Sanders, and Jill Stein.


In this country I am more anti-republican and anti-libertarian (despise Ayn Rand) than any thing else. Guess I would kinda describe myself as progressive/socialist with left-wing anarchist leanings.


I'm a Democratic Socialist (member of DSA = the Democratic Socialists of America). Very similar to Bernie Sanders' world view. But since it's not an official political party, and you asked for political affiliation, it's listed as NPA (No Party Affiliation) on my voter's registration ID.


Definitely Dem, definitely Left of Center. Liberal and Conservative are kinda unexact terms.

But, there is some Libertarian-ism in my mind, but definitely not totally. So legal drugs and prostitution, but a progressive tax system. Very "Great Society."


A strong and active progressive.


Marginally left of center.


Still registered republican but political views are democratic. Just haven't changed part affiliation.


Neither. ..the label conservative is a fascist lie.....and too many genuine liberals for social progress inside USA are tacitly if not equally violent for USA war crimes. ....officially I am a Green Democrat but my comrades of great intentions are Libertarians IWWs Anarchists Socialists Sandernistas McGovernites Labour and off the grid utopian escapists


No idea about the USA

Since Im in the UK I voted to LEAVE Id-Est I vote for BREXIT to leave the corrupt, wasteful and anti democratic E.U


After having spent some time as a liberal, I realized, after a lot of study and travel, that the world doesn't work the way I would like it to, and my bubble burst and I grew up.

Now I am a race realist, conservative, Libertarian and staunch Trump supporter. I can see I don't belong in this group but I bet given a 1 hour in person I could persuade most any of you to my way of thinking, based on sheer facts alone. I'm sure you're all very nice pathological altruists though, and probably living in a bubble of high education.

Well, I don't understand why you had to get personal about your opinions of some of us. But you can be sure that everyone's opinion is welcome here.

@stomato I hope so, but it my experience with liberals you cannot talk to them about stats, science or evidence around the world or down through time. Though just trying to help, in nearly every case, a liberal will go for ad hominen attacks. Generally I stay far away from nasty people who can't debate.

This long stream of stonch liberals before me was a huge red flag about this site's people and Atheists in general. . . One reason I do not generally associate with Atheists, hippies and the highly endoctrinated/educated. . .unless they are well traveled military. (Most of whom are also staunch supporters of Trump it seems.)

@queenlyhippy - So what you are saying is that all liberals are nasty people because they don't agree with you. Once again you're showing your short sightedness and intolerance. It 's okay if people disagree with you, it doesn't make them nasty people. This statement alone makes everything else you said have absolutely no credibility. And I would suggest that if the opinions of most of our members offends you, you might want to find another venue to vent your disagreements. This site is all about like minded folks who love and support each other. Which is why I am a member and why I love this site!

@stomato No I'm not saying they are nasty because they don't agree with me, I'm saying they are nasty people who happen to not be able to debate the topic and always end up in Attacking me. I am a debater and I have come from many different persuasions so I tolerate them but I don't tolerate idiots and I don't tolerate nasty people. . . And there is a high correlation of both from the democrats in general. But if the shoe doesn't fit then there should be no defensiveness.

@ScienceBiker, try what? And yes narcissists tend to go to animals for their narcissistic supply, but I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. And yes I love the term pathological altruists, it is so appropriate for most liberals!! Actually mainly only white liberals, in general!

@queenlyhippy You may want to look up how debating works. You're doing it wrong!

@stomato Well I have taken debating basics in psychology, and my personality type is called the debater, but maybe you will inform me of how I am doing it wrong?

@queenlyhippy You don't bring personalities into it. You don't call people nasty, you don't judge them. You present your case the best you can and respect other views. It's just groovy that your psychological personality is 'debater'. But I disagree. It's more like chip on your shoulder.

@stomato I was not calling anyone nasty I just said I don't deal with nasty people as a general rule. . . Not talking about anyone specifically, just stating an observation that I have noticed in general. I respect other people's right to their views but I realize that some views are associated with a general bad behavior, and over all oversensitivity. In fact you are seeming to prove that again by taking it personally, when I said "if the shoe doesn't fit. . ."

And I do not have a chip on my shoulder as anyone who knows me would admit. I am a very happy person who accepts everyone. I believe that comment of yours would be called "projection."
And yes, I have studied debate as well as according to the 16 type personality test, I am the "debater". Which is the most open minded and fair personality that likes to see all sides.

An hour? Come on, I have better ways to spend my time.


There all self-centred professional liars so I have none




Liberal and proud.

Of what exactly???!!

@Queenlyhippy Of being who I am. I don't shy away from my natural liberalism.

@Copenhagun Depending on what specific aspects of liberalism you think are natural, I may agree. . . But many aspects of liberalism are signs of a mental illness, Pathological altruism for one!

@Queenlyhippy There are signs of mental illness across all spectrums of ideology.

@Copenhagun In individuals or rare factions, but not as a whole, where the leaders as well as the majority live in a bubble reality as even evidence by things like rallies, those coming out of it, and polls!! My bias is always to hear from those who were entrenched in a belief for a long time then came out of it. . . In the case of liberalism, most people are liberals before they see the world and then they grow up. I don't hold it against a teenager for being a pathological all truest because I was too. Unfortunately the world doesn't work that way, money doesn't grow on trees and we can't make the poor and low IQ middle class by giving them a free education, free food, housing or anything else. Personal accountability and responsibility is getting to be a lost art! Those who have the most children are on government assistance, single and a minority and it's disgusting that we support that idiocy!! Just saying. . .

@Queenlyhippy While I can agree with some of what you say, I certainly disagree with the notion that people grow up and become more conservative once they experience reality. In fact, I have a high paying job and pay a lot of taxes and I'm still the same person I was before that. It's about where I want my tax money spent. It just so happens it's on taking care of people who need it. Not everyone is lazy and are taking advantage of the system. There are many people who can't help but be in the situation they are in because of one thing or another. I think the problem is, liberals care too much about people they've never met while conservatives tend to care mostly about those closer to them and to hell with everyone else. None of the things you mentioned are "free" in the first place. Many are paid with the taxes of hard working liberals, not just conservatives. I think we can spare the wasted cost of building planes that are never used and use that to make education cheaper and more affordable as well as provide the American people with healthcare. Those planes that get built and are never used in service are a prime example of wasted tax dollars. They could be used to improve our quality of life instead of wasted on useless equipment that will never be used. Planes are only one example. Btw, both ideologies have their fare share of low IQ and lazy people. Redneck's tend to be mostly conservative. While they are good people in general, they aren't the brightest. I grew up surrounded by them so I have a bit of experience in that area. They tended to rail against other poor people mostly of color while they themselves were also on welfare. Hypocrisy was the name of the game, colored in racism.

@Copenhagun I actually agreed with most of what you said. . . That doesn't mean I agree with liberalism though. Conservatives believe in responsibility and not taking care of people who will not pay their fair share of taxes or help society out in any way. In fact every conservative I talk to is all for sterilizing or mandating birth control for those on government subsidy. Basically liberals are pathological altruists and wanting to help the worst of society thrive. Of course that goes against survival of the fittest so that is why it is pathological.

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