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What is a common saying or slang that you really dislike?

I cannot stand "whatever".
It comes across to me as a passive/aggressive "fuck you".

Crimson67 8 Feb 7

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aks instead of ask

@SACatWalker Me too. But, my cringe is about worn out. Here in Louisiana, seems almost all but college educated people say that.

@BlueWave Before it gets to the dictionary...

How would it be conjugated? I aks, you aks', they akss, we akses?

thinking along espanol e as a hemos habeis han [sp?]


"Life's not fair", "It's all God's plan", and when people constantly say "really!"


I also hate it when people constantly say, "Does that make sense?

Me too! I say it occasionally -- but only when I think I've completely convoluted what should be a a simple thought. 🙂


It irks dafuq outta me when people talk about situations that went wrong and then they say, "But GOD..." for example, "I was going to be late to work because I couldn't find my car keys, but GAAAWWWD!!"



Every damned time I hear someone say "as of yet", I want to scream. Especially when I hear it on television, during the news and weather.
If you're going to be on tv, speak correctly for fuck's sake!

How about "currently"?


Whatever is good for "never mind", "forget it", "I'm outta here" and I am sure a host of other meanings. I don't know that I have any saying that I dislike. Actually I like "fuck you" as I interpret it as wanting/wishing me to get fucked and I could definitely enjoy that anytime.


"Bae". What is that ? What farm animal did it come from ? Cra-Cra went away . . .
& sometimes , I wish rap music would too . . . ! On the other side of this question , I like the term "Keeping it Real ". The greatest term this current generation has contributed to the entire human race . Well done ! 👍 👍

Dougy Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

Being called "dude."

I use dude in all kinds of ways. Sometimes to denote an idiot when telling a story "then, this dude comes flying in and..." but more often I use it as a descriptor. Dude, did you see that! Dude, not cool... or dude, really?? Or just duuuude in an incredulous tone for something amazing. I had a boyfriend once who said he could tell if I was mad or not by the way I said dude, ha ha. For me it's about as versatile as fuck.


OH. EM. GEE!! Particularly when said with much jubilation...

Guilty of OMG! 😟

@BlueWave We are all guilty of something! 😉

Also, it may be exacerbated by having a 14 year old daughter. Lol.


It drives me insane when people around me say miss miss..instead of calling me by my name

Better than "hey you"!

I agree. I'm in the south, and I think it's impossible for some people to change lifelong habits. I'm not from here, so I don't do it and don't feel a bit of shame about it. I'll even tell somebody you can call me by my name instead of with the "Miss" or "ma'am" and it doesn't change.

@BlueWave Miss is a southern thing. I grew up here and it irritates me but I've given up trying to change it.


"NOT" : when people add the word not to the end of a sentence to indicate the sentence was sarcasm. e.g. "Brother David is the coolest dude at our men's bible study: NOT!".

Love it when I'm feeling lazy.


"I did everything"


"Whatever " is my mother's favorite word.


'There's someone out there for you'.

I hate that one for three reasons. Number one: think of all the people who die before they find someone. Was there someone meant for them? Number two: If there was someone truly destined to be with me then I don't have to make any effort to find them. Well the real world doesn't work that way. Number three: There sure does seem to be a lot of people that think they found the person that was meant for them until they break up or get divorced. Did they receive the wrong signals or something?


Since you mentioned it, definitely "Whatever." About two years before my dad died, he picked that up as a habit. I finally told him "You cannot say whatever to me anymore. Or to anybody. It sounds very dismissive." He was genuinely surprised and tried really hard to not to do it. If he did, he caught himself. 🙂

I don't like it when people talk in terms of "You" instead of "I." Example: Woman just learned her house was burglarized while she was out. Typical is to say "You know, you just feel so violated. You work hard for all you have and in an instant, somebody just comes and takes it from you." NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Talk about yourself in first person PLEASE!! If I was president, I'd make that a rule. And the military parades. Definitely the military parades. And every soldier would have a three-inch button of my face on their lapel.

Anyway, I also abhor millenial slang or shortisms. I can't help it. Real words with dictionary meanings mean a lot to me. If these words ever make it to the dictionary, just kill me, okay?

Whatev or whatevs
Sorry, not sorry
Hit me up

And these are just either waaaaaaaay too overused and make my skin crawl or are just dumb:

Let that sink in (obsessively used on Twitter)

I'm just gonna leave this right here (also obsessively used on Twitter)


Paradigm shift

The "n word" or the "f word" -- for ANY reason, said by ANY person in the universe, with the one exception being bona fide EDUCATION about history (i.e. in a movie or classroom).

