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It is my belief that slavery is alive, and more wide spread than any time in human history. It has been disguised as a life long career, or a 40hr a week job. I'm not saying that we should all quit our jobs and meditate all day. But maybe if the work week were cut to 20hrs a week, with double the pay, it would create twice as many jobs. Some say what about inflation. But what about the 1% of humans that have 95% of the wealth? And then there's the threat of population explosion. I believe that the majority of humans would be on board with some form of organized population management. Instead we have "Agenda 21" It's a bit sickening. Please YouTube, and see for yourself.

PeaceContagion 5 Feb 2

Enjoy being online again!

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Well yes we are all cogs in a wheel but you should know real slavery still happens to this day and no one bats an eye.


The practice of tipping was instituted to elleviate employers from paying emancipated slaves. The bracero program with Mexico was instituted to compensate agricultural conglomerates from paying a descent wage for jobs Americans will not do. Then there is share cropping. Remnants of slavery in many ways is still with us. In North Africa & areas of Asia it is more common than you might believe beginning with child labor.


No one is truly free but we are free to imagine we are.


No one is free

"Forget all that stupid shit will ya!?!?" Lol I love Carlin.


It's modern day slavery on a different variation. Even back in the day slaves were able to leave the plantation and work for a wage, but were required to give their master a portion of their pay.....up to 99%. There is a rapper that refers to NY trains as the "multicultural slave ship". There seems to be something to the nature of humans being a submissive species for the most part. Plenty of humans have been conditioned to think they're actually free and that they aren't "slaves". The best slaves are the ones that don't think they're slaves.


If you don't mind my saying so, that's utterly ridiculous.

Doubling the salary of every single worker in both public and private sector does two things; firstly, it puts a hell of a lot more strain on the government budget, strain which would, inevitably, lead to exponentially higher taxes to offset this, not to mention cuts in most sectors of the budget.

Secondly, it would mean that suddenly, private companies suddenly have to double the amount they're paying to each employee. This wouldn't create more jobs, it would cause people to be laid off in vast quantities.

That's not even mentioning halving the working week. That would create even more problems. Even if you did this on its own, without doubling salaries, private companies would have to lay off workers because they're not bringing in enough profit to maintain current numbers. If you add the strain of doubling the salary, then many companies will be forced into a spiral of decreased productivity and laying off employees until they're forced to close because they just can't sustain it.

So, unless mass unemployment is what you're going for...

Wealth redistribution could work if properly implemented. Don't believe everything you see on the news, there's a reason it's called Programming. I may be wrong. At least I have a Dream. And please share your opinion these statements.

@DwayneHicks None of what I've said comes from the news. If it does, it comes from a variety of different sources, as well as my own knowledge gained from independent study. Also, you can't just say it would work. You have to explain how. Forgive me for drawing the parallel, but just stating things without backing them up is what the religious do.

@SilverDollarJedi I repeat, what alternative do you have and how would it work? Such ideals of shared wealth were put forward in the ideologies of socialism and communism. It never works. Why? Human nature.

@SilverDollarJedi That was well worth my time and I found it extremely interesting. Thanks for posting.


I guess it depends on your definition of slavery.

We are slaves to our desires, commercials, ideals, wishes. We are not slaves to people.

A minimum wage can support someone living with multiple roommates, and eating crap food, while still providing an opportunity to save.

2 minimum wage jobs provides this much faster. Always? No, bad things happen. However this takes not buying new phones, not having more than they are minimum cell phone plan, not buying new couches, or spending on credit cards, not going out to eat, or buying soda.

It takes a dramatic effort to reject spending our money on stuff we want in order to improve our lives in the future.


For a person who loves his or her work, a 40 hour week is light duty which may be insufficient to accomplish one's goals. I do not agree with a 20 hour work week.

Surly a 20hr week would never be a rule for all to follow. I really could care less if people want to work 80hrs a week. But for me, I would love more time with my family, friends, and especially my Children, connecting, and learning to Love deeper.


I disagree with what you consider slavery.

Since your children cannot be sold, you are not a slave.
Since you can choose to leave without being whipped or killed, you are not a slave

I respect your opinion. But the fact that we spend the majority of our time working, and our children spend much of their time in an outdated school system. So would the terms indentured servants or serfs set better with you. Yes our masters don't whip us, or sell or children. But they have figured out how to dominate your time. And they have so many rules there's a special library just for them. There calling them laws. And and oh yeah they can take my Boy if they see fit. The Draft is still legal!!!

Any thoughts on my reply?

@DwayneHicks Patience grasshopper, I get up at 3am so was probably asleep when you made your reply.

Yes I would prefer indentured servitude or serfs.

Work does not dominate my time- social media does. We choose our jobs, they are not chosen for us by some master. Those choices may be limited by our skill set or education but still are our choice.

As for laws, many of them protect workers from abuse. Yes the draft is there but that is a weak argument for the existence of slavery

I acknowledge that this subject is a bit of a red cape for me since my grandchildren are descended from slaves on their father's side. They are 11 and 13 and their confusion is distressing.

I'm new. So if one tags me, does that mean they like my comment, or vice versa?

@DwayneHicks Tagging is used to draw your attention to their comment for you.

@SherryMartin Thank you. And I hope you have a wonderful day.


While I enjoy working, I also get annoyed sometime at the employment structure and necessity. We waste a lot of life working just to pay to live, for health insurance, etc.

When you come off autopilot and think about it...It is both devastating and maddening.

Please don't feel bad, that's not my intention. I only wish to inform. I spent 14 Years building very large homes for very wealthy people, and got shit to show for it. Besides the knowledge that I worked way to much for way to little. But knowing this, now I try to work less and Live more. I'm not religious by any means, but I did find some inner peace through my research in Buddhism, Taoism, and Mindfulness. My hope is that Humanity will evolve to be peaceful and Earth conscious. My Children deserve that much.

@DwayneHicks you didn't upset me at all. It's something I think about regularly.

@bmchizzle Unfortunately, for now this is just the way it is. There is hope for positive change, so I tend not to dwell on the big negative. Only when I see the opportunity to speak the truth, or make a change do I allow such matter time in my head. Happiness is my #1 goal, and they say everything else just flows. I'm still working on that.


A couple of years ago National Geographical had an article on slavery. With our present population there are more slaves today than at any time. Maybe the rates have gone down but the numbers have gone up.



Fuck yeah we’re slaves and it’s been pissing me off for 25 years

You have every right to be angry my Brother. But if we are ever to evolve, anger, aggression, and hate are roadblocks. Love and an understanding that there's not much we can do to fix all that. Being mad at it just sucks out what happiness we can enjoy. Ultimately we are responsible for our own happiness. I for one have seen enough war and needless death.

As one gets from reading the National Geographic article even those living on the streets here have it better than a lot of others. Everything is relative.

2 needless deaths plague here, anger is what I use to quiet the pain @DwayneHicks

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