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Do you have a nerdy side?

In High School, I never considered myself a nerd. Though, I did have some nerdy hobbies back then-- I also had some very non-nerdy hobbies. I had an eclectic set of friends from different social circles. Somehow, as an adult, I've become far more indoorsy and probably nerdier.

My nerdy side is shining stronger nowadays and includes a love for video games, board games, anime watching, Marvel movies, and an enjoyment for reading things longer than a Facebook post (LOL).

What is nerdy about you?

silvereyes 8 Feb 9

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41 comments (26 - 41)

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I am almost entirely composed of nerdy sides.
Pick a facet, I nerd it up.


I enjoy playing chess and reading philosophy. The original Tarzan novels were some of my favorite books.


Read a lot of fiction of all sorts. Started out in Engineering and ended up in Psychology. Watch Sci Fi etc.... Say "I don't know why I know this - but I do." several times a day. I think I'm a geek/nerd combo.


The real question should be, do I have a normal side?


I watched Lord of the Rings and liked it.


I got called supergeeky.


I'm a weather forecaster, so at work I am quite nerdy - looking at numbers all day, multispectral weather satellite images, RADAR, numerous predictive models in graphic form selecting the best solutions that match reality and my experience with such. It's fun getting paid to play with clouds.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 9, 2018

I collect stuff (fragrances, incense, police whistles, Chinese coins, ceramics) ... I enjoy coding (mainly PHP these days) ... and I work in a museum as an expert in the identification of very esoteric flies 😉


I'm a sucker for any DC animation. Am currently fluent in The Flash and Legends of Tomorrow. Need to catch up on Black Lightning.


I decided not to fight it. Its amazing how the same crowd of people I keep running into.


all of the above. do you read the Attack on Titan manga?

Marz Level 7 Feb 9, 2018

'A"' nerdy side? Only if you can say that a ball has only one side 😉
I'm a nerdy, geeky oddball all the way around, and that makes me happy!


Yes I find that I like many things others would find nerdy. I like to study the cosmos, geology,learn weird facts of life,study politics and what makes people do what they do.I just love any type of animals except snakes and bugs they give me the creeps having spent a lot of time in the jungle!


I consider myself a movie nerd, science news nerd, political news nerd, an NRL football nerd, an Oztag (flag NRL) nerd. Because I analyse e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g., I like to qualify what I say and especially so what I write - which I consider a nerdy thing to do.


I'm nerdy. I made a post about it awhile ago.

It's okay. I think it was last week I posted it?


On video games being nerdy-- designing them is nerdy. Playing them is not.

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