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Have you ever been annoyed by a question or comment you received from religious people? If so, what was your answer or reaction?

Aralt 7 Feb 6

Enjoy being online again!

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Many times, I'm easily annoyed I guess. I usually just shake my head, hold up the palm (talk to the hand, LOL) and walk away. There are some great responses on this string. Thanks for the ammo community!


Oh once in a while somebody will tell me I'm going to hell for whatever reason. I tell them, your god, your hell, you go.


I have just recently abandoned my beliefs in fundamental christianity. Although I haven't had much debate with anyone, there is a train of thought that really frustrated me. Whenever someone in the church had some difficulty in life it was either some "trial that God was putting them through to build their faith" or it was an "attack of the devil." It's as if they almost welcomed these so called "trials" in their lives because that would somehow cause them to be more holy or something. This is just one of the reasons I stopped believing. Life is hard enough without manufacturing some made up internal struggles all the time.


The one that irritates me is something akin to, "If you choose to not believe, then that's your problem."

  1. It is not a "choice." I can no sooner believe in an invisible sky daddy micromanaging everything in the entire universe than I could believe that the moon is made of cheese.

  2. It's not a problem to me, why is it a problem for you? I think you have the problem, that being your being delusional. Try thinking and questioning. It works.

  3. It's not like I woke up one morning and thought to myself, "I know! I'll try being atheist for a while. I wonder what that is like." It was a multi-year process that transformed me from the kid that carried The Bible on the school bus, earning the nickname "The Preacher" due to all of my proselytizing to the staunch atheist I have become.


Most of it used to annoy me when I was younger but not it rarely does as I will attempt to get them to think about it.

There are two things that spring to mind however that I find interesting. When I survived cancer, I hear a lot of god saved me for a reason. I typically respond with then god gave me cancer as well but I credit the cancer institute and well trained doctors for my cure.

The other is "you believe we are descended from monkeys?" Whereby I respond with no, we share a common ancestor. Many of them look surprised and exhibit curiosity.

I loved your answer because it was factual and not blaming the questioner. Win win!


I was sitting outside on break in Richmond, Va when a guy sat next to me.

Idiot: Are you a Satanist?

Me: No, why do you ask?

Idiot: Well, you're wearing black fingernail polish.

Me: It's the day after Halloween.

Idiot: Then you're a Christian.

Me: I don't talk religion to people I don't know.

Idiot: That's what my ex-girlfriend always told me before we broke up. I personally believe you should shout it from the highest rooftop.

Me: That's probably why she's now your ex-girlfriend.

Funny, he stopped talking to me after that.


Q: "We are here from Blankety Blank Blank Church. We are doing a survey on spirituality..."
A: "My spirituality is none of the Blankety Blank Blank Church's business."

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