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###blocking a god believer?

I came into this community for free enjoyable exchanges with reasonable folks who, like me, do not believe in religious mumbo-jumbo.
if you, as it happened to me now, would repeatedly stumble over someone's comments in regards to his/her belief in god & all the bs, would you rather block that person?

walklightly 8 Feb 8

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I've come across two. I had a brief exchange with them and it was actually nice and civil. They seem to have gone away on their own. Today, I did come across some mumbo-jumbo, but it wasn't religious.


If it happen to me I won't let that person bother me. There's no arguments on their side. They just have ignorance and "faith"... Don't even worry. It's not worth it. Here we are more...

yes, we are more; but if someone never gives up & keeps spouting their bs, it can get quite grating.


A tradition from the Bedouins: ask three times. First time: "all opinions are tolerated here...but please refrain from preaching". Second time: "thank you for sharing/asking...but would it offend you if I told you that I am not interested it your point of view". Third time: ignore button.


I block with no regrets and I don't need a whole lot of reasons.


This is not about a god believer but about a Karl Marx believer, who had read the Mao's Red Book (The Chinese Communistic Bible).
Last week some guy from overseas some guy insulted me first, but it appeared a misunderstanding and misconception. Influenced by people that fed him Marxist propaganda. After a good conversation he seemed to realize that he reacted based on that quit recent Marxist indoctrination. He seemed to be able to see things with more nuance. At the end he apologized for his insult and seemed much more realistic. I am aware that again I learned a lot.
When I get insulted by someone that is willing to start a conversation about it, I have no problem and will never block someone for that. Both can learn from such a conversation. That's the beauty of this site. People from different backgrounds start talking. I love it.

Gert Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

yes, i agree, & have no problem communicating with anyone who not only conveys his/her viewpoint in a rational & placid way, but equally is able & willing to listen to my truth.

@walklightly I could not say it clearer.


Yes, because I came and stayed here because people treat each-other respectfully, whatever is said. People don't have to agree with each other, but still stay respectful. I blocked someone called something something Spain, a level 7 member, that insulted me and kept teasing me after that, although it was clear enough that he had not read my reply at all, or he hated my reply and had no arguments. I'm very well capable of an argumentation or conversation with someone I don't agree with, and am not very sensitive for an incidental expression of disrespect, but he just tried to get to me in an unfair-, insulting- and offensive way repeatedly. I really hesitated, but in the end I reported him and blocked him.

Gert Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

thank you for your helpful viewpoint, Gert. might the one you blocked be GipsyOfNewSpain?

@walklightly Well, it was indeed somethingsomethingSpain. If it was a Gipsy, I leave that to your own fantasy 😉.


If you feel you must.... do it. You are here to be happy, not to be a target.


Tired of these sheep and their ego driven rants


As you stated, "...repeatedly stumble over someone's comments..." As long as they didn't "stumble over" you and blast you with all their "BS", my suggestion is to chill.


If they were posting annoying, unintelligent or troll bait questions, I would block them.

Hopee Level 2 Feb 8, 2018

Yes it comes to a point we’re an exchange of ideas and or beliefs becomes a laborious chore. The staunch believer, frustrated with constantly being destroyed and humiliated in theological debates, then become belligerent. I hate censorship. But censoring a god botherer is a natural reaction


If believers try to proselytize, I give them one warning. An ignored warning gets them blocked

Chump supporters are immediately blocked. There’s no turning them away from the dark side of the force.


I'd block religious people out of my life, if I could. Unfortunately, some of my family and most society are religious. I detest it.

Pmabz Level 3 Feb 10, 2018

reading through the previous comments on this post, and seeing the person was persistent, I would block. I don't know why people like that would join this site. God botherers.


Although I live in London, I’m Irish. Since I dumped the mambo jumbo recently is was a Roman Catholic. But this year I was forced into retirement because of my divorce and health. Until now however I was always so busy with work and business, but since I stopped and started reading Richard Dawkins and Company, my world has opened up. I’m a Professional Electrical Engineer and have a physics backgroung which allows me understand many technical items discussed and boy has my mind been opened. James

Leon Level 5 Feb 8, 2018

What gets me is - some of my friends got the best education in the world, but still go to mass etc?!


For me, blocking would be a good option.
I don't want to deal with any of that, specially here. So the Christians would get that too ?
They have everything else already. They have tons of religious sites that they can go mess with.


I'm pretty tolerant, but there is a point where I get tired of the mindless bullshit. I don't block people, but if they only post fairy tale nonsense, hateful garbage, and conservative propaganda, I will modify news feed so I don't see their crap.

JimG Level 8 Feb 8, 2018

examples of people I blocked recently:GrammarNazi that corrected some trivial point on someone else's post.I hate that and commented I understood what the poster said. HIs reply: I lacked a period at the end of a sentence. ANother guy that was worried about a law that might be passed that could cause men to be falsely accused of rape. THe proposed law was really weird and would probably go nowhere. He commented I was like the person that ignored it when they came for X group and did nothing until they came for me and there was no one to defend me. The most recent was someone that felt the US was being overwhelmed with waves of misandrists and demanded I prove that was not the case. Just not the fun experience I wanted.


Some people feel the need to try to "save us." Christians just need to worry about saving themselves!

JK666 Level 7 Feb 8, 2018

I wouldn't. But then I'm a militant debater, can't back down from an argument.

Sure as long both sides participate. Sometimes one doesn't.


I accept as always each and every person of Color, Race, Creed, Nationality and Sex irregardless of their beliefs be it Hindu, Zen, Buddist, Hebrew, Muslim or B'nai. If your a Fundamentalist then I do have a problem because there can be no conversation worth enjoying. American Religions for the most part left the conversation long ago and became a tax exempt haven for bigots who aided by Politicians thrives on racially divided beliefs for any lifestyle you care for. Its the size of the lawn rather the content of the service.


I am here for amusement and general interest that I enjoy. I don't usually block right away but if it starts to feel like there is a rock in my shoe I just block rather than argue with someone I would probably never want to meet in a standard social situation. Like moving to another room at a party


I think I know the guy and he may be in the closet, theologically speaking. Why else would he stay here?


I hear what your saying and I get it, a free exchange of idea with people of like minds can be an enjoyable experience. I do, however, feel that as long as the believer is not uncivil, it never hurts to allow into the conversation a theist perspective. There is one theist that is on quite a lot, and I have had many exchanges. He pushes apologetic nonsense, BUT he's not rude, or hostile. He just has his personal beliefs, and he wants to share them. If we draw a line and say to be in our club you must think as I do, we must also get rid of all the people who say I'm on the fence about God. I can also see a time where someone posted this same question for Trump supporters, and I dislike that position more than I do the theist position. I just think that if you do this you set a precedent that could, later on, damage the integrity of the community. I would instead recommend you just block him personally and allow him access to speak his mind.


I don't know. I like to argue rationally as long as there is something gained from it. But that isn't possible with some people in which case I kick them to the curb.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 8, 2018
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