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Any men rights activists here?

Are there any men on here who identify as MRA, or red pillers, or incels( involuntarily celibate), or any variation of the above. If so, would you care to briefly explain your position and how you have arrived at it?
Asking for a friend

Blizzard 7 Feb 4

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I'm MGTOW. (Men going their own way)
I'm sick of the double standards in dating so now if I do go on a date it's Dutch treat. I don't ever plan on or want to get married as divorce heavily favors the woman. I also will not buy a woman anything more expensive than a third of my weekly pay check. After my split with my fiance' I learned how skewed the system is in favor of women. I dated another woman who broke into my house, attacked me, trashed my house stole my phone and $1000 then called the cops on me. I almost got arrested just because she called the cops, even though when they got there she was still hitting me. The put me in cuffs, bloody and bruised and asked her what I did to cause her to attack me. She said "he fucking dumped me and I won't let him." Thankfully my phone was recovered and I had filmed most of the attack. Without that evidence I'd be in jail.

Your experience with your abusive ex is mortifying. Sorry it happened to you.
Now to the topic at hand:
Can you elaborate on what you consider double standards in dating?Also, what do you mean divorce heavily favors women? I witnessed many divorced people, and no one really ever benefits from divorce (financially at least)

My mom made out like a bandit on all of her divorces, it's her job apparently. My ex that I never married got all my stuff. As far as double standards go, equality is not men paying for dates, as is traditional, but both parties splitting the check.also as a man I am expected to keep paying, socially anyway.

@jayneonacobb haha well conforming or not conforming to societal traditions is a personal choice. As far as paying for dates, I've always paid for my own share especially in the beginning (see I hate feeling like I owe something). Once the couple is established, it's still expense sharing. One day you pay, the other day they do. You can always set ground rules from the get go. Just be sure you pick the right partner is all.


I am an advocate for human rights. I think that both Misogynists and Misandrists have it wrong. To be equal, it must be true that neither gender rules.

If that means that I am in favor of mens rights, then yes, I am a mens rights activist. The same reasoning means that I also happen to be a womens rights activist.


Is that the modern version of the "He Man Woman Haters Club?"

Remember that from The Little Rascals?


HAHA something like that, just with grown dudes and much more sadder!


Men already have ALL the rights... They don't need activists at the point.


Don't we already have all the rights?


I think that the concept is unnecessary. Men dominate the world. The whole structure of society is based on the subjugation of women and the division of the underclass against itself. That being said, religion perpetuates the patriarchal and class structure of society.


As a geeky, nerdy, boring, sentimental, romantic male, the patriarchy has screwed me too. I mean I won't back down and I'm not submissive or even permissive and have no desire to wear form fitting clothing or skirts or makeup, but the gender stereotypes tend to impinge on my enjoyment of life to some degree. I therefor advocate for equality while avoiding the labels of feminist or "MRA." My favorite interjection whenever race or gender is brought up is to stand up, very stiffly, raise my right index finger to the air and to shout "OBJECTION! Relevance?"

I see your point, but I really think if you enjoy something, then just do it, whether or not it conforms to the perceived gender rules of where you live. I however, disagree with the relevance of gender or race. Truth is, these are serious topics, and the point of view that all genders and races are equal is truly only held by a small minority. Everyone else is biased to a degree, so perhaps in the future (if we don't kill ourselves first) that won't even be necessary, but right now our society does need a good look at those issues.

@Blizzard I object to relevance when I'm told we're interviewing a female programmer or when people interrupt my story of how amazing Lindsey Stirling was live to tell me she's hot. That is the most common way this stuff comes up in my life. I don't object to the metoo movement or BLM. Was just raising my approach as a comical, but very direct and factual way of addressing it when it's completely irrelevant.

@DJVJ311 Oh OK I stand corrected. In the instances you mentioned, I get it.

@evestrat Yeah. I don't like that terminology because it creates too much backlash. I understand that just about anything can be toxic in excess, like cinnamon or water, but the fact that what many people hear is that "masculinity is toxic" makes the phrasing unfortunate and counterproductive. So I tend to describe my position and force people to grapple with the nuance themselves. The "men's rights" I care about are hindered by patriarchy and patriarchal indoctrination, not feminism.

I get into fights with my intellectual feminist friends because they insist the terminology is accurate and I don't disagree. I just think we shouldn't label it so that people being affected by toxic masculinity and unaware of it don't react defensively. That defensive reaction is the root cause of this MRA BS... I think we can phrase equality as a fight that all of us benefit from and I think we need to work towards that.


ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh... but men rights are human rights just like women rights are human rights.... can't we just, get along? xD

I wish everyone thought like you


These guys?


Not me. Barf.

d_day Level 7 Feb 4, 2018

These guys are frightening. It all grew out of the Men's Movement started in the late 70's early 80's This was a response to femininism by men to find ways for men to work on themselves using the lessons and tools of feminism. I even helped start one of these groups in college. That group is still going strong and is staying true to it's roots however most others have been coopted by the 'reverse discrimination' morons you mentioned. It has gotten so bad that The Southern Poverty Law Center and Extremist Watch (2 excellent sources for information on white supremacists and the extreme right) have connected these men's rights groups with far right groups that should be called domestic terrorists. Of course that ain't gonna happen with the orange-hued shitstorm running our government. Excellent post.


Incels: Where in the world does anyone get the idea that they're owed sex?? I mean, how did that even start??

It's worrisome enough when a single person can't make can't make the distinction between individuals--even a series of individuals (e.g. this woman and that woman and that other woman refused to have sex with me)--and a whole class of individuals (e.g. women in general refuse to have sex with me)'s downright terrifying to think there's a whole "movement" that encourages this kind of disordered thinking! Elliot Roger, anyone? Columbine?

Gives me the heebie jeebies.

Exactly. I've been fortunate (or unfortunate?) to bear witness to some of those conversations online and off with people that I know. What terrifies me, is that to them this is an absolutely normal way of thinking. Milder cases continuously complain about being in "friendzone". "Whaa, she wants to be just friends". Like, dude, are you shitting me? No one owes you their body or romantic feelings, either they are sparked or they aren't. I have become really wary of the "nice" guys (let's face it, they really aren't, they only think they are; because if you expect that women should just drop at your feet because you are "nice"... well that's not how that works) that constantly whine about friendzone. Sadly, some are family, and their progression from this immature sense of entitlement to flat out women hate is very obvious and scary.


Had to look that lot up. Thanks for nothing google.

No I'm none of the above, except that I am an equal rights activist, will fight for equality on all levels.

And for clarification equality does not mean treating everyone the same.


I just can’t wait until this whole shitfest settles down and people realize that men and women are not opposing forces, that everyone faces gender discrimination, it does not matter who has it worse, why make it a contest? I’m going to be a target now because I believe no one is spared from discrimination


I recently got into a youtube comment war with one of these MGTOW ignoramuses. He claims that women only get married in order to divorce rape men and that the entire Meetoo movement only exist to falsely accuse men and ruin their lives, as well as many other despicable things. This all started because it called a jeopardy contestant cancer because she defeated two guys and won several games.

Oh yes, had those conversations as well, only on different occasions. Thank you for standing up!

@Blizzard I kept responding to him because I was genuinely puzzled about his mindset. I did get him to admit that not all women are blood thirsty succubuses so, success?

@RoboGraham Wow, if it were an honest admission, then I would say so! Could it have been he just said it to get you off his back though?

@Blizzard I think it was honest because, right after, he went on and on about how sensitive liberals like me are gynocentric weaklings who are ruining this great nation.

@RoboGraham hahah typical


Not at all, I succumb to the fact that I'm just a mere male.


After reading this post I had to look up incels, now I know what they are. I won't say thank you.

oh no! sorry 🙂 First time I've encountered these.. creatures, I was shocked too

Yeah, that's a new term to me as well.
Did they ever have a name/classification before this? I don't recall ever hearing one.

@SilverDollarJedi I am so relieved that men on this website are mostly decent human beings. It warms my cold dead heart

@Blizzard I suppose they're like tapeworms, not knowing about them doesn't stop them from existing. I should really be aware of these sorts of dangers.

@Rufus_Maximus I like that comparison. Tapeworms are terrible lol

@SilverDollarJedi romance and true love - these are the things I am sure I will be trying to understand until I die. The meaning would be different for everyone. I found out that once I let go of expectations, life gets easier and more pleasurable. What I considered romance at 16 and at 30 - are very different definitions.


I would certainly hope not.

I am pleasantly surprised that it doesn't seem to be the case! Unless they are hiding


My wife actually has a contrarian position about a narrow aspect of this. She thinks men tend to get shafted in child custody and visitation rights. When she divorced her first husband he got 50/50 custody, not the typical "every other weekend". He has remained a very active and devoted father. She would, selfishly, have moved somewhere else but she stayed a few blocks away to facilitate her children having a father.

