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I am a believer in Ancient Aliens. I strongly believe that humans were created by ETs by means of Genetic Engineering. Who else believes in this?

DrPOssumFreAK 4 Feb 8

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40 comments (26 - 40)

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Just like with the god hypothesis, show me proof, any proof. Not conjecture, real evidence. Otherwise, just another fairy-tale or conspiracy theory.


So you say... good for you. Believe what you must.


Its possible. My theory is the aliens are us in the future! If there are even aliens. I haven't seen one yet.

My wife Catharina has seen one. Me 😛


Why not? The Sumerian texts, written 2000 years before the Bible-yet tell the same stories, but with slightly changed names of characters, say so, even have carvings showing the (alien) Sumerians working in their labs to genetically engineer humans, and showing rockets and other spaceships in the background.
Their story makes more sense that than the Bible one, which seems to have been at least partially copied from theirs while the people of Israel were captives in Babylon.

The origins of human beings according to ancient Sumerian texts []?


I am amoungst those who see the connections and the evidence.


Humans come across as a failed experiment that was let off to run out its time. Humans or homo sapiens main flaw is it's enrapturing of fear. We climbed the evolutionary scale almost instantly (in universal time respectively). With that instant power as a predatory species came paranoia which made us unnecessarily vicious and unempathetic to our own as well as other species and will eventually lead us to our own demise. Compare ourselves to other predatory species which are much more relaxed, majestic even. They only kill when necessary. Yuval Noah Harari's book SAPIEN covers this nicely at the top of page 12. The point he makes and describes here is worth the price of the book alone.


Most likely some of the other patients in the hospital with you. James

Leon Level 5 Feb 9, 2018

I believe its one possible theory.


Nope. Not me.

What evidence leads you to this conclusion?


The reason you "believe" this is because there's no evidence to back it up. Once we have evidence, belief is no longer necessary. We don't "believe" the earth is round, the sun is 93 million miles away, it takes oxygen to breathe, water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit (giver or take depending on elevation)... those things are. We can see them, we can watch them work, and therefore, no belief necessary. To that end, I am very careful about what I "allow myself" to believe.


There's no evidence whatsoever to support the idea that ancient aliens exist, anymore than there is any evidence for the existence of any god.


Any and all 'evidence' I've seen for this claim has always been rife with misconceptions about history and biology. I'm not ruling out the possibility of such a thing COULD happen, but there is not real evidence for such a thing happening to us.

On the history front, people usually embellish ancient myths, or get them totally wrong out right. There have been plenty of archaeological hoaxes where they just straight up fudged and made up translations, especially with the infamous Sumerians. Some people like to work backwards from a conclusion, so they do everything in their power to find patterns that aren't there when you do some sleuthing beyond the borders of of that tiny pocket of history. There is also the issue of people taking old stories too literally instead of the religion/fiction of their time. We make up popular fiction and weird ass art all the time, why do people discard that notion when it comes to ancient cultures? The case of stuff like the bible having similar stories to much older stories is mainly a case of ripping off the older texts. Religions LOVE to plagiarize things and claim it for their own, look at what happened with Christianity and paganism.

I get even more annoyed on the genetic front. I am not a biologist, but I like looking into biology and genetics as a pass time, and usually get my information from people who are honest. This whole chromosome thing, junk DNA, our 'rapid' evolution nothing more than highly embellished or misunderstood information. Every living creature has plenty of non-coding DNA (the "junk" dna), it is a product of evolution as some genes will turn on and off based on environmental pressures and all that jazz. You can look at genomes of other animals and you'll see varying percentages of this "junk" DNA. When you look at taxonomy and the looooong evolutionary chain from LUCA to us, it's evident as to why DNA is just this tumbleweed of stuff. Besides, intelligent tinkering would probably look more intelligent than what out DNA looks like now. Chromosomes will fuse and break from time to time as well, and the number of chromosomes doesn't mean ANYTHING when it comes to how "advanced" a life form is, unless you wanna tell me a vegetable is more advanced than a human.

I mean I could go on and on, but this is easy stuff to look up provided people aren't gonna go all conspiracy theory. Aliens dicking around with our DNA is cool and all, but until real indisputable proof can be found, I'll stick with what we know to be true.


Well there was that film titled 2001 Odyssey.


Have you seen the movie Jupiter Ascending. It wasn't a great movie, but sort if entertaining as a sci-fi flick. Anyway, it has humans as aliens, but they "seed" other planets, Earth included, with humans and then harvest the humans to make a goo that can make the alien humans live almost forever barring some horrible physical trauma. Interesting theory...

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