I partake instead of just saying I use or I participate


"I'm sorry you...." - I'm sorry you feel that way; I'm sorry you think....." "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings." First, to me a genuine apology is about OUR OWN words and actions and how we affected another person. So, instead of "I'm sorry YOU feel that way," it should be "I'm sorry I caused you to feel hurt or unimportant" or whatever. And, if one KNOWS that one hurt another's feelings, leave the freaking "If" out of it. "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings" is a thousand times better than "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings."


I digress, but I digress or ANYTHING with the word digress in it. I DIGRESS all the time. I don't then have to tell the reader I DIGRESSED. Ugh.....

To be honest, I'm not gonna lie -- Well I sure the F*&^& hope you'll be honest with me -- and EVERYBODY ELSE!

Good times, good times

Love you -- instead if "I love you." MY belief is that people's fear of vulnerability leads them to leave off the "I."

Miss you -- instead of "I miss you." MY belief is that people's fear of vulnerability leads them to leave off the "I." Hey, it sounds like I'm repeating myself. 🙂

Everything happens for a reason ( it doesn't.)

Maybe I should pull a Rip Van Winkle and all those words and phrases will be gone when I get, I mean WAKE UP.


I like the word Hangry.I know people that get nasty when they're hungry and it's a perfect descriptor. I have used the phrase hit me up long before the kids starting using it.


I my niece used to say that a lot... it got under my skin. Another is (Its all ralitive)... really?
Have a blessed day.... grrr. My wife says that to everyone as a goodbye or have a nice day. I just hold my tongue with her... in her mind she means well. I have asked a few times ( what about the others that didn't make it ) when she says thank god.... grrr. I quit all that seeing I wasn't getting anywhere...


Literally and Basically get used far too much.


The lord works in mysterious ways


Depending on the tone it can be a disguis "fuck you" indeed.


anything repeated way too often and the word geezer or geeze which in England means male.


"You Guys" or "Hey Guys" to a group with both sexes in there. I worked in a mental health drop in center for adults. I would monitor group discussions, drove van for field trips and help the people with issues. Since I was older than most I would use the term "You Kids" and it was cool with them, nobody complained.
I also don't like "throw them he/she under bus", ridiculous!

I'm guilty of "you guys" and will be till death. It's my little rebellious way of hanging on to my west coast (ish) roots. I'll say it to a group of all women too.

Since moving to the south, I also occasionally say y'all, but it's about the only southern thing I say.

What phrase do you say when addressing a group of people, Buzz? Specifically say you are asking what your sister, her partner, and their four kids are doing for little Chrissy's birthday weekend?

@BlueWave Being an introvert I rarely address a group of people, the only time I can recall is when I worked at the center because that was my job to do that. Believe or not I would ask my sister ,"what's going on" but before that she would have told me "what's going on". We introverts listen more than we talk. I truly cannot recall saying "you guys" to anybody.
Might be a generation gap thing.

@buzz13 Have you lived in Florida most of your life?

@buzz13 I took this quiz years ago. If you like maps and useless information, scroll through it. I think it's cool. []

@BlueWave I was born and raised in Chicago, moved to Florida 20 yrs. ago. I worked outside in all type of weather and Florida was a relief both climate and cabin fever. I read your profile , interesting to say the least, have fun with Mardi Gras next week.

I also say you guys. It's not really a gendered thing here on the west coast. I don't really know what an alternative would be. Hey you... people...?


“You do you”...this is as a sort of compliment...I feel like it has a similar backhanded “fuck you”

It does make sense in an argument. When it’s used elsewhere it seems a little flip, like I couldn’t care less what you do.

I agree wholeheartedly. If people would speak in complete sentences and from the heart, it would not come off as flippant or rude. "I appreciate your input, and I'd rather keep trying what I've been doing for a while."


I say "whatever" to the people I actually like when they annoy me. The people I don't like get a "go fuck yourself" lol

I hate the word "hater". People misuse it to no end.


I've always a little annoyed that the phrase "Bless you" is for some reason obligatory to say after a person sneezes. Or that it seems obligatory to say anything after someone sneezes. We don't say anything after people cough or fart, so why a sneeze? Of course, the religious nature of the phrase is part of the reason I find it annoying...

Personally, I have no problem w/ whatever, depending on context.

Gener Level 5 Mar 17, 2018

"whatever", is indeed annoying in that way, because someone tells you that what you say is totally unimportant. "Fuck you" would be probably better. But "whatever" is on the other hand quite useful to me, it limits the enumeration sometimes.
I'm more allergic to "y'all". I live in the south, but I can't get used to it. Even if it is meant well and a "slang"-thing, I'm not pleased if someone sees me as part of y'all.

Gert Level 7 Feb 8, 2018
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