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Ladies, you've been warned.

I saw this posted to an Atheist group on Facebook and couldn't stop laughing.
You ladies better not be ringing the devil's door bell.

NeoXerops 6 Feb 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Wow lol


No wonder men can't find your thing spot there still debating what your clitoris is as for directions ask any women a man never follows a womens advise when she is giving directions take it for what it's worth lol


I always question the authenticity or sincerity of such posts, but it's still funny. 😀

Yeah, same here.
I try my best to give people the benefit of the doubt that they can't be that stupid.
I find it becoming more difficult as the years go on...


A friend suggested one example of the religious idea of sin being the cause of Global Warming is masturbation creates excessive heat due to friction (difficult to put in words but I think you get the jest).



I take comforting in knowing this person probably doesn't know how to procreate and thus won't be doing so!

this person is probably the reason the choir boys have hair partings in the middle.

I hope you're right. Haha


Pmsl it's not sperm reaches egg then lol.


Do you realize that the clitoris is the only organ in humans that has just one single purpose and that is to give pleasure.

did you know the clitoris in an elephant is to swell up and point the mails long member in the right direction ie up instead of forward? also, their hymen doesn't break till they give birth.

@LeighShelton Yes, I watched a video on that very thing on YouTube. I must admit that I have had very limited sexual encounters with elephants.

well I find it's a height thing


One of the worst aspects of religion is that it is always used by a minority to impose control over other people. They are not happy to just follow their rules - they need everyone else to do it too. It's just disgraceful behaviour and they should be ashamed of themselves.

They do not even follow their own rules and they make up their rules as they go along to suit whatever purpose they are pushing at any give time.

>They are not happy to just follow their rules

they don't follow their own rules. How many GOP family value types have been caught with boytoys?

Rules are for thee not for me.


That's amazing.

Weirdly, sadly, hilariously amazing.


Oh, my GOD! Pun intended. 😀


This particular FB post, which was shared amongst my girlfriends as well, engendered so many gut-busting memes - I'm still laughing. One of my friends, after sharing one of those memes, said "is it wrong that I have so many masturbation memes at the ready?" 😀 😀 😀


That's hilarious.


LMAO!!!! I am not sure how some people even survive with this kind of malfunctioning cranium

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