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Being Completely Honest, Is There A Bible Or Cross Anywhere In Your Home Right Now?

For those of you who didn't know, I have only been Agnostic for 2.5 years now. I guess I am still in a transition from Christianity.

I will be completely honest when I say that I do have one bible still in my home that I have had for years as part of my décor in my living room. Of course it is here merely as a decorative accent but I have now bagged it for garbage.

Please tell me if you have these things still in your home.
No need to be shy or embarrassed unless you are still doing sunday mass and paying

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twshield 8 Feb 4

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Just checked ... can't find a single crucifix or bible anywhere, but that doesn't surprise me. As a family we have never had a "family bible" to pass down either.


I have a bible full of notes and citations for debate purposes. I also have copies of tons of other religious texts marked in a similar manner.

Lol, I'm a dick.


Two bibles, An old family KJ one and a new english version.also a translation of the Koran on Kindle.


I think I still have the Qaran on my phone, and I live with my Catholic mother.

I also have many Pagan talismans and other charms.


It’s a significant book to many. We have one me it’s just a book ,a curiosity!


I take the bibles when I stay at hotels, so I have bibles. And I did buy one bible, after I got ambushed by proselytizers who only carried the new testament. I used to carry it with me, but now I just use an app. No crosses or anything, though.

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