Her only regret is that her ex married an insecure, competitive bitch on wheels who instigated a lot of practical problems that produced heapin' helpins of unwanted drama that she would have been much more insulated from if she had conventional custody. But she still feels that the defaults of the current system promote and encourage "deadbeat" or uninvolved fathers. Men tend to react to being demonized by giving up and withdrawing. She feels they should be expected to step up to the plate.

I provisionally agree with her on this, I think it's a screwed up system. But it depends on the circumstances. When I took the kids and left my first wife, I actually obtained full physical custody and she had basically zero visitation rights, because she was seriously mentally ill and I did not want her to have unsupervised access to the children. And as it turned out, once the men in the white coats got hold of her and turned her into a Thorazine zombie, in the ensuing 20-plus years she never showed the slightest interest in either of the kids, and turned down involvement even when it was offered. So I'm a counterexample, albeit an edge case.


I am just a Romantic Fella. Label me whatever you feel like labeling me. It ain't going to be the last time and I am not stopping either.


This is a real thing? Why is it that every morning, i wake up and some dope has fone some new thing to make me feel even more guilty for the accident of my birth. Feel like i should just wear a big scarlet S on my chest... but then people would think i just thought i was SOOPER and yet another priveleged white guy. Maaaan SHOOT

I ROFLed. seriously 🙂 Thanks a lot!

@Blizzard lol happy to help


Although yes I realize various groups of people are more commonly the object of discrimination in certain places. I still think that unless the group is fighting for the equality of all persons than at least subconsciously they are looking for the upper hand for their group (or themselves, using the group of persons as a cloak to hide their own intentions) not to be on equal ground with all other people immediately outside their group.


Incels? First I have heard of that also. Reading about incels it occurs to me that is a common mindset with some people regardless of the association with sex.

I have yet to encounter a woman incel. I have met many male incels in real life sadly, as well as online. it's scary, to be honest, knowing that they are out there thinking that kind of crap.


Sorry, late to the party. I'm an MRA. I don't think any MRA's actually commented here. Well the Men's Rights Movement started sort of in response to Women's Liberation. We feel that movement GREATLY misunderstood the historic relationship between men and women and as such overlooked the issues that men face.

Feminism tends to look at society as a "patriarchy" wherein men oppress women. MRAs don't believe this was ever the case. There was never a real patriarchy that extracted resources solely from women in order to serve men. There have been female monarchs throughout history and almost every group was considered chattel at one point in the Western wolrd. Women by and large have received a disporoportionate amount of benefits relative to their contributions to society. That's not to say that women are deficient in any way. Simply that men have actually donated more to women than they have taken away.

For reference, consider racism. No Black people have ever had another person hold a door, or pull out a chair for them simply because they were Black. Women were never legally prevented from marrying anyone. And although Blacks were allowed to vote, they were subjected to unfair test and/or murdered after voting. American women secured the vote with no casualties. Their greatest opposition was from other Women. Women just have a totally different relationship with society that you can't really call "oppression".

As for specific issues: male circumcision, wage gap myth, selective service requirement for men to vote, legal parental surrender, men falling behind in every level of academics, sexual assault allegations.

Incels, Red Pill, etc. are on the "bad" part of the sphere of men's issues.

MRAs believe in equlaity and believe that Feminists, particularly modern Feminists, focus only on female issues but pretend to consider everyone. We believe they promote victimhood of women and scapegoat men as oppressors in order to lobby the government for financial and political gains.


I personally don't subscribe to groups because they enrage and inflate each other; but I do support men's rights. The rights I'm in support of is equality with parenting after divorce/ against the manifestation of Manliness and encourage men to be more "feminine" with their emotions and stop women from bashing men for not being "manly" enough. We can be just as caring and nurturing as women and don't need to be stigmatized.

Frankly, usually the only people who care about toxic "masculinity" are other men. Also, caring and nurturing are not at all women only traits, I am not sure where you got this idea from.

This is what has been projected to me as a male through my entire life. The fact that only men care about toxic masculinity is the issue. women don't view men as those in need of support because they are fighting the battle they feel is posed against them. Caring and nurturing is rarely portrayed as a manly trait unless you are watching a movie branded specific to women. If you hear a baby crying in a group of people who is it crying out to what sex is there with it? You never see the man in this position even something as a daddy daycare is SCARY to people because men are portrayed as uncaring and without nurturing instincts. You personally may view things differently but that is not the rest of the world.


I am curious. Just what rights do you not have?

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