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Why do so many Atheist believe in Ghosts?

I have spent some time online speaking to atheists here and elsewhere who claim they don't believe in God yet they believe in ghosts? I don't understand how one would separate God from Ghosts. I usually ask one silly question to see if I can get them to open their eyes. Where does the ghost get its clothes? I can see that you believe a mortal body might have a spirit form, but do their clothes also have a spirit form? Shouldn't we expect that ghosts would be naked? So I ask those of you who believe in ghosts, do they have a spirit clothing store? or do the clothes themselves have a spirit as well?

  • 12 votes
  • 41 votes
paul1967 8 Oct 23

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Because Halloween is coming 😛? I don't think religion and ghosts (and other supernatural things) are related, at least not to people like me. I have a militant atheist friend who most certainly believes in ghost as she has first-hand experiences on a few occasions. I've talked with several friends who have had first-hand experiences. I trust my friends are honest and intelligent people thus I believe in ghosts too.

But you can understand why that is a bad reason for believing something right?


I worked with a guy who told me what I thought was a crazy story. His uncle died in a car crash, and at that exact same moment his grandmother woke up and started screaming "My baby is dead." I went home and told my family about the crazy story I had just heard, and there was a long silence while my father, my brother, and my mother all looked at each other, then they told me my father and my brother had had similar experiences. On the night two of my father's fishing buddies died, they "visited" him in the middle of the night. On a night an old family friend had died, my brother had a conversation with him in his dreams (and my brother had probably not seen the guy for 3 years). My father and brother are two of the most sane people I have ever met, so I give their stories a great deal of credibility.

BD66 Level 8 Oct 23, 2017

I'm going to qualify my "yes" vote. I don't believe in "ghosts" per se, but I collect ghost stories, my own and others, including the Parking Spot Angel, dreaming lottery numbers, stuff like that. My biggest "ghost story" is the tragic and bizarre case of Dr. Elisabeth Targ. Some of these are covered under the law of large numbers; some raise questions which could be investigated.


It seems a lot more believable than a bearded man in the clouds.

Actually it is equivalent and just a much a lie.


I don't believe in ghost but I understand how people can believe the mind as an entity might go on.


I see the logical disconect I don't believe but am open minded to ghosts as they are scary and great fun. God, well the idea that a being willed into existance the universe and all that is outside it then plays dice with our lives is too far fetched.I saw people talk about energry and the idea seemed well refuted but what if the dead are not the source but the viewer, magnetic flucuations or some natural cause like a bacteria, or similar things to ergot rye. Sure it silly and crazy but the mind is a very unexplored place. I once was in a house as a small child taken there by me mom to meet somecustomer for her yard sale business. I and wanted to leave in the worst way for no logical reason, far stronger then the this sucks and I'm bored kid attitude, only time I felt that way was when I had a reason fear or a danger was present. 30 years latter I find out the place was known for hauntings and a book was written about. I don't belive the dead were opressing me but maybe some bit of sci/brain chemestry sets of such reactions or causes us to see or feel such things. So real in experience but self inflicted


Who is to say that ghosts are supernatural, tbey could be just another form of consiousness, that manifests itself with what is around in our plain of existence, to be seen or heard, not neccesercerly supernatural as a god would have to be


I do not believe there is a man in the clouds. I do believe in "ghosts".
By ghosts I mean another form of energy that we have not begun to understand yet but some are more sensitive to. I believe time and space operate in ways we have no grasp of and there are places and people where it pulls stronger and having no other words or ways to describe it, we say "haunted". I also believe many "ghosts" are inside of us. Memories and regrets and parts of us that we are afraid of can manifest in strange ways sometimes appearing right before our eyes as a demon or shadow that no one else sees. I believe there is so much, SO SO MUCH we have still to learn about ourselves and the energies that surround us and like most things we don't understand but sense are out there, we are afraid of them and fear is a very powerful emotion.
I also believe in aliens.

Hi @Alicia_J's I want to be clear that I am not insinuating that you're silly or that you're wrong. You described clearly what you believe ghost to be, but what evidence do you have that this thing you describe is real? If you have no data, why is your default position one of acceptance instead of one of doubt or skepticism?

I have experienced it, grew up being followed by "something", have felt there was more in an empty room than just myself. Also, my 7 year old son scares me half to death with his ability to read minds. I'm not too concerned whether I sound silly or wrong, and who knows, I may be insane, but these experiences are real to me. I do not feel there is any higher power at work here, just invisible things around us that belong to this world just the same as the trees and gravity. Some people sense it better than others like I sense the creep in the corner staring at my ass when my back is turned. Don't know how I know but I do and he is!!!
I've spent a lot of time trying to reconcile my anti theism with these beliefs that may seem supernatural to some but I don't think it is supernatural at all. I believe in science and that energy can not be created or destroyed, only change forms and this might be another form of it we just don't understand yet.
Or maybe I'm a total crackpot! That would be fine too. At least no one would be surprised when I snap on ol' rape eyes over there deciding what he'll do once I'm tied up in his cellar.


There definitely must be a ghost clothing store, NOT. The clothes people see are probably the ones the ghosts were buried in or some outfit they were known to wear.

SamL Level 7 Oct 24, 2017

I think that the fear of ghosts is usually a non-rational thing. Choosing to believe in religion or not, is usually (or at least should be), a rational process. You can deduce from your experiences and knowledge whether or not you think there is a God, but ghosts, I think is something of a phobia that's just ingrained in you. The idea of a ghost is pretty terrifying, a being which you are helpless to fight against, and no walls or protection can save you from. But the idea is probably introduced by all the horror movies, like the way I developed nocto-phobia when I was younger because of watching horror films at a young age - even now the thought of ghosts terrifies me.


I believe in Ghosts, but don't think they are specific to religion. To be honest I don't have a good answer why I do, and maybe it will change as I get older.

Please do some research on this. Be fair to yourself and free yourself from the fantasy. I say this in a concerned way, not a condemning way.

I think that's a very honest answer.


There’s nothing wrong with imagining ghosts and no god. IIRC the Bible makes no mention of ghosts that haunt or linger. Of course I don’t believe in ghosts, but it’s hypothetically possible, just like anything is hypothetically possible.


Omigosh! It would be SO disappointing to finally meet an atheist and then find out they still believe in ghosts! What a crock!
Finding someone reasonable to befriend just gets harder and harder.

@DianaGinger Im a ghost chaser anytime I have the chance, but still no luck. Makes me even more skeptical.

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